

"oh it sure feels good to be in LA" Diana said "it sure is" Selena said "look girls we are here exclusively for business to promote my beauty line and talk some sense into Williams" I said a black limousine was parked waiting for us we quickly entered to avoid the media people.

 We arrived at the LA mansion I sometimes forget how enchanting the place could be mom was waiting downstairs"my baby"she said standing up to greet me "unfortunately that baby is about getting married to a rumored gay mysterious guy" I said "I thought we did gone past that" mum said "no we haven't"I replied "Diana,Selena welcome"mum said shifting the attention to my friends to avoid any exchange with me "you girls should go and rest am sure you must be jet lagged from traveling" mum said as the servants took our bags to our rooms "by the way your father will be working late today don't bother waiting for him" mum said "seems like he is avoiding someone"I said with sarcasm in my tone "you tell him that young lady don't speak to me in such manner" mum said Diana and Selena dragged me up the stairs before I lost it 

 Immediately I heard a car driving up the driveway I stood up I perched myself on the balcony overseeing the large sitting room dad strolled looking stressed out I had the urge to run down the large stairs to give his a bear hug but I was mad "you came home really late today dad were you trying to avoid me" I said "Eva you are awake"dad said surprised "does that surprise you" I said coming down the large spiral staircase"baby can we talk tomorrow am stressed out " dad said"no dad why ? Why? Are you hurting me this much I thought I was your baby girl are you actually finally punishing me for not joining you at Apex"I said in tears"baby am not punishing you look we will talk about this tomorrow we have a meeting at Apex tomorrow with Mr Roshan we will talk more about this ok" dad said and hugged me

 I couldn't sleep much again I tossed and turned on my bed the night seemed like it didn't want to end I was finally able to sleep by 5:30 I woke up a few minutes past seven to a knock on my door Selena and Diana walked in after I said come in there were draped in robes and had towels wrapped around they hair 

 I quickly stood up to go have a shower making sure to use products from my new skincare and beauty line after my shower I proceeded to do my skin carei started with an EvaA BeaUtY water based cleanser then applied the EvaA BeaUtY toner after which I applied the face serum then applied the spot cream after which I applied my eye cream then applied the EvaA BeaUtY light face oil then applied morturizer before moving over to the heavier face oil then lastly the EvaA BeaUtY SPF "girl your skin is glowing" Selena said "too bad you don't want us to use your product first because you want IVY to use it first but it's ok we respect your decision" Diana said "I have the chaffeur send her the complete pack then hopefully this evening you girls will be the next" I said 'well it was about time"Selena said"common let's head down for breakfast am starving"Diana said handing me a robe

 Dad and mom were sitted at the table already "good morning Mr and Mrs Hampson"my friends said "good morning dad good morning mom" I said sitting at the table"we will be meeting with Mr Edwards by one so prepare" dad said as I was about pouring myself tea causing my hands to be shaky which led me to spill tea on my hands"ouch!!!" I screamed douching my hand in a bowl of cold water "are you ok" everyone at the table asked at the same time "am fine" I said staring at my mildly scalded fingers "that doesn't look good" dad said and beckoned to a servant nearby "get doctor Philip tell him it's a mild scalding"dad said and the servant rushed out "I said am fine dad you don't need to make a fuss of it" I said and continued my breakfast by the time breakfast was over I was sitted on a cushioned sofa beside the French windows draped in the finest silk curtains having my wound attended to Selena and Diana beside me"this should heal with no time leaving no scar behind" he said as he applied ointment on the wound afterwards he handed me the ointment "apply three times a day" he said packing his bag"by the way miss I heard you are getting married congratulations" he said and quickly left before I could say anything I turned towards Selena and Diana and found them with grins on they faces they couldn't put restraints on their laughter and ended up laughing so loudly"it's not funny "I said really pissed off and turned to go to my room, Selena and Diana quickly tagged along sensing I was mad the servants we passed seemed to look at me in awe I saw admiration too.

 By 12:30 I was dressed up in a black knee length flair dress I wore a pair of black elbow length silk gloves then acessoriesd with pearl accessories then a pair of heels and a black Hermes bag 

Dad and mum were waiting for me downstairs we left together for Apex as expected paparazzi surrounded us but our lips were sealed

 Uncle Wilson was already seated the stupid groom was nowhere to be found I went to greet uncle Wilson reluctantly because he was still part of the little scheme at exactly 1:30 the son of a bitch came in he moved to greet dad,mum and uncle Wilson" hello beautiful"he said when he sat down beside me I ignored him

 "This marriage is going to last for just a year I need it to stall time to find a permanent solution" "oh please you are a narcissist how dare you intrude into my Life that way"I said angrily "or I withdraw from the HAMPSON group and other companies follows suit"he said without a care I saw dad and uncle Wilson face turn pale meaning he had as much influence the future of our family business relied on me "fine I will do it but just for a year i won't stay longer" I said and saw the relief on my parents and uncles face "sign the contract" he said passing a sheet of paper to me "the court marriage holds tomorrow by 10 I will pick you up by 9:30" he said as I signed the paper "what!!!!! That's too soon" I said "I know" he said "I think I can come on my own to the court"I said "we have to make this marriage look real as possible if not the public will ask questions" he said

 "Thank you"uncle Wilson said hugging me"it's ok uncle" I said and pulled away I turned to see Roshan he beckoned on me to come over I walked over to him,he was really handsome he has the most beautiful facial features I had ever seen in a man "my lady isn't the weather too hot to be putting on gloves" He said "how ironic that I had injured my hands at the mere mention of your name" I said and saw amusement in his eyes "am happy that I have that much influence on you"he said grinning "you dimwit"I said infuriated at his audacity "that is know way to address your husband"he said "oh please you and I both know that this is asl sham to fool the public you are fucking gay" I said "it may surprise you to know that I am not gay it's just an assumption made by people because of my refusal to be seen with any woman and you my darling has just made history"he said "oh please don't flatter yourself this marriage is just for a year" I said"oh we will see about that"he said as I walked away the guy was intimidating and matched up to me

 "So how did it go"Selena asked "am getting married tomorrow"I said falling on my bed "OMG am so happy for you"Diana said and me and Selena turned to stare at her surprised this girl always seemed to annoy me "common just act it you never can tell the marriage may work out" Diana said "it's just a year contract"so what are you going to wear" Selena asked"I don't know"I said "whatever you do the public should not know that the marriage is fake"Selena said.