
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasie
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24 Chs

The Magic

A magic circle formed with blue, mystical color like the ocean during the summer, he felt a revitalization of strength in his body. It felt like he had just woken from a long nap by the warm creek.

"What was that!?" Anya asked Qing's mom.

"That is a simple spell called a recovery. Normal recovery is used to recover a bit of your energy, but the more skilled the caster, the more energy recovered," Qing's mother replied

Both Anya and Qing were astonished since they had seen Grandpa Bai use Recovery, but the color was never such a clear ocean blue color nor was the circle so big or complex.

"When Grandpapa used recovery. It was never that color. Usually, it's white," Anya bursts out

"It also gets gray and grayer the more he casts it," Qing added.

"That is the result of a skill diff. Now, kids, it's already past Anya's bedtime. Qing, can you bring her back home," Qing's mother asked him.

"But that still doesn't explain…" Why your is blue… and grandpa's white," Anya said as her head started to daze away.

The Qing proceeded to escort Anya home. He realized how exhausted Anya was after spending the evening cheering him on. As he escorted her back, he couldn't wait to learn more about the magic his mother had to show him.

The divine note to Qing's mother as she watched Qing and Anya disappear[That child, he is growing too slowly]

"He not slow. He just doesn't know what he likes yet," Qing's mother replied to the Divine.

After bringing Anya home, Qing pleaded with Grandpa Bai to teach him Recovery. Grandpa Bai often stayed up til midnight forging blades that no one would buy.

"Grandpa Bai, please, you cast recovery so naturally as you forge. So why can't you teach me?" Bai begged while attempting his best puppy eyes.

"NO, you're still young… Enjoy what little rest you can get while you can," Grandpa sternly replied. Grandpa Bai had fought on the battlefield before. He wanted Qing to experience what little rest he had before he would ultimately experience a hero's fate. He watched as Qing left the forge. He then proceeded to put down his hammer and let out a sigh. "How missed those days I could relax on the green fields again."

Qing whispered back as he waddled home, "But I am enjoying my rest."

Qing, experiencing his mother's recovery spell, did not think just resting could compare to it. He enjoyed sleeping and napping when he could. The thought of him enjoying the comforts of sleep while casting a spell like a recovery excited him. He enjoyed the summer day when he and Anya played outside in the forest. Only for them both to collapse near the creek and embrace the sun. It was winter, and that wasn't possible. The chilly air would always get to his legs sooner or later.

That night, Qing could not sleep as he was excited to wake up and pester his mother to teach him magic. He tried to envision the rune that his mother cast as a baseline for her spell. The more he tried to remember it, the more distorted the rune looked until he had fallen asleep imagining the rune.

That morning, Qing woke up with vigor. Ready to ask his mother to teach him magic. He jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

Qing crept behind his mother and hugged her.

"Can I learn recovery," Qing said excitedly to his mother.

"You can, but it might be too hard for you." His mother replied as she poured Qing's porridge into a bowl. "Let's try something simpler." She replied with a smile as she handed Qing his bowl. "Careful it's hot,"

His mother had added berries to the porridge and potatoes a weird combination, but only she would cook this way.

"Soo… gulph When… do I learn… Magic," Qing said in between spoonfuls of food.

"Qing finish what you're eating before you talk," Qing's mother advised him. "We can see your magic amplitude today. There won't be many people in the library anyway." She was astonished that Qing had awakened an interest in magic. 'Maybe he just might have the talent to be a mage,' she thought. She didn't want Qing to follow in her footsteps.

After eating his breakfast, Qing's mother brought him outside to teach him magic.

"So right now, I need to see if your body can handle magic," Qing's mother said. She motions for Qing to sit down. Qing walks to a stool in the backyard and sits down. While his mother sat behind him with her hand on her back. " I will inject some mana, so you might feel a slight sting." As she injects mana, she notices Qing has both magic circuits and a mana flow. 'A magic circuit meant Qing has the potential to be a mage. However, a mana flow meant Qing had the gift to a cultivator,' She thought. Seeing the potential of her child, she decided to teach Qing the spell strengthen first.

Qing felt something flow through his body as his mother started. First, a sharp sting and then a numbness flowed through his body back to his back.

"Call upon mana on the tip of your fingers," Qing's mother instructed him.

Qing proceeded to attempt to call mana on his fingers.

"Envision the mana in your circuits flowing through. Remember the sting from earlier," his mother advised him.

A numbness started forming in his back and flowed to his fingertips. Then, his fingertip began to unleash a great light. Something dormant in him has been unleashed.