
Small Excerpts of Mine

There's a reason I haven't uploaded anything guys, it's mainly because I've written so many different stories and I don't know which ones to stick to. I thought that maybe uploading them here might give me the impetus to write specific one/ones if I know what my readers wanna see. Let me know which one you like and I'll post an update when I come to a decision. If you have any other ideas though, also let me know in the comments. if you wanna actually continue one of these stories, please let me know and we can discuss ideas/beta-reading, etc. and maybe actually start a community of writers together.

God_Of_Null · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

The Boys: Tai Lung

The spirit realm was a place of endless tranquillity and boundless golden energy, where time seemed to stand still and the echoes of the past whispered through the ether. Among these ethereal currents, a snow leopard was sitting cross-legged on a free-floating rock, his eyes closed in deep meditation.

"That panda... I really was defeated by the one technique I was never allowed to learn..." Tai Lung's voice, filled with regret and bitter acceptance, resonated softly in the stillness. "All those years of training, the relentless pursuit of power, and yet it was a Chi reflection technique that eluded me, the simplest yet most profound technique."

His mind wandered through the memories of his past, the vivid images of his intense training under Master Shifu, the day he was denied the Dragon Scroll and the rampage that followed. He could still feel the crushing weight of disappointment and rage, emotions that had driven him to the edge of madness. Yet, here in the spirit realm, those feelings seemed distant, as if belonging to another lifetime.

"I was blinded by my own ambition and rage" he continued, his tone reflective. "I thought strength alone would make me invincible. But with where the panda has sent me I can at least appreciate this serenity, something I could never grasp. The Dragon Scroll was empty, just a reflection, and in that reflection, I saw the void within myself, that was why I was in a rage."

As he spoke, the golden energy around him seemed to pulse gently, responding to his introspective thoughts. "Master Shifu tried to teach me, to guide me towards balance, but I was too consumed by my own desires without taking in the entire picture. Even in defeat, I struggled to understand how exactly the panda managed to learn that technique. But now... perhaps there is wisdom to be found in my failures."

Tai Lung opened his eyes, gazing into the endless expanse of the spirit realm before a little bit of enlightenment graced his mind,

"His physique. The Panda Physique. Bounce. Ripple. Reflect. Applied to a micro level... to Chi itself."

Abruptly opening his eyes, Tai Lung got into a martial position, his body instinctively assuming the stance he had perfected through countless hours of training. His hands slowly raised, palms facing outward, as he began to focus on his Chi, the life energy flowing within him.

"Bounce... Ripple... Reflect..." he murmured, the words a mantra that resonated with his newfound understanding.

As he concentrated, he could feel the Chi responding, swirling within him like a river of power. Unlike the panda, he did not have much fat on his body to disperse force so he came up with a different idea.

Constantly tensing his muscles and relaxing them in a rhythmic pattern, he echoed the movements he had observed in Po. The panda's unorthodox fighting style had once seemed ludicrous to him, but now, in this moment of clarity, Tai Lung began to see its hidden genius.

He felt his Chi flow through his limbs, amplifying his strength and precision. His body moved with a grace and fluidity that belied his formidable power. With each motion, he could sense the energy bouncing, rippling, and reflecting within him, just as he had seen in the panda's technique.

Tai Lung took a deep breath, his senses attuning to his surroundings. The forest was alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant creatures, a vibrant contrast to the silent serenity of the spirit realm. He felt the ground beneath his feet, solid and real, anchoring him to this new world.

For the first time in a long while, he felt a flicker of hope.

"Now let's see if we can reverse the finger..."

Lung placed his hand out, his pinky finger not raised. With a final reverberation of his Chi, he raised his pinky finger.


A massive shockwave erupted from his raised finger, ripping open a swirling maelstrom of light and shadows in front of him, its energy a chaotic mix of golden and dark blue hues. The force of the shockwave was immense, sending Tai Lung stumbling back, eyes wide with astonishment.

The force of his Chi explosion shook the very ground beneath him. He had watched on as his blue chi continued onwards ripping through the picturesque scenery of the spirit realm, earth, water, and trees, nothing was left in the wake of the remnant shockwave. The reverberation of energy echoed through not only the spirit realm, a testament to the sheer power contained within that smallest motion.

The vortex crackled with otherworldly power, its pull irresistible. The tranquillity of the spirit realm had been shattered, its energies now spiralling into this new rift. Tai Lung felt an intense pressure building, resonating with something deep within him, a call to action, a beckoning.

"What's happening?" he muttered, muscles tensing instinctively. The vortex's energy was unlike anything he had encountered before, a raw, unfiltered force that tugged at his very essence.

Without hesitation, Tai Lung stepped confidently towards the vortex, a mix of curiosity and determination in his eyes. "Perhaps this is my chance. A chance to redefine my destiny."

As he approached, the vortex's pull grew stronger, enveloping him in its swirling chaos. The vortex dissolved into a whirl of light and shadows, and Tai Lung felt his very soul being torn from one reality to another.


Aaah, so he truly achieved it?" An aged tortoise spoke out loud to no one in particular, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom. Master Oogway sat serenely on a floating rock in the spirit realm, the golden energy around him pulsing gently in response to his thoughts.

Before long, his eyes narrowed as he noticed the great disturbance in the spirit realm, a swirling vortex of light and shadow ripping through the tranquillity. The once peaceful ether was now disrupted by a force of unimaginable power.

"No... He improved and derived something new from it..." Oogway's voice grew solemn as he observed the phenomenon. "Shifu, your son was truly trained to be the Dragon Warrior... but regrettably, it was not to be."

The venerable tortoise gazed into the heart of the vortex, sensing the powerful, refined Chi energy that had been unleashed. Tai Lung's efforts had replicated and evolved the technique, creating something entirely new.

"Tai Lung," Oogway whispered his tone a mixture of regret and hope. "You have always been capable of greatness, yet your heart was clouded by ambition. Perhaps this new journey will offer you the chance to find true balance and redemption."

As Oogway waved his hand, its chaotic energy began to smooth, closing the bridge between the two realities. The tortoise's eyes softened as he no longer sensed Lung's presence, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and anticipation.

"May you find the peace and purpose you seek," Oogway murmured, his gaze following Tai Lung's passage into the new world. "And may you discover that true strength lies not in power and ambition alone, but in the harmony of mind, body, and spirit."

With a final, thoughtful sigh, Oogway closed his eyes and resumed his meditation, the golden energy of the spirit realm slowly returning to its tranquil state. The disturbance had passed, but the ripples of his impact would be felt across dimensions.


Amid the dark, cobblestone alleys of London, life persisted in harsh, unforgiving conditions. The fog hung heavy in the air, mingling with the smoke from factories and the stench of overcrowded tenements. In a cramped, dimly lit room, A woman lay on a worn-out bed, sweat glistening on her brow despite the chill that seeped through the thin walls.

Elizabeth was a woman of resilience, known to the streets as one of the many unfortunate souls forced into prostitution to survive. The hardships of Victorian London had not been kind to her, but she carried a quiet strength, a determination to live on despite the relentless grind of poverty and societal disdain.

On this cold, unremarkable night in 1875, her cries of pain and effort echoed softly against the peeling wallpaper as she laboured to bring new life into the world. The midwife, an older woman with a stern but compassionate demeanour, moved efficiently despite the lack of proper tools and sanitary conditions. Her hands were quick and practised, bringing some measure of comfort and assurance to the woman.

With a final, exhausted push, the room was filled with the sharp cry of a newborn. Elizabeth's eyes, weary yet filled with an undeniable spark of hope, focused on the wriggling infant in her arms. She whispered a name,

"Vik, Viktor Liang," she breathed, cradling her son close to her chest. The midwife nodded. The baby boy, his tiny hands clutching instinctively at her, seemed almost out of place in this bleak setting. His birth was a stark contrast to the squalor and struggle surrounding them. Despite the dire conditions, Elizabeth vowed silently to give her son a better life.

Opening his hazel eyes, Tai Lung was surprised at the place he found himself in. "Why am I so small? Please don't tell me I've become like Shifu..." he thought, the realization of his reincarnation slowly dawning on him.

However, only baby sounds and gargles seemed to come out of his mouth. Hearing this, Lung suddenly got concerned and shifted his focus down to his arms and hands.

"F...Five Fingers?!" He panicked internally. "And furless?! what abomination have I become?"

His infant body, uncoordinated and weak, was a far cry from the powerful form he once knew. The sense of helplessness was overwhelming.

Looking back up at the face that was smiling at him, he noted her features: soft, tired eyes filled with warmth and hope, framed by tendrils of dark hair. Her smile, though weary, was genuine and full of love.

Despite his confusion and panic, a sense of calm washed over him as he felt the warmth of her embrace. The unfamiliar, yet comforting sensation of being held started to ease some of the anxiety.

"Is this... my new mother?" Tai Lung wondered, feeling a strange mix of emotions. The warmth of her embrace and the gentle rhythm of her heartbeat were soothing, despite the chaos of his reincarnation.

Elizabeth gazed down at her newborn son, her heart swelling with a fierce determination. "We'll make it through this, Viktor," she whispered, kissing his forehead. "I'll give you the life you deserve."

At that moment, Tai Lung—now Viktor Liang—felt an unfamiliar sense of security and love.


A few days later,

'So I'm a "human", whatever that is. It seems like some sort of ape going by their hair and posture. I mean it's only natural to conclude that after the midwife said that my eyes weren't those of a human.' Viktor considered with reddened cheeks as he was suckling on his mother's tit, 'But this really is embarrassing having to do this again...'

Elizabeth looked down at her son with a smile and began stroking his head,

"Drink my beautiful Viktor, this is what's going to make you strong when you grow up..."

The rest of that afternoon, he was left to his own devices in his crib. He lay there, his mind racing despite his infant body.

'It's bizarre, being aware like this,' he mused. 'I have all this knowledge from... before, yet now I'm trapped in a baby's body. What a strange twist of fate.'

He looked around the room, taking in the dilapidated pastel colours and chipped wooden toys scattered about.

'Whatever I decide to do about my future can be left till later,' Viktor thought as he lay in his crib. 'Firstly, I have to improve our living conditions. For that, I'm going to have to progress further with my chi in this life.'

Closing his eyes, he focused inward, searching for his chi. In his previous life, his control over chi had been spectacular, a skill honed over years of training. Now, in this new body, he needed to regain that level of control.

At first, there was nothing but the darkness behind his eyelids and the rhythmic beating of his tiny heart. He concentrated harder, pushing past the regular sensations of his infant body. Slowly, he began to feel it—a familiar warmth, a moderate current of energy flowing within him. It was quiet, but it was there.

'There it is,' he thought, excitement bubbling up inside him. 'My chi.'

Focusing on that warmth, he began to guide it, directing its flow with his will. To his surprise, the chi responded more readily than it ever had before. The pool of energy within him felt large, nearing the size he had attained in his previous life. He concentrated, shaping and controlling it, feeling the power coursing through his tiny form.

Minutes turned into hours as he lay there, his small body still and quiet while his mind worked tirelessly to manipulate the flow of energy within him. Checking each inch of his body, and evaluating his own potential. By the time Elizabeth came to check on him again, the sun had long ago set, casting the room in twilight. She found him lying calmly in his crib, eyes closed and a look of deep concentration on his face.

"Are you dreaming, my little one?" she whispered, gently touching his cheek. Viktor opened his eyes and looked up at her, his thoughts still focused on the warmth he saw in her eyes.

As the days turned into weeks, Viktor noticed a very peculiar thing about his mother. She was always away during the night, sometimes coming back from wherever she was with her makeup running down her face, her eyes red from tears or exhaustion.

'My mother might be working in a pleasure house,' Viktor thought, the realization hitting him with a mix of concern and determination.

During the day, she was a loving and attentive mother, always ensuring Viktor was well-fed and comfortable. But as evening approached, her demeanour would shift slightly, a veil of sadness and weariness clouding her features. She would dress up, apply her makeup meticulously, and leave their small, modest home, only to return in the early hours of the morning looking worn and defeated.

Viktor's heart ached for her. He knew that whatever she was doing, it wasn't by choice but by necessity. She was sacrificing her well-being for his sake, and that knowledge only fueled his determination to improve their circumstances.

One evening, as his mother prepared to leave, Viktor watched her closely. She paused by his crib, her expression softening as she looked down at him.

"Be good, my sweet boy," she whispered, bending down to kiss his forehead. "I'll be back before you wake up."

As she turned to leave, Viktor reached out with his tiny hand, grabbing hold of her finger. Elizabeth looked back, surprised by the strength in his grip.

"I can't stand this," he thought, wishing he could speak the words out loud. "I'll make things better for us. Just hold on a little longer."

Elizabeth smiled weakly, gently prying her finger from his grasp. "Sleep well, Viktor," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness.

As the door closed behind her, Viktor lay back in his crib, his mind racing with plans and possibilities.


Thirteen years later.


In an abandoned warehouse at the edge of the Thames, the cold air echoed with the whispers of the night. The shadows of the dilapidated structure barely concealed the small figures moving within it. Among the children gathered, one stood out—a tall boy with black hair and piercing hazel eyes.

"So, Mantis, what do you have for me today?" the tall boy asked, his voice commanding despite his youth.

A smaller kid stepped forward from the group, his ragged clothes barely clinging to his thin frame. Despite their harsh surroundings, the children's faces were lit with admiration as they looked at the taller boy.

"One of my lads noted an upper-middle-class woman wearing a pearl necklace and an expensive purse. He reported back, an' we foun' out that she was widowed from her lordly husband. She lives in central, boss, a lovely large mansion estate," Albert described, his voice steady despite the tension in the room. Moving over, he gave a piece of paper to the taller kid.

Viktor nodded as he looked down at the rough drawing of the place, the gears in his mind already turning. An enticing opportunity indeed.

"Alright, boys, wrap it up. It seems the Five are out to feast tomorrow night," Viktor said, a confident grin spreading across his face as he turned to walk away, "As always, be at the marked location on the paper thirty minutes before our usual strike time for a final scope out of the place."

The group of children nodded as they dispersed quickly, their excitement palpable. They had their orders, and they knew better than to question Viktor's leadership. As they prepared for the night's venture, Viktor's mind raced with thoughts of strategy and execution. The Five, his most trusted lieutenants, weren't amateurs as he had been training them personally for the last couple of years.

As he exited the warehouse, the cool night air hit his face. Viktor sighed as his thoughts wandered to what he had been doing these last few years.

He had been training in his martial arts since he could walk, teaching his new body all of the movements of his signature styles from his last life. However, when he noticed that his mother began buying less and less food, he realised it had become dire.

See, in the beginning, it had been purely about survival. He had used his skills to steal food and water, always one step ahead of the authorities. It always had his mother confused, although she seemed to have some sort of clue that he was involved with it. Eventually, it pivoted into stealing rarely some precious things from the high class.

One night though, as he was hiding from the police, he was noticed by some orphans living in the alleyway he had hidden in. This led to him having gathered a group of loyal followers and other street children who recognized his leadership and respected his abilities, 'The Five'. Together, they had formed a tight-knit gang, executing small heists and scams to make ends meet. Viktor had taught them to be smart, to use their wits and their strengths to survive.

Utilising this though, Viktor realised how much the children were suffering in this city. With a promise of food, water and shelter, he began employing them as his eyes and ears in the city. Originally this hadn't been his plan. He was going to grow older and simply sell some Chi healing to the rich and powerful, however, desperation makes people carry out certain actions.

Lost in thought, Viktor almost missed the subtle shift in the air around him. His heightened senses, honed through years of chi training, alerted him to a presence staring at him. Glancing around, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the shadows below and above. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in front of him, but he remained vigilant. In this world, complacency could be fatal.

His gaze shifted upwards to the rooftops, where he caught the faintest movement. Viktor's eyes narrowed further, his instincts sharpening. Whoever was up there was skilled, but not enough to completely evade his notice. His muscles tensed, ready to react to any threat

Fortunately for the person watching him, they made the smart move and decided to disengage from spying on the child.

"Stealth was never my fuckin' strong suit... What a scary kid..." the observer muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible even in the quiet of the night.

Viktor's lips curled into a grim smile when he noted that his pursuer wasn't going to continue. Resuming his walk back home, his mind raced with new reflections.


"Honey, I'm home," Viktor called out as he stepped into the dimly lit apartment.

Silence greeted him, as always. He let out a soft sigh with a laugh. It was always like this—always an empty house. He had figured out his mother's working pattern and would always come home an hour before she returned from work.

Looking at the drab curtains and peeling wallpaper, Viktor shook his head, "I'm so close..."

The apartment was a far cry from the life he envisioned for them. He walked over to a small table where a few worn books and scattered papers lay. They were his lifeline, remnants of his previous life and new knowledge he had gathered. He picked up one of the books that he had managed to get his hands on,

"On the Origin of Species... I guess this will be my read for tonight."

Flicking through the pages of the book as he sat at the table, he circulated his chi - focusing a larger portion of his chi on his brain. This allowed him to read the book rather quickly, committing it to memory by the third read-through. As he absorbed the intricate details of Darwin's theories, he couldn't help but marvel at the complexity and beauty of the natural world. As he absorbed the intricate details of Darwin's theories, he couldn't help but marvel at the complexity and beauty of the natural world.

As he finished the final chapter, Viktor closed the book and set it aside. His mind buzzed with new insights and ideas. He stood up and stretched, feeling the familiar tingle of his chi coursing through his body,

"I guess I was right in thinking that the human species is related to apes somewhere down the line."

Viktor's gaze shifted to the small, tattered mirror on the wall. His reflection stared back at him, a mix of determination and weariness etched on his young face. He had come a long way, but there was still much to do. However, he still felt a slight dissonance between the face that looked back at him and his true identity.

'They call me Viktor but...truly, I am still Tai Lung. But this is my new life, sooner or later, I will come to accept it. I guess it's simply a matter of time.'

He took a deep breath and turned away from the mirror. The apartment was quiet, save for the faint sounds of the city outside. He began his nightly routine of exercises and meditation, going through the motions of his signature leopard style. The rest of the hour slipped by, and soon it was time for his mother to return.

Washing up and getting into his nightwear, Viktor slipped into bed. With a practised ease, he focused his chi, using it to calm his mind and body, accelerating the process of falling asleep. The soothing warmth of his chi enveloped him, easing the tension from his muscles and quieting his racing thoughts.


Elizabeth entered the dimly lit apartment, her steps heavy with exhaustion. She moved through the small living space with the practised silence of someone who had done this many times before.

However, tonight was different. The weight of her burdens had finally become too much to bear. She made her way to Viktor's room, pausing at the door. The soft moonlight filtering through the window cast gentle shadows across the room, illuminating her son's peaceful face. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at him.

Unable to hold back any longer, Elizabeth walked over to Viktor's bed and sank to her knees beside it. She buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. The sound of her muffled cries filled the small room, a heartbreaking testament to the pain she had been carrying alone.

"Viktor," she whispered through her tears, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm so sorry, my darling boy. I wish I could give you a better life, a life free from all this suffering."

She reached out, her fingers gently brushing against his cheek. Viktor stirred again, his eyelids fluttering as he was pulled from the depths of sleep by the sound of his mother's anguish. He opened his eyes to see Elizabeth's tear-streaked face inches from his own.

"Mum?" he mumbled, still groggy but instantly alert at the sight of her distress. "What's wrong?"

Elizabeth tried to compose herself, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry, Viktor. I didn't mean to wake you."

Viktor sat up, his concern overriding his need for rest. He reached out and took his mother's hand in his own. "Mum, you can tell me. What's going on?"

Elizabeth looked at her son, the depth of her sorrow and love for him evident in her eyes. "It's just... everything. Life has been so hard, and I feel like I'm failing you. I want to give you the world, but all I can manage is this tiny, crumbling apartment."

Viktor squeezed her hand, his heart aching for her. "You're not failing me, Mum. You're doing everything you can. And I'm going to make things better for us, I promise. Hey, you remember how you said you wanted to go to America?"

She smiled through her tears and nodded, her expression a mixture of pride and sadness.

"Well, I wanted it to be a secret but... We'll be going next week, Mum."

Shock spread across her face, her eyes widening in disbelief. "What? Viktor, how... how is that possible?"

Viktor grinned a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I've been saving up and making some plans. It's not going to be easy, but we can do it. We deserve a fresh start, a new life."

Elizabeth shook her head, still trying to process what she was hearing. "But... the money, the arrangements... How did you manage all this?"

"Don't worry about that," Viktor said, squeezing her hand again. "I've taken care of everything. I've been working extra jobs and saving every penny. I even talked to Mr Thompson down the street; he used to work for a travel agency and helped me get everything sorted-"

Shaking her head, his mother stopped him, her eyes searching his face, "I meant the truth, son. Please, you know what I do to make ends meet, so please. Please just give me the truth on how you've done it."

Viktor's confident smile faltered for a moment, and he sighed, he couldn't lie to her. Not to his own mother.

Closing his eyes, he channelled some of the ambient chi into his palm, and then into his mother, reinvigorating her.

Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock. "Th—This is why I've been waking up every morning in that perfect state?" she whispered, a mixture of awe and confusion in her voice.

Viktor nodded. "Yes, Mum. I've been using this energy, called Chi, to heal you while you sleep. I wanted to make sure you were okay, and that you had the strength to get through each day. It's... it's something I learned to do. And it's how I've been able to earn the money we need."

Elizabeth stared at him, tears welling up in her eyes again. "But how, Viktor? How did you learn to do this? This isn't something a normal boy can do."

Viktor took a deep breath. "It's... complicated. I've always been different, Mum. Ever since I was a baby, I felt this energy inside me, and over time, I learned how to control it. It's what makes me strong, and it's what helps me protect you. It's the reason why you can walk home safely at night. "

Elizabeth's expression softened, and she cupped his face in her hands. "You're special, Viktor. More than I ever realised. But promise me, promise me you'll be careful. I can't lose you. I won't ask for the specifics of what you do with it since you never asked to know about mine. Just please, stay safe."

"I promise Mum," Viktor said, his voice firm. "I've been careful so far, and I'll continue to be. We're almost there. Just a little longer, and we'll be free from all this."

She nodded, hugging him tightly, her previous concerns seemingly fading away, "I believe in you, Viktor. And I'm so, so proud of you son. We'll make it to America, and we'll start fresh. Together."

Viktor held her close, feeling a renewed sense of determination. He would do whatever it took to protect his mother and give them both a better life. As he lay back down to fall back asleep, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders, knowing that his mother now understood and accepted the truth.