

"I did an extensive research on the girl turns out her name is Eva HAMPSON first child of William HAMPSON and niece to Wilson HAMPSON president of the HAMPSON group where our company is a major shareholder miss Hampson is a model in Britain and holds a degree in law she will be launching a beauty brand soon and her own fashion line" Dave said "how iconic such an entrepreneur i will put a call to Mr Williams we go way back this should be a great business proposal to discuss on Dave prepare we will be leaving for the states in the next one hour 


 "Girl this is really big how can you be launching EvvA BeAutY in 2 weeks and we your .girls are just getting to know about it"Diana said feigning annoyance " common at least I told you girls" I said "don't you think you are kind of late on advertising your brand on social media" Selena said "I think so too my team is already working on it we will be having shoots for my makeup and skincare products" "your mom would be so proud of you " Diana said"we just need a strategy to get the eyes of the public more on you " Selena said "like a scandal"Diana said laughing" we don't need that kind of attention from the public " I said laughing.


 "Sis am so proud of you"ivy said through the phone"thank you it was about time you know how's school Dylan called me earlier he said something about you making Waves you will tell me about it later am going to be extra busy this period in case am not available for Skype" "I understand sis just make sure am the first to get the new EvaA BeaUtY package" "don't worry I will be in the states next week I will get a package for you specially bye" i said and ended the call and started going through social media I found a post related to Apex chambers it was captioned Apex gets a visit from Britain's biggest CEO Roshan Edwards we see something big cooking that's were I know that face he is Hampson group biggest shareholder so he was the jerk from last night.

Few minutes later dad called me "hello daddy how are you doing" "ah Eva am doing great I heard from your mother that your beauty line launches in a few weeks am so proud of you even if you left me alone at Apex" "thanks Dad I really appreciate it" I said "Roshan Edwards told me he bumped into you a few nights ago' "yes Dad I didn't even realize it was him such a jerk" "you shouldn't refer to your soon to be husband that way" "whattttt! Dad you have got to be kidding me" "am serious Eva he visited me today at the law firm I know you won't like this but he threatened to withdraw his shares from our company you know his a major shareholder" "dad there is no way you are getting me on an arranged marriage you are not even president why now Wilson gives out his own daughter" "Eva baby I no this is going to be hard but from what he proposed the marriage should just last a year he just wants to get his mom and the board members of his company of his back" "how does that concern me Eva Brenda Hampson look Dad as much as this may seem like a good idea to you I don't see it that way am a fucking rich 22 year old millionaire trying to mind my own business" "look baby I want the best for you Roshans father was a very close friend of no until his death I take Roshan as my son" "and am your fucking biological daughter" "when you get back to the states next week we will talk on this more I love you baby" "well I don't" I said an angrily ended the call I picked up the glass beside me and threw it against the wall and screamed so loudly I needed to clear my head before I lost my sanity.

 I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache I checked my phone I had missed calls from Selena Diana,mom and Dylan i quickly dialed Selena's number "hold on let me add Diana"she said when she picked up "holy shit girl you didn't tell us you were getting married"Diana said "how did you know" "well the soon to be husband realeased a press statement this morning about it" Selena said "hold crap my life is a mess"I said "wait to don't want to marry him"Selena asked "hell no daddy said the marriage is a contract how can I Eva be in a contract marriage" "I thought things only happened in movies well look on the brighter side this could be the public attention you need for your brand launch Eva HAMPSON getting married to the richest guy in Britain" Diana said "Diana you don't have to joke about everything'" I said "have you talked with your mom ", Selena asked"no"I replied"look girls I will meet you at the studio for the shoot we will talk in detail after that"

 The black Mercedes parked outside the studio they was alot of press outside I wasn't surprised the bodyguards made away for us to pass through "miss Hampson we hear you are getting married to Roshan Edwards how did you two meet" "miss Hampson I heard the marriage is a publicity stunt for your beauty line launching on September 28th" "miss Hampson is Mr Edward actually gay" "when is the marriage" " miss Hampson why are you getting married so early" "miss Hampson how long have you two been engaged" I remained silent ignoring the questions from the press as I walked towards the studio 

 It was noon by the time we were done with the shoot,we went to a five star restaurant to have lunch as we drove in the car a call from my mom came in "my baby how are you" mum asked over the phone "mum you know am not fine" "baby I know you aren't happy with the sudden marriage but your dad had already agreed to it look baby this marriage is something to help Roshan your father owes him alot just look at it as compensating your dad when you left the law profession" "mum are you listening to yourself right now you are the least person I expect to hear this from" I said close to tears"am sorry baby do this for your dad" "I don't want to get married so early mum this isn't how I planned my life" "baby you have to understand that sometimes things don't always go as planned"mum said"bye mom this isn't helping at all" I said and ended the call I Never hang up first I broke down immediately "don't cry it's going to be alright" Selena said "yh don't cry we are here for you" Diana said "thanks girls" I said feeling a bit relieved

 After lunch we went back to my place for lunch Selena and Diana didn't feel ok leaving me alone so they stayed with me 

 "Why don't we do a research on this guy" Diana said "on it" Selena said reaching for my laptop and pressed a few buttons she was the tech wizard amongst all of us "ok there isn't much on the internet about this guy" Selena said "sounds like a serial killer to me"I said rolling my eyes "why would someone just wake up one day and decide to get married so you two know each other previously"Diana asked "that reminds me I ran into him at the hotel we went clubbing the last time" I said " so it was love at first sight"Diana said "doesn't look like love to me just trying to use me for his benefits his a narcissist trying to use me to achieve a high end goal to my disadvantage"I said " well you can still benefit from it your new line launch will get all the media attention in the world" Diana said "I will take a scandal anytime instead of this Selena what did you find on him" I said "well my sources said Roshan is the son of Raymond Edwards now late and madame Edwards roselyn he took over the helms of Ed group at a very young age under the supervision of his strict mother and uncle Charles Edward under his leadership he made the Ed group the leading company in modern day technology he is also the owner of several hotels he is Britain's most powerful CEO and youngest billionaire he was given an award by the queen two years ago

Born July 23rd he is currently 27 years old he is rumoured to be gay..." "Just stop I have heard enough " I said interrupting Selena"do you girls have a week to spare"I said"yh I told daddy I won't be at the company for awhile " Selena said"am on my leave why are you asking " Diana said "we are leaving for the states in two days" I said.