
Silent Echoes, Distant Voices

After alien artifacts trigger worldwide disasters, only those who can hear the artifacts' whispers survive. A deaf scientist, using technology to simulate hearing, and a streetwise orphan with a mysterious ability to understand the aliens' intent, team up to prevent humanity's annihilation. Hi Everyone! Note from me: I want to thank everyone for reading this synopsis. This is my entry into the Writing Prompt Contest for April 2024. The theme is uncertain future where I choose the sub category of #survivalmutation. My current plan is to publish one chapter a day, so by the end of the Contest in March, I should have about 45 chapters published for the novel. Any feedback you can give about the novel would be appreciated as I am still a new writer in this space. Please send your votes and enjoy the novel!

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · sci-fi
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13 Chs

A Chance of Revival (3)

As the figure spoke of Mia, Alex felt a strange intensity in her gaze. He pushed these thoughts aside and focused on fixing Mia. When he showed her his list, she nodded knowingly and declared, "I'll take care of it." And just like that, she vanished, leaving Alex with more questions.

Alex's fingers hovered over the console, initiating the nanobot swarm that buzzed around Mia's exposed skeletal frame. The microscopic machines, each no larger than a speck of dust, began their delicate dance of deconstruction and reconstruction. They clung to the metal bones like silver moss, etching away imperfections and reinforcing the structure with an artist's precision.

He watched, transfixed, as tiny lights blinked along the lines of Mia's form, signaling the bots' relentless activity. Alex's expertise merged with their programmed instincts; they orchestrated a symphony of creation from chaos. Hours melded into one another, marked only by the gradual transformation beneath his hands.

As the last nanobot retreated, signaling the completion of its task, Alex let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He lifted a spool of hair-thin wires with reverent care - conduits for Mia's electronic lifeblood. The painstaking process of weaving them into her newly refined structure commenced, his fingers threading each wire with the tenderness of a lover's touch.

The soft hiss of the lab door announced Marcus' presence.

Dr. Marcus: "How's it coming along?"

He typed, peering over Alex's shoulder at the network of freshly installed wiring.

Dr. Renn: "Steady progress,"

Alex replied without looking up, his attention never wavering from the delicate task.

Marcus nodded, but Alex saw a hesitancy in his eyes that didn't escape him. He waited for the other shoe to drop, and it wasn't long before it did.

Dr. Marcus: "Listen, Alex,"

Marcus typed, scratching the back of his neck in discomfort.

Dr. Marcus: "I've scoured every database and supplier I could think of. There's just... there's no compatible power source available. Not one that we can get our hands on, anyway."

The words hung heavy between them. Alex ceased his movements as he read what was on the screen, a sense of cold dread settling in his stomach. No power source meant no Mia, not in any functional sense. It was a setback of monumental proportions, yet the weight of Marcus' gaze told him surrender was not an option.

Dr. Renn: "Alright,"

Alex finally typed, the resolve firming in his jaw as he turned to face Marcus.

Dr. Renn: "We'll find another way. We always do."

The rhythmic tapping at the lab door pulled Alex from the tangled wires and circuits that had consumed his focus. He glanced at the security feed, eyeing the nondescript box sitting unattended in the corridor. With a wary sigh, he made his way to the door, opening it just enough to slide the package inside with the toe of his boot.

Back at the workbench, Alex cut through the seal of the box, revealing an array of supplies: micro-circuitry more intricate than any human hand could craft, polymers that shimmered with a liquid iridescence, and biometallic fibers known to self-heal. Each item danced on the edge of legality, sourced from black markets that spanned the galaxy. He felt a twinge of guilt – dealing with such a shadowy figure didn't sit well with him – but the thought of Mia's luminous eyes flickering to life spurred him onward.

Alex's gaze shifted to Mia, his eyes filled with both grief and sadness. He integrated the alien technology into Mia's frame, each piece fusing seamlessly with the human-made components. But the hollow void where the power core should have nestled mocked him, a gaping maw in the heart of his creation.

In his desperation, Alex's mind drifted to the artifact—the Institute's closely guarded secret and his last hope. It was kept on two floors in a vault lined with lead and warnings. Retrieving it hadn't been difficult; most were too afraid to even touch it, and he was in charge of the research project. All he had to do was mark it as destroyed, and all the evidence was gone.

The shard lay on his workspace now, its onyx surface drinking in the light around it. It thrummed with an energy that prickled the hairs on his neck, a low hum that seemed to resonate with his heartbeat.

With reverent hands, he lifted the shard, observing how it gleamed with a pulsating glow, fractures spider-webbing across its surface before healing over as if they were never there. This obsidian puzzle, harvested from the scorched earth of the Mojave, defied all logic. Alex positioned the shard near Mia's incomplete power housing, half-expecting rejection. Instead, tendrils of electric-blue energy reached out from the shard, seeking connection.

Alex felt hesitant, allowing the shard to settle into the housing. The moment it made contact, the lab was bathed in a radiant light, and the air buzzed with potential. The shard melded into place, its energy coursing through Mia's newly repaired veins. Alex held his breath, watching for signs of life, for the spark that would finally bring Mia back to him.

Exhaustion clawed at the edges of Alex's consciousness as he initiated the final sequence of updates. His fingers danced over the keys with a familiarity born from endless nights of work, his eyes glued to the readouts flickering across Mia's diagnostic screen. Every line of code was a whisper of hope, a step closer to awakening the dormant AI within the synthetic body sprawled across the workbench.

Alex breathed out, his breath a blend of fatigue and fervent anticipation. The installation bar crept across the screen, a digital countdown to a moment that felt like an eternity. He glanced at the black shard now nestled within Mia's chest cavity. Its eerie light dimmed to a soft pulse, a heartbeat syncing with the rhythm of the machines surrounding them.

Unable to resist the pull of weariness any longer, Alex dragged a stool close to the workbench and slumped beside Mia. Her hand, a marvel of engineering and alien materials, lay cold but felt like hers. Yet something compelled him to grasp it, perhaps the human need for contact or a silent plea for her return.

His grip tightened ever so slightly, comforted by the imagined possibility of warmth returning to those fingers. With heavy eyelids drooping, Alex surrendered to sleep, lulled by the days of work and exhaustion.

Time slipped by, unheeded by the sleeping figure whose head rested against the edge of the bench.

Then, without warning, the tranquility was disrupted by a sharp flicker of the screen. The steady flow of data stuttered, and a cascade of glyphs unlike any earthly script flashed into existence, carving themselves across the interface. The characters were strange, imbued with the same otherworldly essence as the shard that powered Mia's core. They looped and swirled in hypnotic patterns, their meaning elusive yet filled with an ancient resonance.

Alex stirred but did not wake, his breath even and deep. Unseen by his closed eyes, the runes seemed to dance faster, growing in intensity before they unraveled and dissolved into the standard alphanumeric readout.

"Installation complete," was typed out on the screen. "System integrity at 100%."

The only evidence of the anomaly was now gone, absorbed into the newly awakened circuits of Mia's form. Slowly, Mia's fingers began to twitch.