

During the Dark Era, there stood a man, no, a Monster at the top of this universe. He had many names, but the most prominent one was "The Dark Emperor". For mortals, he was a God, for the Ascended, he was a Monster. *** After Jade Xan, an orphan, gets a system, that makes him Level Up, and each Level Up makes him stronger, he swears to become a successful person, so that he could provide a better life to his sister. The Secret Society of Oriental Martial Artists, awaits this young man, who holds the greatest inheritance one could ever dream of! Some are envious of him, Some are scared, but, Most want him dead! *** [System has levelled up] "So, after you took away all of my hard work, what do I get?" Jade said Suddenly, he had a headache, and his consciousness got teleported to that White Room in his mind A menacing figure stood in front of him "Who are you?" Jade asked "I am your ancestor kid, the strongest God of All Time, name is Ajagara, the Snake Emperor" *** Author's Note: Not your everyday cultivation-system novel, this one is ACTUALLY DIFFERENT More than Cultivation, it's Martial Arts, it's Blood pumping Thrilling Martial Arts. The story contains elements of Urban Xianxia/Wuxia, along with the Korean LitRPG vibe. Mild chase the heroin from a big clan shenanigans, and a lot of face slapping. P.S. I respect every religion, and it's folklore, mythologies and the tales of it's past. Take everything related to religion in this story with a grain of salt. I will integrate actual folk tales and mythologies, with stories I have made on my own. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM, WHATSOEVER WITH MY WAY OF SHOWING MYTHOLOGIES AND FOLKTALES, PLEASE DISCORD ME, I WILL CHANGE OR REMOVE THAT PART OF THE STORY. A few stories from some specific cultures won't be used, as they might result in my death, so yeah. Hope you enjoy this novel. Thanks! *** I do not own the cover, if you have any issues, please mail me at - saiyanganu@gmail.com My discord - ganu #7657 And yes I love Valorant

Ganu · Urban
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3 Chs


Author's note : Just reconnecting with the lost ideas and plots, I found in my drafts.

This is the first piece of writing, I ever wrote (I rewrote it). So please enjoy!


During the dark ages, there stood a man, on the top of this universe. He had many names, humans called him "The Yama of the upper plains", Ascended Daoist called him, "The Dark Emperor", while the Monarchs and the God like figures called him "The Snake Emperor". This man, his true name was, Ajagara, the man who had brought havoc to the 3 plains of Ascendance.

Now, this man wanted to conquer a new realm, he wanted to ascend to a new plane, after he had already conquered the Mortal Realm, and The Realm of True Dao.

The Realm of Secrets, this was where he wanted to go, the plain he wanted to conquer, another place where he could fight stronger opponents, another place where he could wreak havoc.

Ajagara stood on the top of his palace, looking at the dazzling view in front of him, the dark night sky, the shimmering stars, and the huge moon which covered half the sky, this realm of True Dao, was indeed a beautiful place.

Ajagara, he had long white hair, a tall figure with a somewhat bulky build. He was more handsome than any celebrity in the mortal realm, and his moon blue eyes made him look even better

Behind him, stood two figures, one was a man, while the other was a woman.

The girl wore a short, white Chinese like dress, which had elements of western culture. The dress was tight enough to reveal her gorgeous curvature, her busty chest and her beautiful long legs. Her face was as symmetric as possible, her pink hair, and cyan eyes made her look sexy

While the man had had the same build as Ajagara, but was somewhat shorter than him, and in looks, he looked average. He wore green clothes, and had moderately long black hair.

"Fairy Queen, and Lin Zhi, you two, you are like my siblings, and that's why, I wanted to tell you guys this before anyone else, that soon, I will ascend to the Secret Realm, and I will have to leave you both behind" Ajagara said, while still looking at the scenic view in front of him

"What? What do you mean by you will leave us behind? We are siblings! You can't leave us behind!" Fairy Queen said with emotions pouring out, as she clinged to Ajagara's right side. Her chest surrounded the Dark Emp's arm.

"Well, are you certain?" Lin Zhi asked

"Yes" Ajagara said, while he still looked at the scenic view

Ajagara then looked at the woman clinging to him, he knitted his eyebrows, as soon his eyes met the fairy queen's eyes. The woman was making an obnoxious expression.

Suddenly, Ajagara spat out a considerable amount of blood

Behind him stood Lin Zhi, who had stabbed his brethren, with the Blood Cursed Sword of Snakes.

"Why?" Ajagara groaned

"Why? What do you expect would happen after you suppress the people, and cause chaos among the gods?" Lin Zhi said

"You know, big brother, Karma is applicable to us, Ascended beings as well" The Fairy Queen said

Ajagara, who was now kneeling on the ground, he laughed demonically, even this laughter of despair made the two culprits scared.

"You had sealed your Aathma! And we knew, this kind of opportunity will never come" Lin Zhi said

"You know, hit the iron when it's hot" Fairy Queen added

Ajagara, started laughing even more, "I had expected this!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Zhi asked as he sweated with fear

Ajagara raised his hand, and showed his palm to the two of them, on his hand was an inscripted seal

"What is this? I have never seen this kind of inscription" Fairy Queen muttered

"Of course you haven't, after all, I created it!" Ajagara said as he brought his hand to the wound near his abdomen, and as soon as the seal got in contact with Ajagara's blood, it started glowing with yellow light

Suddenly, Heavenly Clouds started forming above the palace

"What's happening!" Fairy Queen shouted, her face turned ugly

"Your retribution is incoming" Ajagara said coldly, with a bitter smile on his face

"### ## ###### ### #### ###" He said, the language, it wasn't understood by most, but Fairy Queen understood it.

Purple lightning struck him, as soon as he said those words, the lightning turned the man who was the most feared person in the universe, into mere particles of dust.

"We are saved!" Lin Zhi said, a smile erupted on his face

"Oh great God of Lightning! We thank you!" Fairy Queen said, before she ran towards Lin Zhi

Both hugged, then Fairy Queen looked into Lin Zhi's eyes and passionately said, "I love you big brother!". She then kissed Lin Zhi, and then the both of them started making out. They even made love near the dust created from Ajagara.


Allentown, Pennsylvania, 150 kms from New York

"Isn't the Story of Lin Zhi the God of Morality and his wife Fairy Queen, very fascinating?" Granny asked the two children sitting on the dining table

"Granny, was Lin Zhi really the most handsome looking person in the upper plains? Was he even better looking than Louis Ross?" Sapphire asked

"Of course, my child" Granny said in her loving voice

"Oh come on! Sapphire do you really believe in this BS!" Jade said as soon as he was finished with his plate of rice and curry

"Language!" Granny warned

Jade's expression became bitter, he stood up, placed his plate in the sink, and went to his room

"This boy, his hormones are acting up" Granny sighed

Jade and Sapphire, they were siblings, Jade was 15, while Sapphire was 12, both of them had led a life, which to say the least was not easy. Their father had been missing since before the birth of sapphire, while their mother, she, had been in a coma for the last few years.

Their maternal grandmother had become the only source of light for them, the only person they could rely on, the only person related to them by blood, except each other.


Jade was in his room, sitting on his bed with his leg crossed, and his eyes closed, it looked as is he was meditating, slowly he opened his eyes.

His beautiful blue eyes glowed with a moonlight like tone, his veins near his throat glowed with the same blue hue as well. His face was dripping with sweat, and he had started panting as soon as he opened his eyes.

"This feeling…"

A grin appeared on his face

"System" He said

A blue light flashed in front of him, and a rectangular, holographic screen appeared in front of him

[???? System]

[Host's Name: Jade Xan]

[Host's Race: Human, ????]

[Host's Title: System's Host, ????'s successor]

[Host's Martial Level: Chakra Unlock Stage 2]

[Host's Martial Ability: None]

[Host's Unique Ability: Sense <Level: 1> Venom Mind <Level: 2>]

[Level: 1]

< 20/100 exp>

[Host's Stats]

<HP: 10/10>

<Strength: 6>

<Agility: 7>

<Stamina: 7>

<Wisdom: 8>

<Ability: 1>

<Luck: 4>

<Stat Points: 3>

[Host's Skills]

<Impulse Adaptivity>

Jade gulped, before a Sinister's Smile appeared on his face