

During the Dark Era, there stood a man, no, a Monster at the top of this universe. He had many names, but the most prominent one was "The Dark Emperor". For mortals, he was a God, for the Ascended, he was a Monster. *** After Jade Xan, an orphan, gets a system, that makes him Level Up, and each Level Up makes him stronger, he swears to become a successful person, so that he could provide a better life to his sister. The Secret Society of Oriental Martial Artists, awaits this young man, who holds the greatest inheritance one could ever dream of! Some are envious of him, Some are scared, but, Most want him dead! *** [System has levelled up] "So, after you took away all of my hard work, what do I get?" Jade said Suddenly, he had a headache, and his consciousness got teleported to that White Room in his mind A menacing figure stood in front of him "Who are you?" Jade asked "I am your ancestor kid, the strongest God of All Time, name is Ajagara, the Snake Emperor" *** Author's Note: Not your everyday cultivation-system novel, this one is ACTUALLY DIFFERENT More than Cultivation, it's Martial Arts, it's Blood pumping Thrilling Martial Arts. The story contains elements of Urban Xianxia/Wuxia, along with the Korean LitRPG vibe. Mild chase the heroin from a big clan shenanigans, and a lot of face slapping. P.S. I respect every religion, and it's folklore, mythologies and the tales of it's past. Take everything related to religion in this story with a grain of salt. I will integrate actual folk tales and mythologies, with stories I have made on my own. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM, WHATSOEVER WITH MY WAY OF SHOWING MYTHOLOGIES AND FOLKTALES, PLEASE DISCORD ME, I WILL CHANGE OR REMOVE THAT PART OF THE STORY. A few stories from some specific cultures won't be used, as they might result in my death, so yeah. Hope you enjoy this novel. Thanks! *** I do not own the cover, if you have any issues, please mail me at - saiyanganu@gmail.com My discord - ganu #7657 And yes I love Valorant

Ganu · Urban
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3 Chs


Manhattan, New York

A figure stood on the top of a skyscraper, looking at the city. This person wore a dark hooded jacket, covering himself. His shining eyes, his confident expression, and his grin. He looked at New York, as if he owned this city.

"Now that you have conquered this country, what do you plan to do?" A feminine voice came from behind him, "London or Paris?"

"London" The person replied while still looking at the beautiful night skyline of the city, "The HQ of Western Branch is there, right?"


A few months ago

Perkins High school, Allentown, Pennsylvania, 150kms from New York

In an empty classroom, a few bullies stood, beating a student

"You piece of trash!" Ali shouted as he kicked the person on the floor

"Will you glance at Adri again?" He said in anger before landing another kick

"Sorry, Sorry" Jade who was kneeling on the ground said while shivering

"You better be!" Ali said as he grabbed Jade's hair and pulled him to see him in his eyes, "If you ever look at Adri, no at any girl, I will pulverize you!"

"I will … I will … never … look at girls" Jade said with misery all over his face

Ali looked at him with contempt before saying, "Let's go boys, I have wasted enough of my time here"

Ali and the 3 boys behind him left the room with smug looks on their faces

Jade slowly got up, and moved towards the infirmary

His face was filled with scratches, his nose was bleeding, and his overall appearance looked very untidy. His face had a cold expression, he looked as if he would eat the world

"Those bastards!" He mumbled with rage in his words

The boy reached the infirmary, and aggressively opened the door

The first thing he saw on the other side of the room was Ms June, the school nurse, and Jade's counsellor

She sat on the table of her workstation, which was right in front of the window, and behind it was the door. She was reading a book, sitting on the table, while she fiddled and rotated the seat with her legs.

Furthermore, she wore a doctor's white coat, and along with that she was donned a violet shirt, and a black, formal skirt, which was complimented with a black pantyhose.

She was a woman in her late twenties, and had phenomenal physical features, with a mature personality. Her black hair tied in a bun, her emerald green eyes, the rectangular specs she always wore, and the fact that the sun was directly behind her, made her look angelic.

"Miss…" Jade said

"Again? This is the third time this week you came here! And today is Tuesday!" Ms June said disappointedly


After getting patched up, Jade sat on a bed, while Ms June sat on her chair reading the same book

"What book are you reading?" Jade asked

"Mythology, Folk Tales and the Similarities of God" She answered as she adjusted her glasses, still reading the book

"So, you are reading mythology? Which?"

"Umm, it's like a mixed bag, with tales from many cultures, one chapter you would have tales of Solar Deities from Japan, and the other you would be reading about Indra and the gods of Swarga, from India" She replied

"Okay" Jade nodded

"This book also showcases the similarities between many stories, and also gives an historical context" She continued

"So, what's your favourite mythology?" Jade asked

"I like Indian, Mahabharata and Ramayana both pique my interest, many European folk tales are pretty good too" She answered, now looking at Jade, "What about you?"

"I am not into these stories, I would much rather read real History, but I have heard a few oriental folk tales from granny, so that's that" Jade said

"So, you do not believe in them?" Ms June asked with a slight smile on her face

"Not at all! How could I believe in these fantasy stories, like in one of my granny's story, there is this person called Ajaga-" Jade said, but was suddenly interrupted by the ringing of Ms June's phone

"Wait a minute" The nurse said as she picked up her phone

"What? Now?" She said, with shock in her words, and worry on her face, "I got it, I got it"

She disconnected the call and pushed her chair backwards, "I suddenly have to go somewhere, it's an emergency, If someone comes here tell them I had to leave, and you, rest here for at least another hour" She told Jade, while she hurriedly put on her heels

"Also tell Mr Reyes about my half day after you get out of here" She said before she left in haste

Jade nodded, "Ok"


After about half an hour of resting, Jade got up and starting putting on his shoes, and saw that the book that Ms June had been reading earlier had been left lying on the table. After wearing his shoes, he got up and reached for the book.

As soon as his fingers touched the book, he felt a spark, it was like those static currents, people get from time to time, but this sensation, it was stronger than any ordinary static current, and the current did not come from the outside, instead Jade felt it coming from the inside, it was weird.

Jade dismissed this sensation as an ordinary thing and opened the book. The book was moderately thick, and wasn't very big in dimension, yet it felt very heavy, its weight did not match up with its size, and yet again, Jade dismissed this as his illusion, and thought that he was still sleepy

The cover of the book was dark blue, with golden borders, and some foreign letters inscribed on it. Weirdly, Jade could make out what was written on it, the title of this book was, "Talisman and the Stars"

The first page of the book had an image of some rectangular design, some kind of inscription. The next two pages had the same rectangular shape, but with slight variations in the inscribed writing

The fourth page of the book was blank

The fifth had that same language written on it, this time, it was harder for him to understand, but he could make out "Thou Shall Chant" and the rest didn't have any meaning at all, they were just gibberish.

Suddenly, Jade got a headache, and he kept the book back on the table and went back to resting


School ended, and Jade left the school after a full day of rest

The sky, suddenly, got filled with dark clouds, it looked as if the end of the world had arrived. The clouds thundered with anger, and the wind blew with rage.

Jade walked alone, with his hands in his pockets, and his vision looking at the sky

"That book, it really gave me a headache" He thought

"Those letters, did I really read that foreign language?"

"I don't know man, my head feels really heavy" He tried to reassure himself

"Let me try speaking" He told himself

"### #### #### ## ### This meant the title of the book" He murmured to himself

"Let me try saying the stuff on the fifth page, ### #### ### ##, this meant thou shall chant" He murmured

Suddenly the cloud struck lightning, and with that a loud thunder came

Jade looked at the sky

"Now let's try speaking the gibberish, ### ## ###### ### #### ###"

As soon as those word came out of his mouth, a bolt of lightning struck him, turning him into dust

Although, he did not notice it, but the lightning that struck him, was purple, a very sinister shade of purple, instead of regular blue lightning.


It was a very dark place, and Jade, he stood in the middle of this place, wondering what just happened, when suddenly a blue light glimmered in front of him, and a blue, holographic screen appeared in front of him.

[The Host will die in 15 Seconds]

[The Host can avoid Death, by integrating the system with himself]

[Would the Host like to integrate with the system?]



All of this was written on the screen. Jade couldn't process what the fuck was going on, when suddenly, a feminine voice was heard in his mind

"The host will die, in 15"



And so on, this female robot-like voice kept counting backwards

In about 5 seconds, Jade processed what was happening



"Yes" Jade said, as he tapped the text on the screen

[Thanks for choosing this system, Integration will commend soon]


Name : Jade Xan

Age : 15

Race : Human

Job : High School Student, Gas Station Employ

Rating : None

Kills : 0

I hope you guys enjoy!

Ganucreators' thoughts