
Slime Summoning: The Skill I use to get Girls

[Slime Summoning] Qing lives in a village in the North. Cursed with the trash skill Slime Summoning he must prove his worth as a hero and find purpose in a purposeless world. _____ I don't have much time to work on this, but I will try to update once a week.

baibye777 · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Frog in a well

Ning looked on in shock as Qing declared his challenge to her father. She had known him for a long time and understood his determination, but this was a risk that she couldn't help but question. The consequences of facing her father in a duel were unknown and potentially severe.

"Qing, are you sure about this?" Ning voiced her concern, her eyes filled with worry.

"Don't worry, we brothers in arms," Qing replied, his voice steady despite the flicker of uncertainty in his heart. "What's the worst that could happen to me? I've endured the lumberjack's concoctions before. This duel offers a slim chance of freedom from their torment. Besides, it's time someone stood up to him."

"The worst thing that could happen is he dies," The Lumberjack strikes down a large ancient tree.

Ning's eyes widened in fear as the lumberjack's booming voice interrupted their conversation. The sheer force of his strike against the ancient tree sent shivers down her spine, and she could feel the ground beneath her tremble with the impact.

"Father," Ning pleaded, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and desperation.

She could sense the fear in Qing's eyes as he slowly backed away from the lumberjack. He had just witnessed the lumberjack strike and knew he wasn't joking, but threatening him.

"This is too dangerous. We don't have to go through with this duel. There must be another way."

The lumberjack's eyes narrowed, his anger palpable as he glared at Qing. He towered over them, his presence commanding and intimidating. The weight of his authority bore down upon them, and the air grew heavy with tension.

"The boy challenged me himself, did he not?" the lumberjack growled, his voice laced with a mixture of fury and arrogance. "If he is a man he will hold on to his part of the bet."

Ning's heart sank as she watched her father's fury intensify. She knew her father's pride would not allow him to back down from a challenge, especially when his authority was being questioned. The consequences of this duel now seemed even more dire. As Qing continued to stall out his impending doom she could see her father's anger boil.

Ning's mind raced as she tried to find a way to prevent the impending duel. She couldn't bear the thought of Qing and her father engaging in a battle that could potentially lead to irreversible consequences. The fear and desperation in her voice only grew stronger as she pleaded with her father, hoping to appeal to his sense of reason.

"Father, please," Ning implored, her voice quivering with genuine concern.

"Please, what?"

"Do you expect me to heed the pleas of naive disciples and abandon the arduous work of the past?"

"The herbs didn't gather themselves, nor did they magically cultivate overnight."

"Father, please," Ning pleaded, her voice quivering. "I understand the importance of the work you've done, but surely there must be another way. You guys don't have to resort to a duel. We can find a resolution that doesn't put either of you at risk."

The lumberjack's stern gaze shifted from Qing to Ning, his expression unyielding. The lines on his face deepened as he contemplated his daughter's words, his pride clashing with his paternal instincts. The silence that followed was heavy with tension.

"Ning," he began, his voice softer but still firm, "I appreciate your concern, but sometimes in life, battles must be fought. We must face the challenges head-on and prove our strength. This duel is not just about our personal disagreements."

"This is about this ungrateful brat of a disciple I have,"

Qing, shocked by the lumberjack's sudden accusation contempted about his actions. Was he truly ungrateful for the lumberjack?

The lumberjack's words stung Qing, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. He had never intended to be ungrateful towards the lumberjack, but rather sought a way to free himself and Ning from the burdensome concoctions.

Qing still felt a lingering resentment toward the concoctions the lumberjack created. Why did they have to drink the terrible excuse of a blend created by the lumberjack.

"I'm not ungrateful," Qing finally spoke, his voice laced with a mix of determination and suppressed anger.

"Then what are you?" He had put in years of his time to create a perfect concoction. However, this brat is refusing to accept his kindness.

The lumberjack's expression hardened, his voice dripping with disdain. "You mention that you're not ungrateful, but you dishonor me by questioning my methods. If you wish to prove yourself, then let it be,"

The Lumberjack pulled himself together ready to face his disciple in a duel.

"Ready your stance you brat,"

Qing readied himself for his upcoming duel with the lumberjack pulling himself into a proper stance with his left foot forward

Qing's eyes narrowed as he locked his gaze with the lumberjack's unwavering stare. His muscles tensed, and a fire ignited within him, fueled by his determination and the weight of his convictions. He knew this duel was not just about physical strength but also about challenging the old ways and seeking a better path.

"Very well, Master," Qing responded with unwavering resolve. "I will meet your challenge head-on. But let it be known, this is not an act of defiance or disrespect. It is a stand for change, for progress, and for the freedom to explore new possibilities."

As Qing settled into his stance, his body coiled like a tightly wound spring, his mind honed with focus and purpose. The air crackled with tension, each breath laden with anticipation.

Ning's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the two figures, her father and Qing, prepared to engage in a battle that would shape their destiny. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, a pivotal crossroad where the past clashed with the future.

"Child, countdown from three," The lumberjack ordered Ning

"Please, both of you!" Ning's voice trembled with desperation. "There must be another way to resolve your differences. This duel can only bring pain and suffering. Is there no room for understanding and compromise?"

The lumberjack's eyes briefly flickered with a hint of hesitation, a fleeting moment of doubt that passed as quickly as it had come. His pride and determination quickly resurfaced, hardening his resolve.

"Ning.., count down and watch me carefully,"

"Do you two really have to do this,"

"Count to three or your both drinking triple the concoction when he wakes up,"

Ning sighs




As the flash of light jolted Qing's senses, his body was instantly lifted from the ground, defying gravity's grasp. Time seemed to stretch and contort, elongating each passing second as he found himself suspended in mid-air, looking up at the sky and the majestic trees that reached towards it.

The world around him slowed to a crawl, as if time itself had taken a pause to acknowledge the spectacle unfolding. His eyes remained fixed on the celestial sphere, which radiated warmth and light, casting a golden hue upon everything it touched. The ethereal glow enveloped the floating clouds, transforming them into cottony vessels that sailed across the heavens.

His feet, no longer grounded, wriggled in an attempt to find stability. But the sensation of solid earth beneath him was replaced by a disorienting weightlessness. It was as if he had ventured into an alternate realm where the rules of gravity no longer held sway. His limbs hung freely, devoid of any resistance or support, leaving him adrift in an ocean of uncertainty.

The surrounding trees, once familiar companions, now appeared as towering sentinels, their branches reaching out in a balletic display against the cerulean canvas. Leaves rustled gently, their whispers merging with the gentle breeze that brushed against Qing's skin. Nature seemed to hold its breath, as if in reverence to the surreal moment unfolding.

Qing's vision blurred as he hit the ground, the impact reverberating through his body. The world seemed to spin around him, disorienting and confusing. As he struggled to regain his senses, he saw the lumberjack standing over him, his expression a mix of triumph and disappointment.

"You should have known better, Qing," the lumberjack's voice echoed in Qing's ears. "You are but a frog in stuck in a well."

"You have yet to see the vastness of this world,"