
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasie
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24 Chs

The Northern Wind

"What is my purpose,"

The ball of light glowed gently, its radiance seemingly calming Qing's tumultuous emotions. The voice that resonated from it carried a sense of serenity and reassurance.

[Everyone is born without purpose me]

[I declared you a hero not because it was predestined.]

Qing's heart skipped a beat as he absorbed the divine's words. The revelation that everyone is born without a preordained purpose left him feeling both liberated and overwhelmed. It was as if the very foundation of his beliefs had been shaken, and he was now faced with the vastness of possibilities before him.

"So, you mean to say that I wasn't destined to be a hero?" Qing asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

[You were not destined you were chosen]

Qing pondered the divine's response, trying to comprehend the distinction between being destined and being chosen. The words echoed in his mind, carrying profound implications for his understanding of his own identity and purpose.

"Chosen, not destined..." Qing murmured, his voice reflecting a mix of curiosity and contemplation. "What does that mean, exactly?"

The ball of light glowed fainter.

[That is for you to decide how you accept this information]

[For your reward of my trial I will allow you a glimpse of the power you will inherit from me. Will you accept it?]

As the ball of light glowed fainter, Qing felt a sense of anticipation and excitement building within him. The divine's words had stirred something inside him, awakening a newfound curiosity about the power he might inherit. He understood that being chosen was not about following a predetermined path, but about embracing the potential within him and shaping his own destiny.

"I accept," Qing said, his voice steady and determined. "I want to see the power I will inherit, to understand what it means to be chosen and how I can use this power for the greater good."

The ball of light pulsed once more, and a surge of energy emanated from it. In an instant, Qing was enveloped in a bright, otherworldly glow. He felt a rush of sensations, as if he was being filled with ancient knowledge and wisdom, as if he was connecting to something far greater than himself.


He was now in the middle of a vast battlefield surrounded by permafrost. The battlefield was unlike anything Qing had ever seen before. Not even in his dreams had he seen fields of frozen statues before him. The ground was covered in ice and snow, and the cold air stung his skin. In the distance, he could see towering mountains of ice, and the sky above was a haunting shade of blue. The entire landscape seemed frozen in time, as if locked in an eternal winter.

As Qing looked around, he noticed figures moving in the distance. Warriors clad in armor, wielding weapons with deadly precision, clashed with fierce and monstrous creatures. The warriors charged passed him, they fought with skill and determination, their movements swift and powerful. The creatures they faced were unlike any Qing had encountered, with twisted forms and glowing eyes, emanating an aura of malevolence.

The ground beneath Qing's feet trembled as the battle raged on. He felt a surge of energy within him, as if he was connected to the very essence of the battlefield. The power of the divine coursed through him, and he could feel the weight of responsibility it carried. He created a sword of ice and effortlessly sliced his opponents with speed and possession in quick succession.

Amidst the chaos, Qing noticed a wounded warrior lying on the ground, struggling to stand. He was surrounded by the menacing creatures, and it was evident that he couldn't hold them off much longer.

The warrior held on battling to his last breath. As Qing watched the brave warrior's valiant struggle, a surge of empathy and determination washed over him. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed to the warrior's aid, drawing upon the newfound power within him. As he moved, his movements seemed to flow effortlessly, as if guided by an unseen force.

His movements were unnatural for his normal demeanor, not his own. His legs were more adept and stronger than before, as if he grew to walk and defend these valleys for years. With a swift and precise motion, Qing launched a burst of energy that sent the creatures reeling back.

He then extended his hand towards the wounded warrior, and a soothing, radiant light enveloped the warrior's body. The divine energy surged through Qing, and he could feel the healing power flowing from him, mending the warrior's wounds.

With a slight gesture of his fingers he effortlessly created a frozen fortress around him and the wounded warrior.

The warrior gasped in amazement as his injuries began to heal, his strength returning. He looked at Qing with gratitude and awe, recognizing the immense power that now resided in his savior.

Qing leapt out of the fortress and continued his onslaught of the invading monster race. As Qing continued to fight alongside the other warriors, he felt a newfound sense of purpose and confidence. The power of the divine surged through him, and every movement he made was enhanced, as if he had trained and battled in this frozen wasteland for years.

His ice sword moved with lightning speed, slicing through the creatures with ease. He leaped and soared through the air, his body agile and graceful, as if he had mastered the art of combat long ago. With each strike and maneuver, Qing felt more adapted in the divine's blessing.

The other warriors fought alongside him, their movements synchronized in a dance of deadly precision. Qing could feel the unity among them, a shared purpose and determination to protect their world from the encroaching darkness.

As the battle raged on, Qing noticed a group of the fiercest creatures gathering, seemingly led by a monstrous being with glowing red eyes. The creature exuded an aura of malevolence and power, and Qing knew that it was the leader of the invading force.

Without hesitation, Qing charged towards the creature, ice swirling around him like a blizzard. His ice sword clashed with the creature's weapon, and they engaged in a fierce duel. Qing's movements were fluid and unpredictable, catching the creature off guard. He could feel the strength and precision in every strike.

In a moment of opportunity, Qing summoned a massive wave of ice and directed it towards the creature. The freezing cold engulfed the monstrous being, slowing its movements and weakening its defenses. With a final, powerful strike, Qing shattered the creature's weapon and incapacitated it.

The other warriors took advantage of the distraction, joining forces to defeat the remaining creatures. The battlefield was filled with the sounds of clashing weapons, elemental magic, and triumphant roars as the tide of the battle turned in favor of the defenders.

As the last creature fell, the battlefield grew quiet, the frozen wasteland now serene once more. The wounded warrior whom Qing had healed approached him, awe and gratitude evident in his eyes.

"Thank you, Warrior. May I know your name?" the warrior asked, his voice filled with wonder.

"I am Bei Feng"

These words naturally came out of his mouth. He never said these words before his name was Qing Zheng. This wasn't him saying these words, it was as if he was experiencing someone else's world.

The realization struck Qing like a bolt of lightning. He wasn't just witnessing a battlefield; he was experiencing someone else's memories, someone else's life. The name "Bei Feng" had never been his own, yet it flowed effortlessly from his lips, as if it had always been a part of him.

As the memories flooded his mind, Qing saw flashes of battles fought, victories achieved, and losses endured. He saw the very root of Bai Feng's fighting techniques, his magic and mana.

He was witnessing the life of the warrior "Bei Feng" before him, the Bei Feng who had fought valiantly in this very battlefield, defending the world from the malevolent creatures.

The wounded warrior stared at him with wide eyes, his expression a mix of surprise and recognition. "You are... the Bei Feng?" he stammered, unable to fully comprehend the situation.