
Sigma: Retribution System of The Fallen

Only the most pathetic fall to the bottom of the abyss, but every legend has crawled their way up from that very place. ... Damien is a death row prisoner. As he counts down his last days, to his surprise, he is bought by the Sigma company. The Sigma company brought Damien and a few others up from the brink of death, only to toss them down once again. Now Damien and his new less than agreeable companions must fight increasingly ghastly monsters for their freedom and immediate survival. After they clear labs by the skin of their teeth, the Sigma company gives them strange injections. To Damien’s shock, these injections gave them superpowers he could only dream of. This was his chance for freedom, for all of them to start anew. Only problem? There was more to these injections than any of them could imagine. Was this really a chance for freedom? Or was it a one-way ticket to Hell?

Disgrace · sci-fi
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30 Chs

Big Bad

As the room opened up, a familiar blackness greeted them. Damien led the way, with his flashlight, while the others followed from close behind. After moving for just a few moments, they already came across a giant.

The moment the light touched it, the thing spasmed dangerously and even came close to hitting Damien as it did so. After rapidly diverting the light, it gradually calmed down. From there, the group continued to move through but made sure to avoid the giant.

They continued without meeting anything for a while, before eventually meeting another giant. The situation wasn't the best, but the group pushed on. By now, everyone had become rather familiar with navigating in the dark and remaining silent, so there were no mishaps.

As they continued, they eventually found another creature. But this time, it was a lightbulb. The moment the light shone on it, the creature began brightening up and let out a deep growl. Damien's eyes widened as he lunged forth with the katana, beheading it in one swift motion.

Cutting through felt almost like cutting through the air, as the creature was quite fragile. Unfortunately, as quick as he was, it was just a bit too slow. Another lightbulb a few meters away began lighting up as well, which chained to light another five up.

The four of them all had their katanas out, and the speed at which the lightbulbs were activated was far too fast. Before they could even draw their guns, they all had already been activated.

The corner of Killian's lip twitched.

"This doesn't look good."

Zenos narrowed his eyes.


Adonis sucked in a cold breath.

"I guess we're going again."

Damien let out a bitter chuckle.

"Well, at least it's not like we haven't done something like this before!"

As he said that, the light coming from the lightbulbs brightened considerably, while the sound they released was high-pitched and very uncomfortable. To top it off, with that light, the rest of the room was revealed.

If there was one saving grace, there were no normal monsters.

Unfortunately, there were also four giants now spasming violently in the room for them to deal with. Killian let out a laugh as he rushed towards one of the nearby giants before it fully woke up.

"There's one for each of us! Come on, let's go!"

Taking after Damien's example, he clambered up one of their backs before stabbing it in the neck. As for Adonis, he hesitated for a moment before rushing up to one of them and slashing its heels so that it couldn't stand up. On the other hand, Zenos immediately pulled out his sniper rifle before aiming it toward the furthest giant. He had a deep frown on his face due to the screeching from the lightbulbs, but tried to tune it out.

As for Damien, he found the last giant too far away for him to close in on with his katana, but not too far that he could have a hard time shooting them. There was a part of him that considered dealing with the lightbulbs, but for now, they only seemed like a nuisance more than anything.

After all, the monsters were already alerted.

With that in mind, he pulled out his pistol, narrowed his eyes, and aimed at the giant's head. He didn't fire immediately, and neither did Zenos. This was because the giants were still currently spasming erratically, which led to them moving their heads around unpredictably.

It would be too hard to hit.

Once it did eventually calm down, Damien took his first shot. It pierce through the giant's head rather cleanly, but didn't look like it did much as it continued to rise. Without getting discouraged, he kept firing his pistol.

After another two pistol shots went through the giant's head, it seemed to react, stumbling around awkwardly while bleeding out from the bullet holes in his head.

Damien's rate of fire noticeably slowed as he tracked how the monster swayed, but he didn't stop. Another bullet hit its head, causing it to roar out in pain. Then when another bullet hit, it suddenly cut off, no longer making any noise.

However, it was still standing.

Not feeling assured, Damien continued to fire, hitting it in the head two more times. Unfortunately, it was still standing. He was going to fire more, but when he clicked again the gun only made an empty clicking sound before ejecting a magazine.

It was empty.

His eyebrow twitched as he drew his katana, ready to finish off the thing in close combat. But right as he was about to spring into action, the giant fell over like a rag doll, hitting the ground with a thud.

At nearly the same time, an explosive bang resounded. The farthest giant had its head explode in its entirety. Damien looked over at Zenos to see him holding his sniper rifle, and a whisp of smoke coming out of the barrel.

"Nice shot."

Zenos nodded.


As for Killian and Adonis, they were both holding up in their own ways. Killian had slammed his katana in the giant's neck as was currently rocking back and forth like he was trying to stay on top of a bull.

The giant attempted to reach for him, but Killian was perched on the thing's head and it didn't have the flexibility to reach up there. In the end, it simply shook its head around wildly while running around the room in an effort to shake him off.

In the process, it even ended up ramming into one of the lightbulbs and smashing it into pieces.

As for Killian, before he was slammed into a wall he would reposition himself so he wouldn't directly be crushed. His katana continued to sink deeper into the neck, giving the giant a pressing timer.

On the other hand, Adonis didn't try to climb up the giant like the others. Instead, he gave two big slashes to its heels. The giant swung backward, but Adonis was smart enough to dodge it this time. From there, the giant attempted to stand up but stumbled over itself before collapsing to its knees once more.

Taking the opportunity, he further crippled it by slashing at its arms. The giant roared angrily as it attempted to swat Adonis like a fly, but was just short as he leaped back out of range.

Although on both sides the giant wasn't yet dead, the situation looked surprisingly good considering they suddenly found themselves having to deal with four giants at once.

Seeing this, Zenos pulled his katana back out, and both he and Damien were getting ready to help them out. But something peculiar happened as they were doing that.

The lightbulbs suddenly fell silent and even stopped emitting light altogether.

It wasn't that big of a deal as Damien promptly turned his flashlight up to full before dropping it on the ground, lighting up the whole room. From there, the remaining live lightbulbs ran into a corner of the room. Before they could ponder over it any longer, an explosive bang shook the room.

All four of them were rather startled by this. Caught off guard, Killian was flung off the back of the giant, while his katana was still lodged in its neck. Adonis was also startled and ended up missing an easy opportunity to slash at the giant's last good arm, thus greatly limiting its mobility.

As for where this sound originated, it was a closed gate in the room. A place they hadn't yet entered.

There was a freaky large indent in the gate. Although the giants were strong, Damien was fairly confident they wouldn't be able to do that much damage. And not in one hit.

A few seconds later, another explosive bang resounded throughout the place as the gate smashed open, scattering bits of metal all across the floor. It was at this point that Damien had realized what happened.

The lightbulbs were clearly unable to do much themselves. They only served to alert the other monsters. However, that didn't mean they weren't a threat. Because they didn't only alert the monsters in the same room, but also the ones in other nearby rooms.

And in this case, they were greeted by what was definitely the big bad of this floor.

Damien muttered under his breath.

"What the fuck?"

A creature of the same size as the giants appeared. Except it had much longer arms. And more of them too.

Got alotta armies. Must be a good general.

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