

Become mine and I will make sure they beg on their knees for your mercy and pity I love you despite your flows and red flags

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 16of100 THE WEDDING

the next morning, Tyler and Linda walked into the hospital building together holding hands, everyone was wondering to what the hell was going on between them, they admired them and thought they really looked good together, Tyler said goodbye to her and went straight up to his office, a doctor pulled Linda aside, looking at her with both suspicious and excited eyes," what's going on between you and doctor Tyler? you two have become close lately," she raised her brows, Linda chuckled taking a seat," well since you were the first person who made me your friend when I came to this hospital, I will let you in a little secret," smiled Linda," please do tell,"

" well Tyler and I have been hanging out for the past months, by that I mean sexually involved, have spent a couple of nights at his house, and things have been going smoothly lately,"

" awwr, you love him don't you?," Carol smiled," I think I do, yes," Linda agreed," I'm happy for you Linda, Tyler is a good man, and he is damn lucky to have you, although what does his daughter think of you? have you met? does she accept you being with her father?," Carol ask," well yes, I have met Rory, she's a pretty nice girl, and she's happy for her father knowing he's happy,"

" That's a check, but the baby mama though, what if she finds out about you and Tyler?,"

" Tyler and Kate never got married, so it's not that of a big issue," Linda said, they both talked and laughed for a while longer, the elevator opened, and a tall woman stepped out, she wore blue tight jeans, a long sleeve white shirt, black leather high heels, her long smooth chocolate dark-brown hair was tied into a ponytail, her lips were red, eye shadow on point, and had little make-up on, she walked with grace and power, you could tell she was really proud of herself, why wouldn't she? she has everything, money, power, fame and beauty, Kate went right straight to Tyler's office, Linda frowned seeing Tyler's old lover/ baby mama there, seeing her right now made her wonder why Tyler didn't end up with a woman like her, or even try to get back with her, Linda felt little in front of Kate, she felt like she was in her shadow, Carol could see worry in Linda's eyes, she held her shoulder squeezing it gently," hey, you have nothing to worry about, stay calm," Carol smiled slightly, Linda nods forcing a smile, Tyler was on his Laptop going through some work, a knock echoed inside and he raised his head," come in," he said, Kate walked in with a warm sweet smile," looking damn handsome as always I see," she said taking a seat on one of the chairs," Kate! what are you doing here?," Tyler asked obviously surprised to see her there, usually she would call before coming to New York City," well I wanted to surprise you, and also because I didn't see you at Dad's funeral," she simply said," thought Stuart told you why I couldn't make it?,"

" he did, I just wonder what type of work emergency that came up, that you couldn't even attend your daughter's grandfather's burial?," Kate raised her eye brows," I'm sorry, how is Rory doing?,"

" like any other granddaughter who mourns for one of their dead grandparents, she was really close to him, it's not easy on her Tyler, she decided to stay back in England for a while," Kate felt for her daughter, it wasn't easy on her as well, losing someone very close is never easy, but we all have to move on with our lives," are you busy?," Kate asked," I was working till you came in," Tyler said," Ouch, anyway, I didn't have anything to eat when I left for the airport, can we grab breakfast, I saw a coffee house nearby on my way here," Kate smiled," Kate, I have a lot of work to do, maybe lunch, is that alright?," Tyler told her," Lunch is perfect,"

" In the meantime I can ask someone to bring up coffee for you,"

" thank you," Kate smiled, Tyler picked up the telephone and made a call, after a few minutes, a woman walked in with a cup of hot chocolate coco, Kate took it taking a sip, hours passed by and Kate waited patiently for Tyler to finish his work, she enjoyed watching him for the past five hours, in the past five hours, she slept on the couch in the corner of the room, woke up and went on her phone, watched Tyler do his work, rested and did the routine over again till it was finally lunch time, Tyler arranged his things, took off his doctor coat and grabbed his phone, Kate got up from her seat and the two of them left the office, Linda was in the hall handing the receptionist the files," Gai, can you hand this documents to Doctor Santana when he comes in," she said," yes Doctor," Gai took the file putting it aside, Linda turned around to go back to her office when she saw Tyler and Kate walking her way, she stood there her legs unable to move," how are you Doctor?," Gai greeted when Tyler and Kate reached near," I'm alright Gai, how are you?," Tyler greeted back," good good, I see you're heading out,"

" we're going to grab lunch," Kate smiled holding onto his arm," Tyler! my stomach is already grumbling, let's go," Kate said, Tyler looked at Linda one more time before leaving with Kate, Gai sighed softly and said," they make such a good couple don't they?,"

" Get back to work," Linda told her and walked away.

Back in England, Abigail announced her marriage with Stuart at International television, of course reporters didn't want to let this big news go as smoothly as it is, they questioned to why Stuart was getting married again? and what happened to Kourtney?, Stuart wasn't at the conference, only Abigail, Madam Levant, and Hannah Levant," Madam Levant, we did not hear anything about Stuart Levant divorcing Kourtney Grenade, so it comes as a shock to society of Stuart Levant getting married to Miss Woods," a reporter said," well it's not always that we let our family issues out to the public or the press, Kourtney wanted to continue her career as a model, which involves a lot of time and traveling, she didn't want to be bounded to marriage that limits her work, and Stuart gave her that, the freedom she needed, as you can see I'm getting old, I need to see my grandchildren before I die, and unfortunately Kourtney wasn't ready to be a mom, but Abigail on the other hand, she has known Stuart since they were little kids, she's already part of our family, and she is ready to build her own family with my son, despite her being a business woman," Madam Levant explained," Where is Kourtney now?," another reporter asked," she's probably somewhere chasing her career," Abigail said," Miss Woods! have you decided to when you will get married to Stuart Levant?," another reporter asked," our wedding is in two days time, it will be simple but beautiful, we don't want to delay anything, like Madam Levant said, we don't want to delay her grandchildren," Abigail smiled, the meeting came to an end, that same day, Abigail went to pick up her wedding dress, it was hand made, it was simple but beautiful, it was a tight straight dress with long sleeves, it was vintage style, she picked up her other bridal equipments and went back home.

Back in New York City, Stuart was standing at the front porch to Luciana's house, he rang the doorbell and a maid opened the door," Mr Levant! welcome," she took his coat," miss Luciana is in her Art room," she said, Stuart went straight ahead, Luciana was busy with her art piece, it looked beautiful cause it carried a lot of color and life in it, Stuart smiled and spoke," I see you still have a passion for drawing and painting,"

" it never left my system," Luciana turned around getting up, she hugged Stuart with a warm smile," how are you?," Stuart asked her," I'm alright, I should be asking how you're doing? I saw the news, are you seriously going to marry Abigail? what about Kourtney? do you forget her just like that?," Luciana said with a frown," I have known Abigail since we were kids," Stuart simply said," right, just like you've known Samantha, yet you didn't plan on marrying her, how is Abigail different from Samantha?," Luciana knew Abigail very well, Samantha introduced Abigail to her when they were in highschool, she knows Abigail all to well, and she knows she isn't a good person, Stuart sighed, he too didn't want to marry Abigail, but he's only doing this to protect his family and the Levant's reputation, Luciana sighed, she knew Stuart that he wouldn't do something so reckless unless there's a reason behind it, whatever it was, he had a good reason for it," miss Luciana! Mr Levant! brunch is ready," a maid informed and left," well, have brunch with me, if that's not asking enough," Luciana smiled, Stuart nodded leading her to the dining table, they sat down enjoying the warm food, Luciana's belly has grown so much, Stuart thought even if she had a round ball on her stomach, she still looked beautiful and sexy, she looked happy and that satisfied him more, his thoughts then drifted to Kourtney, it hurt him knowing that he won't see her in the same condition as Luciana, seeing his baby grow inside her, or when it finally comes into this world, and the fact that he has no idea where the hell she could be right now made him sick to his stomach, it was driving him crazy," are you alright?," Luciana asked when she noticed Stuart getting a little off," yes," Stuart simply said, after brunch, Stuart said goodbye to Luciana.

the sun was going down and dawn peaked through the clouds, Tyler allowed Kate to spend a night at his house cause she refused checking into a hotel, but since it was only a night and she will be going back to England tomorrow morning, he allowed it, he went straight upstairs to his room, opened his laptop and FaceTime Linda," look who decided to call," Linda said," sorry," Tyler could only say," which part are you sorry about Doctor? the part where you didn't come back to work after leaving with your daughter's mom? or when you didn't call me for the past 8hours?," Linda calmly said," all of it, Kate wouldn't give me a break, she took me with her to go shopping for Stuart's wedding, then we argued about her not wanting to stay in a hotel,"

" so she's at your house?," Linda raised a brow," sadly yes," Tyler said," oh alright, good night doctor," she rolled her eyes which made Tyler chuckle," are you jealous Miss Martinez?,"

" why would I be?," Linda crossed her arms over her chest," you have no reason to be jealous, cause nothing is going on between me and Kate, nothing can happen rest assured, good night and I will see you tomorrow," Tyler told her, Linda gave a warm smile disconnecting the call.

while in Stuart's Villa, Xavier and Cassy had a heated love making upstairs in their room, her moans drove Xavier crazy, having Cassy in his arms is everything he wishes for, he didn't want to lose her to anyone, a bit more of driving each other crazy, they were left breathless in each other's arms," Shower?," Xavier kisses her lip," yes," Cassy nods, Xavier carried her to the bathroom and they took a shower together before going to sleep in each other's arms.

A day had passed by, and the second day was the big day, the wedding was held in England, Tyler brought Linda with him as his date, and officially his girlfriend, Xavier and Cassy attended the wedding together, when Cassy found out about Stuart's marriage to Abigail, she was furious and didn't want to go, but Xavier talked her into it and later on agreed to go, the wedding was simple but elegant and beautiful, it was held in the garden to the backyard of the Levant mansion, the decorations, flowers, chairs and alter was beautiful, Stuart was patiently waiting on the alter, he wore a black suit, and a gray tie, with black leather shoes, he looked breathtakingly dangerous, the music to walk down the bride began, everyone stood up facing back, Abigail smiled as she walked down the aisle, she looked beautiful, elegant and sexy in her dress, Stuart on the other hand showed no emotions, or care, his eyes remained blank, dark, and cold, he had a porker face on that stayed still and unmoving, Abigail stood next to him as they faced one another, the priest could feel the intense unwavering tension coming from the groom, he slowed hard and began," we gather here to reunite two people as they become one, Abigail Woods, and Stuart Levant, you will repeat after me -

" just get it over it priest, I don't have time," Stuart said in a cold serious tone, Abigail's smile wanted to break but maintained herself, she looked at the priest giving him a slight nod," Stuart Levant! do you take Abigail Woods to be your lawful wedded wife? in sickness and in health? for better and worse? till death do you part?," Stuart hesitated for a while, he wasn't sure whether or not to go ahead with this, Abigail's heart skipped a beat, seeing him taking a lot of time to respond, just when her smile was about to break, she heard Stuart speak," I do," she was relieved and her heart began to beat at it's normal rate again," Abigail Woods! do you take Stuart Levant to be your lawful wedded husband? in sickness and in health? for better and worse? till death do you part?,"

" I do," Abigail smiled widely," with the power invested in me, I pronounce you, Man and Woman," Abigail was so happy to be officially known as Mrs Levant, everyone gave a hand of applause for the new couple, they congratulated them and gave their gifts, everyone danced, ate, drank and had fun, after the celebration, Stuart, Abigail, and the others flew back to New York City, even if Stuart and Abigail were married, Stuart didn't send Cassy and Xavier out of his house, it was already hell staying with Abigail in one house and sharing a room, at least he needed other company who's other than Abigail, Stuart, Tyler and Xavier went out to have a drink, while Cassy, Linda and Abigail stayed back in the house for girls bonding," Ladies, a toast to me and my marriage to Stuart, and my life with him," Abigail smiled taking a sip of wine," congratulations to you," Linda smiled," thank you Linda! how about you Cassy! aren't you going to congratulate me?," Abigail smiled sweetly," don't you think you celebrate to soon Abigail?," Cassy said," what do you mean?," Abigail creased her brows," you might have married Stuart, you're called his wife by name but you and I know his heart doesn't belong to you, Stuart loves and will always love Kourtney, his heart belongs to her, you can comfort yourself by assuring yourself he's your husband, but his love belongs to his true wife Kourtney,"

" how dare you insult me in my own house,"

" your house? Cassy repeated," as far as I know I'm in Kourtney's house, not yours," she added," why you," Abigail wanted to rush over to Cassy but Linda stepped in between," Ohkay, Ladies, I think we had enough bonding for one day, I think I will be on my way, I have a lot of work to get back to, Cassy! do you mind stepping out with me, thank you," Linda dragged her away with her," you didn't have to drag me out, I would have teach her a lesson she'll never forget," Cassy said angrily," trust me when I say I don't like her a little bit, but you will have to get over yourself and be responsible, now I felt suffocated being in one room with her, wanna grab lunch and a few drinks?," Linda suggested," yes please, I'm starving," Cassy said, they got into the car and drove away, they went to a restaurant in the middle of town, they ordered different types of dishes, and drinks, wine and cocktails, they talked and laughed, bonded and had a lot of fun together, the sun was going down, Stuart and Xavier returned home, Stuart was so drunk that he couldn't stand on his two feet, Xavier held him firmly so he wouldn't stumble and fall," Stuart! Abigail rushed over seeing her husband in such a drunken state," why is he so drunk?," Abigail creased her brows," if you were in his place wouldn't you be in the same condition?," Xavier said, Abigail knew what he meant but ignored it," help me get him upstairs, we can use the elevator," she said, Xavier led Stuart to the elevator, they reached the room, Abigail laid Stuart on the bed, she closed the door and a sly smile curved on her lips, she approached Stuart sitting on top of him, she unbuttoned his shirt one by one, touching his strong sexy chest, and abs, she kissed his neck trailing down to his chest and abs, Stuart frowned slightly," what are you doing?," he said in a deep drunken, shallow voice," shhhh, just enjoy it," Abigail whispered, she kissed his lips deeply but slowly, she took off her t-shirt deepening the kiss, Stuart held her waist pinning her down on the bed, he kissed her like a hungry beast, her every part of her skin was covered with his intense kisses, they stripped off each other's clothes, Stuart entered her and had a wild sex together, Abigail moaned clinging onto the sheets, she felt the fire burning her, but in a good way, the act went on for than 30minutes till they were left breathless, Stuart fell on his back and fell asleep, Abigail smiled staring at this godly gorgeous man sleeping besides her, she was finally his and his alone, she laid her head on his chest and fell asleep as well.

the next morning, Stuart opened his eyes with a spinning headache, he tried getting up when he felt something was straining him, or someone, he looked down and saw a little woman lying her head on his chest, her little arm wrapped around his waist, Stuart frowned realizing what he just did," did he drink to much that he lost himself ending up to sleep with Abigail? he carefully got her off him and laid her on her side of the bed, he got up and went to get a shower, after his bath, he wore his casual clothes, a gray T-shirt and gray sweatpants, he wore his slippers and went downstairs," good morning?," Cassy smiled when she saw Stuart approaching the dining room," morning, I have a spinning headache please tell me you have coffee," Stuart said," coffee will only make things worse, here's a herbal green tea, it will work faster," Cassy handed him a mug," thank you, where's Xavier?," Stuart asked," still sleeping like a log," Cassy said taking a sit," I hope Abigail being here isn't inconvenience for you?," Stuart said taking a sip," I can take care of her," Cassy said, Stuart chuckled by her response," good chat, but I have to go to work now, see you," she grabbed her phone, bag, car keys and left, Abigail opened her eyes and noticed Stuart was not in bed, she got up with a smile on her face, her body felt sore but she cared less, she got out of bed and went to take a shower, after her warm shower, she got dressed in a simple yet beautiful pitch dress, and went downstairs, she saw Stuart in the dining room and approached him," good morning?," she greeted with a smile," morning," Stuart greeted back, Abigail made herself a cup of coffee and sat down," about last night," Stuart began, Abigail looked at him through her mug," it was a mistake, I was drunk and not in my right sense of mind, you shouldn't get your hopes up," Stuart continued and told her the facts, Abigail twirled the coffee in her mug and said," I know, but you don't have to love me to have sex with me, it could be like old times, do you remember? I was one call away and I would find myself in your bed, it could be like old times Stuart, like a pet obeying it's master, I would do anything to have a piece of you," she smiled getting up, she approached him touching his shoulders and arms, her little hands trailing to his abs, down to his abdomen, Stuart quivered staring into her naughty eyes," don't you miss this Stuart!? don't you miss your little sex toy? she leaned in whispering into his ear," don't you miss fucking me - ?? before Abigail could finish her words, Stuart already sat her down on the dining table, he split her legs grabbing her soft, round ass, he squeezed them, kissing her lips, Abigail kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck, Stuart carried her all the way up to his room, he flipped her over, entering her from behind," Ahhh, oh shit, yes, f**k me, yeah," Abigail moaned, Stuart increased his pace, he held both her arms stroking in and out, they had it for half an hour and it was so good, they both fell back in bed taking a breath, every hour and then they had sex, The sex that they haven't had in years.

At City hospital, it was work as usual, patients being brought in and out, today Luciana went for her ultrasound to see how her baby was growing," that's one healthy baby You're carrying there," Linda smiled," really? nothing is wrong with it? cause I have been experiencing sharp pains underneath my abdomen," Luciana said obviously concerned," the pains are normal for an expecting mother, I will subscribe some pain killers for you, it will ease the pain," Linda told her," thank you Doctor,"

" there is the most beautiful pregnant woman I know," Tyler came into the room with his bright gentle smile," Tyler! Luciana giggles," stop it you're embarrassing me," she shyly said," how are you doing?," Tyler asked her," pretty good, how are you?," Luciana smiled," much better now that I have seen how happy you are," Tyler told her," oh you," Luciana laughed softly," Linda subscribed some pain killers and gave it to her," take two twice a day for five days, morning and evening, the pain will subside within three to four days,"

" Alright Doctor," Luciana got up," I will take you to the elevator," Tyler helped her, they said goodbye to one another when the elevator closed.

Cassy was in her office going through paper work," knock! knock!," Daniel went inside wearing his usual smile," hey there," he smiled," hey, you're in late, I passed by your office but you weren't there," Cassy said," apologies, I actually came in pretty early, but since I'm such a foodie, I went to grab lunch and thought you would like some as well," he put a box of KFC, a burger and soda," oh my gosh, you just woken my appetite, I love KFC, thank you very much," Cassy opened a bag of fries, and a soda," you're welcome, I have a report to view, and I will see you later," Daniel said and walked out, Cassy gave a thumbs up going back to her meal, the day continued on with everyone doing their own stuff, the sun went to hide behind the clouds, welcoming the night to completely take over, everyone got off work and had dinner at the house, Tyler and Linda also joined dinner at Stuart's Villa, Cassy prepared dinner while Linda helped set the table, Abigail dished everyone and they all sat together to have a family gathering, they ate and chatted, Stuart didn't say anything through out their dinner, clearly he was thinking about something else, after dinner, Tyler and Linda said goodbye going back to their own place, Cassy and Abigail cleaned up before retiring to their rooms, once again the Levant house remained dead silent.