
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasie
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24 Chs


[You have yet to see the vastness of this world]

As Qing lay there in the vast ocean of nothingness, the voice continued to echo in his mind, sending shivers down his spine. It was a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, a presence beyond his understanding.

[There are forces at play that you cannot comprehend, and paths yet undiscovered.]

The aftermath of his foolishness left him on the floor lying unable to move, unable to comprehend his surroundings. He lied in a vast ocean of nothing.

The voice continued to resonate with Qing.

He was nothing if he wasn't one of the divine's chosen heroes.


Ning was shocked by her father's sudden outburst. She couldn't understand why he had resorted to such extreme measures during the duel with Qing. The look of concern and confusion on her face was evident as she approached her father.

"Father, why did you go so far?" Ning asked, her voice tinged with worry. "You didn't have to push Qing so hard. He's just a disciple, and he didn't mean to challenge you disrespectfully."

The lumberjack's expression softened slightly as he looked at his daughter, but his pride and anger still simmered beneath the surface.

"He needs to understand the weight of his actions," he replied gruffly.

"A careless disciple can be just as dangerous as a traitor revealing an army's position."

Ning shook her head in disbelief. She knew her father never had a strong sense of pride and honor, but she had never seen him react so aggressively before.

All Qing did was confront him with a slight recklessness. How does this make him out to be a stray disciple?

Ning pondered in her thoughts.

The lumberjack sighed, a mixture of frustration and regret evident in his expression. He understood that his reaction had been excessive, and he struggled to find the right words to explain himself to his daughter.

"She just like her mother,"

"Ning, you know I've always valued honor and discipline," he began, his voice softer this time. "But in my attempt to teach Qing a lesson, I may have gone too far. I wanted him to understand the seriousness of his challenge."

"Being a hero does not mean you're automatically immortal. Hero's may have been chosen by the divine, but that does not automatically mean they will survive to fight a winning battle."

"True heroes are not born. Just like skills are honed, not acquired. They are forged through trials and hardships, and sometimes, they must face their own limitations and vulnerabilities."

"Geniuses are born every day, but if they do not know how to properly express it they will always be a frog stuck in a well."

Ning listened intently to her father's words, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within her. She understood the importance of discipline and the challenges that came with being a hero, but she also couldn't shake off the worry for Qing and the consequences of the duel.

"But father," Ning spoke softly, "does it have to be this way? Can't there be a different path to help Qing realize his potential without putting him in such danger?"

The lumberjack looked at his daughter with a hint of admiration in his eyes. "You have a kind heart, Ning, and your concern for others is one of your greatest strengths. It is true that there might be other ways to guide Qing, but sometimes, a lesson learned through adversity can be the most impactful."


As the small ball appeared in the vast ocean of nothingness, a powerful presence emanated from it. The voice that had been echoing in Qing's mind now seemed to manifest itself in this mysterious sphere.

[Who is this insignificant bug trying to enter my realm?]

The voice boomed, sending chills down Qing's spine. He couldn't see any form or figure within the ball, but he could feel the immense ancient power.

"I am Qing," he spoke with a mix of trepidation and curiosity. "I don't mean to intrude, but I find myself lost and confused.

The pressure paused.

[You said your name is Qing? The name of my successor right?]

The voice sounded familiar now like the Divine whenever he would make remarks at Qing.

Qing hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond to the voice's question. He had never considered himself as anyone's successor, and the idea of being the chosen one for such an ancient and powerful being was both overwhelming and perplexing.

"I'm not sure if I am your successor," Qing finally replied, trying to choose his words carefully. "I am just a hero chosen by the divine."

[I am the divine that you are referring to.]

"Then you must know I am your chosen hero,"

[Chosen Hero?]

"Yes, that's what the people around me called me," Qing replied, his voice still filled with uncertainty. "I was told that I am one of the divine's chosen heroes, meant to fulfill a significant role in the world."

The ball of light pulsed, and Qing could sense a mixture of curiosity and amusement emanating from it.

[Chosen heroes, destined roles... These are mere mortal interpretations of forces far beyond their understanding.]

Qing felt a sense of humility wash over him, realizing that his perception of being a hero and being chosen by the divine was just a glimpse of a much larger picture.

"I was born to kill the demon lord," Qing said.

[But there is no demon lord this generation.]

[There was never a demon lord or demon god. What is there for you to fight?]

As the ball of light pulsed and the voice spoke of the absence of a demon lord, Qing felt a shockwave of disbelief rush through him. He couldn't fathom a reality without a singular adversary to challenge, a purpose he had built his entire life around. The ground beneath him seemed to shift, and he felt a profound sense of disorientation.

"What do you mean?" Qing stammered, his voice trembling with astonishment. "No demon lord? But I've been told my whole life that I'm destined to face and defeat the demon lord, to protect the world from darkness!"

The ball of light pulsed again, and Qing could feel a sense of ancient wisdom emanating from it.

[The concept of a "demon lord" or "demon god" has been a part of human myths and legends for eons. It is a narrative born from the human need to create a powerful adversary, a symbol of evil to be vanquished. But in reality, there has never been a singular entity that could be called a "demon lord."]

Qing's mind reeled with this revelation. He had grown up believing in the existence of a demon lord, a formidable enemy he was destined to confront and defeat. His entire purpose had revolved around this mission, and now he felt lost, unsure of what his true path should be.

[The forces at play in the world are far more intricate and subtle than the simple dichotomy of good versus evil. The true battles are often fought within the hearts and minds of individuals, and the choices they make shape the course of history.]

"So, what am I meant to do then?" Qing asked, his voice filled with uncertainty. "If there is no demon lord to defeat, what is my purpose as a chosen hero?"