After the fall of Voldemort, Rogue Death Eaters that have escaped the noose and Azkaban have targeted The Golden Trio, The Malfoys, and a certain Potions Professor. In the ensuing mayhem, Severus Snape was badly injured and defenseless against a future attack. Enter Albus Dumbledore with a plan to keep The Potions Master safe, meanwhile a new student has arrived at Hogwarts.
The Sitting Room, Malfoy Manor, Muggle World....
Hermione sat quietly and sipped her tea in a seat across from Narcissa. She could tell that the older witch was sizing her up in a way. It seemed the older witch was curious as to why Snape had instructed Draco to bring her and Austin with to Malfoy Manor. As they quietly sipped their tea Narcissa broke the silence more out of need to settle her nerves. Hermione had not been prepared for what she was about to say in the least. The older witch looked in her direction. Her dark eyes meeting the amber ones of the bushy haired witch.
"So how long has he been bedding you?" she asked as if it were a casual thing to say.
"Excuse me?" asked Hermione more than a little shocked by her words.
"I asked you how long Severus has been bedding you." replied Narcissa casually. "It's plain to see that he fancies wouldn't be here otherwise."
Hermione tried to get over her shock long enough to compose herself.
"What makes you think..." she stared.
"Oh come now darling, there's no need to play bashful with me." said Narcissa. "It's just us women for the moment...and you look as if you could positively burst from worry over him."
"I-I don't see how anything that goes on between Severus and I is any of your business." said Hermione.
Narcissa smiled more in amusement than anything else.
"Severus" she said. "I simply want to know if this thing between you to is going some where or are you just enjoying the benefits of having him in your bed."
Hermione found herself getting greatly annoyed be this topic.
"I'll have you know that I happen to love Severus and I would never use him in that way." she said before she could stop herself.
Narcissa smiled again.
"I thought as much." she replied. "You can put back the claws now darling I simply wanted to know how you felt about I said he is family."
Hermione was about to say something no doubt off handed and none too pleasant when the floo activated. Both She and Narcissa turned their attention to it. The witches were pleased to see both Severus and Lucius step through relatively unharmed. Narcissa made her way over to her husband pleased to see that he was well despite his appearance. Hermione walked over to Severus who was trying his best not to let on how glad he was to see her.
"I'm sorry I missed dinner love." said Lucius to Narcissa before the witch kissed him passionately. "I trust that all was well in my absence."
"It was manageable." replied Narcissa. "It was fortunate that Draco was able to find Severus when he did."
"Indeed." replied Lucius. "Well come along love, I still have the wine...Good night Severus, Miss Granger."
Snape nodded stiffly in Lucius' direction.
"Goodnight all...Severus don't be a stranger." said Narcissa with a smile. "It was good to see you again, Miss Granger."
Hermione narrowed her eyes at the witch and nodded stiffly. Severus thought he had sensed some tension between the two witches when he arrived. He had hoped they hadn't had a chance to trade stories while he was away, he wasn't sure if Hermione knew that he and Narcissa had a previous relationship and despite her marriage to Lucius, she tended to needle whomever caught his eye. She thought of it as being protective but it was much more along the lines of provocation. He arched an eyebrow at Narcissa's retreating form as she and Lucius made their way toward the kitchens.
As soon as they were gone Hermione turned her attention back to Severus.
"When were you going to tell me that McNair had escaped?" she asked clearly still upset.
"Must we do this now?" he asked in a bored tone.
"Answer my question Severus Snape." she said giving another Molly Weasley impression with her hands on her hips.
"I didn't want to worry you." he replied.
"Having Draco pull me out of my class and drag me to his house is no cause for worry?" she asked.
"It wasn't anything that I couldn't handle." said Snape. "You have been through enough as it was especially concerning that swine."
Hermione noted the rage behind his obsidian eyes as he spoke of McNair.
"Severus did you...?" she asked suddenly fearful.
"No." he replied knowing what it was that she had been asking. "But I wanted to...after everything he did to you...I wanted to."
Hermione's anger seemed to dissipate at this statement. She stepped over to him and threw her arms around him. Snape stood there for a moment unsure of what to do. Her warmth seemed to fill him and he eventually gave in wrapping his arms around her as well.
"I love you." she said all her anger gone.
"I love you too." he replied feeling his own rage dissipate.
After several minutes she let him go and they got Austin and headed back to Hogwarts. The boy had been out cold as Snape carried him through the floo. He looked to be having pleasant dreams as the Potions Master looked down at him. Hermione thought the boy looked adorable in Snape's arms, it had been her idea to transfigure him a bed in Snape's quarters as it was too late to send him off to bed in the Slytherin Common room.
Snape's Quarters, Slytherin Dungeons, Hogwarts...
Snape ventured into his bedroom with Hermione trailing behind him. It had been a long day and an even longer night for all three of them. Hermione curled up into bed with him pleased that he managed to get back to her in one piece. Snape wrapped his arm around her secure in the fact that she had once again been in his arms and that there were no other death eaters who could pose a threat to her or anyone else in the wizarding world. The time of Voldemort had been truly over and everyone could final put the nightmare of the past two wizarding wars behind them.
After drifting off for about an hour Snape found himself awakened by Hermione's constant shifting and whimpering in her sleep.
"Severus." said Hermione in a worried voice heavy from sleep.
"I'm here." said Snape just as sleepily.
The bushy haired witch looked at him for what seemed like the longest time.
Snape gently brushed wayward strands from her face and smiled at her.
"You worry too much Gryffindor." he said.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again." she said narrowing her amber eyes at him. "Slytherin git."
Snape chuckled some at this.
"I have no plans to venture off on any more stealth missions." he said. "My spying days are over."
"They'd better be." replied Hermione.
Snape kissed her on the lips to quell her anger.
"Get some sleep." he said softly. "You and I both have a class of dunderheads to teach tomorrow."
"They're not all dunderheads." said Hermione. "That's only the Slytherin students...possibly because they learned it from their Head Of House."
"Watch it Gryffindor." said Snape with a gleam behind his obsidian eyes. "Need I remind you that you are in the Slytherin dungeons with the Head of Slytherin House."
Hermione laughed.
"And need I remind you that you're no longer my professor so that tone doesn't work on me anymore." she said.
Snape flashed her a wicked smirk.
"I believe I have a way to make you more compliant." he said.
Before Hermione could protest he pulled her into a passionate kiss to silence her. Afterwards he made her think twice about insulting his Slytherins and himself in the process. Needless to say the formidable witch found that she had gotten off to a late start the following morning.
She was brave though and beautiful in her bold defiance, but Snape eventually won out.
As he always did.