
Snake Charmer

THIS IS A Harry Potter FANFICTION. A girl who lives 3 lifetimes. He is her Destiny and She is his Doom. How long can a Gryffindor remain a Gryffindor?

LunaNightShade2023 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Four: FlashBack Cont.

Asteria rolled and groaned softly at the dull ache in her head. Slowly she peeled her eyes open. She sat straight up looking around frantically. She was not at Hogwarts and that Damn book had been a Port key! Why?! Where the hell was she anyway and what would someone want with her? She wasn't anyone important.

                                                                                    "Oh, my Merlin you look just like him." Asteria jumps at the sound of a woman's soft voice. She turns to see who it was and the woman was tall and thin. Her blonde hair was short and curly. Asteria glares at her.

                                                                                                     "Where am I? Where is my father." She Demands getting off the bed digging in her pocket for her want but it was gone. She mentally curses and looks around the room for something to defend herself with. The woman laughs a little.

                                                                               "I'm Queenie and I can take you to your papa now if you like." Asteria's chest tightens and she and began racing. Papa? Papa was here with her? Why? Asteria nods and follows closely behind Queenie as they made their way through this mansion.

                                                 "I said No!" Asteria flinched at the sound of a very angry male voice. It was almost familiar. But she couldn't place it. Queenie inclines her head before stepping aside. Asteria's eyes began to burn at the site of her papa. The same stark white hair and crystal blue yes stared back at her. His eyes softening at the site of her.

                                                                                                        "Bashta!"(Father) A sob broke through her throat as she ran to him. Grindelwald chuckles running his fingers through her long hair.

                                              "Zdravei, Dushte." (Hello Daughter.) Asteria clung to him tighter and inhaled his crispy scent. It reminded her of winter.

                                                                                                      "I have someone that I want you to meet." Asteria pulls away from Grindelwald a look of confusion about her. Grindelwald just gives her an encouraging smile.

                                            "Come." He wraps an arm around her shoulders and begins leading her through the mansion. This place was huge. Was this where he had been hiding. A sharp pain stabs Asteria in the chest and she staggers to take a breath. She knew this feeling. Something was in pain. She quietly let her Papa lead her to another bedroom where a dark haired boy sat with a huge snake at his feet.

                                          "Credence I'd like you to meet Asteria. Little Dove this is your cousin Credence." Asteria's head snaps toward her Papa and then back to the boy. Who was just staring at her in disbelief. The pain had returned. So he was the one in pain. Asteria took a step toward him. This boy. She had seen him before in her visions. Visions that she had neglected to tell her father. She feared her visions most of the time. It wasn't good things that she saw.

                                                                                                       "Obscurus?" She questioned softly as she approached the boy. Grindelwald smiled brightly. She was progressing in her magic.

                                        "Yes little dove." Asteria nods slowly stepping over the snake and sitting next to the boy who was looking at her in awe. She smiles warmly at him.

                                                                                                     "Hello Cred. May I see your hand please?" His dark eyes watched her carefully, but he held his hand out toward her, and as she gripped it a silver hue enveloped their hands. But, Credence relaxed under the warmth. Asteria beams realizing that she had eased his pain.

                                                                                                  "You're a Dumbledore too." She couldn't contain her excitement. But Credence yanked his hand back from her quickly. Grindelwald claps his hands together making them both jump.

                                     "Come children. It is time for dinner."

                             Asteria knew none of these people and it made her nervous not having her wand. She picked at her food aimlessly. Tom crossing her mind. Tom could use wandless magic. He could probably get out of this if he wanted too.

                                                                         "Who is Tom? He's quite handsome." Her ears burned as the sound of Queenie's timid voice. Asteria's head snapped up looking at her. Well, gwacking at her really.She cuts her eyes toward her Papa. He had stopped moving altogether and he slowly lifts his eyes to meet hers. Asteria gives him a nervous smile.

                                                "Tom is a boy?" He inquires looking at her fully now. Asteria looks down at her hands. Queenie had made it seem like it was someone that she fancied and that wasn't it! 

                                                                                                 'He's a friend from school Papa. That is all." Grindelwald arches an eyebrow at her.

                                                "Queenie?" Asteria narrows her eyes into a glare, throwing her walls up quickly. There was no way that she was going to read her mind again.

                                                                        "She's blocking me out." Credence snickers behind her and Grindelwald smirks.

                                        "Seems that he is more than a friend to you then." Asteria scoffs and shoves away from the table.

                                                                                       "Or I do not wish for a stranger to dig around through my mind! I shouldn't even be here!" Her voice raises catching Grindelwald off guard. When had she become so defiant? She storms away. It wasn't like she could get away even if she wanted to.

                      Two days had passed and Asteria was still ignoring her Papa. She was angry that he had asked Queenie to look into her mind in the first place. It was ridiculous. No wonder he and her Father werent together anymore. Asteria wraps her jacket it around herself tighter staring up at the sky as snow fell silently. She just wanted to go back home. The gate stood open. But her Papa knew that she wouldn't dare step outside of it.

                                               "Cousin?" Asteria sighs and turns toward Credence. She had been ignoring him too. She tilts her head at him curiously, he was holding a wand in one hand and stretching his free hand out toward her.

                                                                                                   "What are you doing Cred?" Credence smiles softly and takes her hand before apperating her. She stumbles back out with hold looking around. Hogwarts stood across the lake. She smiles breathlessly at it.

                                                     "Be safe little one." Asteria tilts her head at him before she could say anything he was gone again. 

                                       She walked back to the castle silently. Trying to figure out why Cred had just brought her home without a second thought. She mentally groans realizing what she was still wearing. It was a knee length long sleeved laced dress that hung to her knees. And it had been paired with a light blue leather jacket. She shakes her head walking across the bridge.

                                   Everything inside of her wanted to run to her Father. But she had to act normal. She had to keep her composure. Inhaling a deep breath she glances around, realizing that it was Christmas Day. A small smile pulled at her lips. Cred had given her a wonderful Christmas present.

                           Asteria made her way to The Gryffindor Tower. There were a few students that still remained. She stopped dead in her tracks remembering that Tom had seen what happened to her. Groaning loudly she spins around and goes the other direction. She didn't think that he would be worried about her. But she wanted to let him know that she was okay.

                      She took the stairs to the dungoen two at a time and narrowed her eyes at the Portrait of Salazar Slytherin. He scoffs lightly at her but opens up. She smirks and enters the Slytherin common room. Tom was sat at one of the sofa's reading.

                                                                                                         "Hey Tommy boy. You werent worried about me were you?" Tom's head shot up and then his body shot up as he stares at her with his neutral expression. But she could see the relief in his eyes. SO he was worried about her.

                                               "Don't call me that." He replies. Asteria tilts her head at him as she notices the dark circles under his eyes. A dull pain expands in her chest. He was....Holy crow Tom Riddle was worried about her.

                                                                                                     "I'm sorry. My Papa has a flare for the dramatics." She says offering a small guilty smile. Tom was already approaching her. A small gasp escapes her as he grabs the back of her head pulling her to his chest, dropping his chin on the top of her head. A smile broke free as she wraps her arms around his waist.

                                             "Do Not ever do that again." Tom whispers. He had never been afraid of anything in hi life. But the thought that she was gone, almost drove him to complete madness. This girl had a strange hold over him and he couldn't explain it. He didn't like but he couldn't stay away from her.

                                                             ****** ****** *******

                                              Albus stood from his desk, ready to sit with his daughter like he did everyday after the school day was done. The door to his classroom bursts open and Tom Riddle comes strolling in. Albus straightens and squares his shoulders, meeting the young man's icy gaze.

                                                  "Where is she Dumbledore." Albus's eyebrows raise at Tom. He couldn't seriously be taking that tone with him.

                 "Good day Mister Riddle." Albus gives him a friendly smile but Tom just glares at him.

                                                "I want to see Asteria. Where is she?" Albus clears his throat and glances down at his pocket watch.

              "She went abroad with my brother I am afraid." Tom growls and takes a step closer to Albus. Albus's eyes harden as he watches Tom. The boy had dark circles under his eyes and he looked tired. Had he been sleeping?

                                          "I will find her. And when I do she will not get away from me." The threat was clear. Albus knew then that he loved his daughter. Tom turns on his heels to leave the room. But Albus had to know.

            "Do you love my daughter?" Tom froze mid-step as his heart dropped into his stomach.

                                         "Disgustingly so." Albus looks down hiding his smile. Tom Riddle reminded him so much of Grindelwald.

            "Would you throw away your plans for her." Tom stiffened at the sudden question. He frowns slightly.

                                       "It's to late for that." He whispered before storming out of the room. Albus sighs heavily and shakes his head. Asteria loved him and he loved her, but not enough to leave the dark arts behind...All he could think was that it was He and Grindelwald all over again.

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