
The Dubious Truth

Arriving there, I saw a man around my age standing alone. I went over to him, feeling sure that the strange feeling I had earlier was because my mind was connected to that person.

"You finally came, Elliot."

That person was the one who almost bumped into me that time, as I recall his name was Erriol.

"What do you mean by saying that?" I asked, asking for an explanation because it seemed like he had guessed that I would come to him.

"You lied to me, didn't you? You said that time, when you were able to avoid me almost running into you was a coincidence. When in fact you could sense my existence and you could also connect with my mind. Actually, at that time I deliberately wanted to push you to test your ability and it turned out that you were able to avoid it. That proves that you do have that ability."

I didn't understand what he was saying at all. "What ability are you referring to?"

"I guessed that you didn't know about your ability until now." He let out a long breath, before continuing, "Alright, I'll explain it to you."

There was silence for a moment, as neither Erriol nor I made a sound. However, the silence didn't last long as Erriol continued.

"During this time, didn't you often feel that you could sense the presence of certain people? You can even see the location of the person you're connected to. And it seems you've also managed to awaken that power, the power that allows you to go back in time."

I was very surprised to hear Erriol's words, he knew all the strange feelings I had been having lately. Who exactly is this person?

"You're probably wondering, why do I know all that? If you want to know the answer, it's because we are the same. We both have special powers."

"What do you mean by special power?"

"Well, a power that existed before we were even born, a power that was destined to be ours. People call that power... ORIGINAL SKILLS."

Hearing his words made me overcome with curiosity. I wanted to know more about the original skills that he had just said. I have to find out more from him and it seems that from now on I will often meet this person.

"Original skills you say? I've never heard of such a thing."

Erriol snorted, "It is only natural that you do not understand because perhaps you have never heard the term original skills before. Well, I'll explain it to you." I put on a serious face and sharpened my sense of hearing, somehow I felt that what he was about to say was indeed very important for me to know.

"Some selected people have abilities that they already had before they were born, we call them original skills. Original Skills are of several kinds," he said, starting to explain.

"There is one called Vertical Skill, it is an ability where the owner of the skill can penetrate time, he can go to the future even he can also go back to the past."

I was now wide-eyed, could the ability I was awakening at that time be the skill Erriol had just mentioned? I wanted to ask, but I resisted the urge because I knew Erriol hadn't finished explaining.

"Furthermore, Horizontal Skill is an ability that can make the owner of the skill move places very quickly like teleportation. You can teleport or leave in an instant, just by imagining the place you want to go. This Horizontal Skill is divided into 2 types, there is something called Mind Jumper which is a skill that allows you to move to a place in your mind. So you have to focus your mind and imagine the place you want to go. Then, Eyes Jumper is the ability to move places that can only be done if you focus your vision on a place you see. To make it easier for you to digest this explanation about Eyes Jumper I will give you an example..." he said, I was still focused on listening.

"... suppose you see a picture or photo of a place, then you focus your gaze on the place in the photo or picture, if you master the Eyes Jumper skill then you will move in an instant to the place in the photo or picture. You understand what I mean, right, Elliot?"

Erriol asked in the middle of his lengthy explanation. I responded with a nod of my head, "Yes, I understand. Please continue."

"Okay. I'll continue explaining the next skill. There is also something called Diagonal Skill, it is a combined skill between Vertical Skill and Horizontal Skill. So the person who masters this skill can penetrate time, in other words, he can go to the future or return to the past and simultaneously can also move places." The more I heard his explanation, the more dumbfounded I became. How great are the abilities included in these original skills?

"The next skill is called Crack Skill or time control. From the name, I'm sure you understand what I just meant by time control, Elliot?"

"Time controller you say? Don't tell me that people who master this Crack skill can control and even stop time?" I asked, not sure if my thinking was correct.

However, Erriol suddenly laughed. "Hahaha... it turns out you're smart too, Elliot. That's right. The owner of the Crack skill can not only stop time, but he can also even speed up and slow down time. Doesn't that sound terrifying? A skill that controls time."

"To me, all the skills you just said are very horrible. How can a normal human have such abilities?"

"Normal humans you say? When did I ever say that we are normal humans?" he said which successfully left me stunned on the spot.

"Elliot, we are not normal humans. I'm sure you've realized that ever since you accidentally managed to awaken the hidden abilities within you. It seems like that time you managed to awaken the Vertical Skill because you managed to go back in time, even though you only went back a few minutes, it's only natural because you haven't fully mastered the vertical skill. If you have mastered it, you can go back to the past, even you can go back to years before, in other words, you can go back to when you were a child though. But you're very lucky, at least that time you managed to go back to a few minutes before your friend ... er, wrong ... not a friend but your lover was almost hit."

I was surprised to hear his words, it seemed like he knew a lot about me even though he knew I was currently dating Emily. A question came to my mind and I immediately asked him. "Can people who have original skills like the two of us sense each other's existence?"

Without hesitation, Erriol nodded, "Yeah, something like that."

I was dumbfounded at his answer. If it's true as he said, is the reason why I can feel the presence of Fredert and Krad because they are also the owners of Original Skills?

"There are other skills but I won't explain them now, I don't want to make you more confused, Elliot."

His words broke my daydream that was thinking about my two best friends, Fredert and Krad.

"Then which skills are you good at, Erriol?" The question came out of my mouth as curiosity began to rise to the surface.

"The skill that I'm good at is Horizontal Skill because Horizontal skill is my original natural skill."

"I still don't understand, what do you mean Horizontal Skill is your natural original skill?"

"Original skills are the original abilities possessed by a person. Each inheritor of original skills has only one original skill, which is a skill that he can use naturally. However, it still requires an ability to control, although naturally, the original skills inheritor can use the ability, to be able to use the ability as desired, training and hard work are needed. Until the skills we have can be controlled according to our wishes. "

Little by little I began to understand Erriol's explanation, although there were still many things that confused me. "Since at that time, the Original skill I used was to travel to the past, that means Vertical skill is my natural Original skill. Then can you teach me, Erriol? Vertical skill?"

"You seem to be interested in developing your skills."

"Wait a minute. Your natural original skill is Horizontal Skill, can you teach me Vertical Skill?" I was still a little confused by what he was talking about, how could someone new to me, want to explain things that seemed mysterious like this? Is this just a story he made up or is it the truth? I still doubt it.

"What do you think?" Instead of answering, Erriol asked back.

I chuckled, "Of course, I can't answer that, that's why I'm asking you."

"My original natural skill is indeed Horizontal Skill, but I can also do Vertical Skill. So don't worry, Elliot. I can teach you well," said Erriol who was trying to convince me of his ability and I continued to listen to his explanation carefully.

"There is one most important reason why the inheritor of original skills can generate or use their skills. The power of motivation or strong will, a very strong desire to do or change something, is a power of motivation beyond the ordinary ability of ordinary humans. In other words, the inheritor of the original skill who successfully awakens his ability is someone who has very strong motivational power. Heirs who do not have that motivational power will never be able to resurrect their skills at any time. You must understand now, why did you manage to resurrect that skill back then?"

Everything seemed to make more and more sense, at that moment there was a strong feeling in my heart, a feeling of wanting to help Emilly. "So this is all about mastering and controlling motivational abilities? Erriol, will you teach me how to control that ability?"

Erriol flashed a smile, "Sure. Of course, I'd be happy to teach you, but it won't be as easy as you think, Elliot."

"What does that mean? Isn't it just a matter of controlling motivation?"

Erriol shook his head quickly, "What do you feel after using that ability? What happened to your body? I'm sure after you used that power, your body felt weak and eventually, you fainted. That's what happens to Original skill users who manage to awaken their abilities without proper control. The use of Original skills requires a sacrifice, a sacrifice in the form of a part of the user's body. Users with low control skills will sacrifice their blood automatically. The greater the effect or power used, the more blood must be sacrificed. The use of original skills without control has the potential to kill the original skill user himself. Skill users with high control capabilities can determine the body parts to be sacrificed. But still, the law of sacrifice applies, the greater the sacrifice the greater the power obtained, but it depends on the user's ability to effectively utilize the sacrificed body parts. The greater the effective utilization ability, the greater the power obtained from a small sacrifice. So do you still want to learn and use your skills?"

I was speechless at his words, this ability was like a double-edged sword that could kill me at any moment. Am I going to waste this ability? Or make the best use of this ability for a better future? One thing came to my mind... Fredert, Krad, I want to see them again.

Then I loudly replied, "No problem, I'll still try."

Erriol smiled broadly at my answer. "Alright then. In one week I will start teaching you motivational control to awaken your Vertical Skill."

"Why wait for a week, can't you teach me as soon as possible?"

"Do you think I don't have a busy life of my own? I've been busy all week. If you still want me to teach you, you'll have to patiently wait until one week. But it's all up to you, I don't mind even if you change your mind."

"Alright, in one week I will meet you at this place. I hope you'll come."

"Of course, I'll come. You don't have to worry. Then I'll see you in one week."

After saying that he left my presence. Leaving me alone who was still struggling with the thought... is this information I heard true?