

WARNING MATURED CONTENTS R18 kamlyn yang a 17 years old beauty adored by her family and friends. Living a peaceful and carefree life, pampered by her parents. what happens when tragedy strikes and her walls of happiness crumbles. Not being able to take the misfortune kamlyn falls into depression. Legally adopted by the Lu's her parents business partner and best friends.kamlyn is set to live a new life,but what happens when she meets Ethan Lu , A cold and aloof yet devilishly handsome man legally being her brother by adoption. What happens when a depressed kamlyn finds herself in a family situation in contrast to hers? what does life have in plan for them? read to find out how she will overcome challanges and fight for love ******************************* please this is my first book.please forgive my incorrect spellings and other mistakes if any. kindly support me if you find my work worthy of your liking . I'll appreciate. It will encourage me. If there is any problem kindly notify me in the comments. I'll have to rely on your reviews to improve my work . THANK YOU.

Author_Bright · Urban
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62 Chs


He didn't notice the look on her face because all his attention was solely focused on soothing the red bruises on her forehead. He slowly ran his long slender fingers on them.

She looked so lost just staring at him that way, the whole atmosphere seemed to have changed and time slowed. Right this instant, it felt like they were the only ones in the entire universe.

This time she knew she had truly lost her mind, not because of her medical problems or so but because..... because of this man standing right here, before her.

"Come with me." His cold voice broke her out from her reverie. She felt herself move with a little bit of pull, she looked down only to see his fingers firmly wrapped around her wrist, pulling her into the elevator.

She hasn't been to this part of the Lu corporation before but she was clearly aware that the Lu corporation had an underground parking lot, where she normally hides away from her parents when the come to get her. Only the Lu's knew about this hiding place of hers. The thought brought sadness to her.

She thought memories are meant to keep you happy when you remember them, but in her case it is different. It reminds her of the loss she had, it reminds of the pain she's going through. It does so many negative things to her. Why?! why her!.

One look at her and Ethan could tell that her depression was acting up again. He thought about what could have triggered it now.

Immediately the elevator produced a 'Ding' sound, signaling that they have reached their destination. Without a second thought, he held her by her hand before he exited the elevator.

It led straight to his office.

Immediately the elevator door got open, his secretary, Jennie yu instantly stood up to greet him. "Welcome back sir." Her speech immediately slurred when she saw a little girl standing behind him, or rather hiding behind him. The surprising part was that, their hands were connected? No! more like he was holding her hand.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, She wish she could take a picture but it will be too obvious to the boss.

Ethan walked passed directly entering into his office without replying to the greeting of his secretary. He gently pulled kamlyn along with him leaving his secretary stunned.

When they were both in, he took her towards the sofa by the right side of his office. He signaled for her to seat and when she did, he walked over to the drawer on the other side of his office table. He pulled on it and brought out a first aid kit.

He made his way to her and sat beside her. "Turn around." He ordered.

Kamlyn slowly turned to face him upon his command.

The moment she turn to his direction he immediately grabbed the cotton wool and dabbed it into an ointment , he carefully raised her chin again and gently applied the ointment on the bruised area of her face.

He was so serious doing it as if he has been doing it before. No trace of awkwardness was spotted on him, no wonder news about him says that he is always comported and expressionless, he doesn't let anything out.

After he was done applying the medication for her, he stood up and went back to his office table. Back to work! he paid her no attention, his focus was plainly on the files and documents he was reading and signing.

Kamlyn was already bored as time passed by. She didn't even know what she was doing here, All her hopes were that maybe he brought her for Louis, but he ended up keeping her with him in his very own office, what for? of course she didn't know.

Quietly she release a small breath. She looked around with interest. She hasn't been here before, This was not the office Louis occupied while he was still CEO. Or maybe his style is just different.

She liked the appearance of the office, the color wasn't too shouty nor too bright. It was just minimal and had this kind of aura of seriousness around it. Everything was laced in black and pure white. The vibes of the office Alone could explain the character of the owner.

She was suddenly feeling a little bit hungry and she didn't know how to let him know. Then she remembered the tablet which was handed over to her by Doctor Zhao.

It was placed by her side when she sat earlier. With slight reluctance, she picked it up and was about to state her needs when a knock resounded on the door interrupting her movement.

"Come in." Ethan permitted.

The door slowly opened revealing his secretary.

"What?" Ethan inquired.

Jennie glanced at kamlyn who was sitting silently on the sofa. She again looked at Ethan, with a little bit of hesitation since she couldn't decipher the relationship between them both, she informed. "Sir, miss Tang is here should I let her in?"

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