

Become mine and I will make sure they beg on their knees for your mercy and pity I love you despite your flows and red flags

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 15of100 Going into Hiding

The next morning, Kourtney opened her eyes slowly, like butterfly wings flapping together, flashes of images came rushing back to her of last night's event, even though the images were blurry and her head ached even more, when she tried so hard to remember, she could only curl up in bed crying her eyes out, she didn't understand why bad luck always seems to like her, it's like it's bounded to her, and the fact that she couldn't protect herself made her feel more useless," what if Andrea got what he wanted? what if this scandal reaches the public and internet? her life and career will be ruined this time around, all these thoughts were going through her head, that she didn't hear the door open, Stuart walked out of the bathroom and saw his little angry bird curled up like a heap, she was crying to herself silently, he didn't like seeing tears in her eyes, or feeling pain, he promised himself from that night they crossed paths, that he would make anyone pay if they try to touch or hurt her, they would feel pain twice as much till the beg for death, not even the devil will let their souls burn in painful peace, Stuart walked towards the bed, he stood to the opposite side looking down at his little woman," Kourtney! when she heard a familiar charmingly deep sexy voice, at first she thought it was her imagination playing games with her, she turned her head to see if she was imagining things, to her surprise it wasn't her imagination, he was really there standing next to her, Kourtney couldn't think about anything else, she got out of bed running into his arms, her face buried in his arms while she sobbed, Stuart could feel her warm tears rolling down on his chest," I don't like seeing tears in your eyes." Stuart said lifting her head so she was facing him, he wiped her tears," you saved me, again." she said in a flat tone," I will always be there for you if you let me, here for you, and our baby." Stuart said surprising Kourtney," how did you, know that I'm pregnant?." Stuart pointed at the bedside drawer with his eyes, Kourtney wanted to face palm herself for leaving such important information lying around carelessly, but how would she have known Stuart would be there? after all it's her room so of course she would leave them wherever she feels like putting them, Stuart caressed her cheek staring into her gray eyes," I have already prepared your bath, take a warm relaxing shower, while I prepare breakfast." he told her, Kourtney nodded going to the bathroom, Stuart sighed realizing he did not bring any spare clean clothes with him, he takes the landline calling the receptionist downstairs, after a while there was a knock on the door," room service." the woman outside said, Stuart opened the door, the woman was dazzled seeing whatever Godly man was standing in front of her, her eyes scanned every inch of his body, no words left her mouth, Stuart frowned wondering what was wrong with her, when he finally realized he was half naked, he cleared his throat and the woman finally snapped out of her daze," I would like these cleaned quickly." he handed her his clothes," Uhm yes, yes Sir, right away." she stammered, but she still kept standing there staring at him," anything else?." Stuart asked," Huh, no.. sorry, I'm on it." she hesitantly said turning around and walked away, Stuart closed the door heading for the kitchen, he could easily call room service to bring up breakfast but he rather prepares it himself, he took some fresh bread putting it in the toaster, fried some scrambled eggs, bacon and orange juice, with honey on the side, Kourtney got out of the shower smelling the air filled with sweet tasty aroma, she quickly put on her robe and went to the living room," you always find a way to awaken my appetite." Kourtney smiled," then don't waste time digging in." Stuart pulled out a chair for her, Kourtney sat down enjoying her breakfast, she really missed this, having breakfast with the man she was so much in love with, even if it's been only three days since she left him, but it felt forever to her, it was like a dream that he was here, and he might disappear anytime soon if she looks away, so she had her eyes glued to him making sure he won't disappear from her, but again, she wanted to know why he was here? did he realize that he loves her too? that he wouldn't manage living without her? all these thoughts went through her mind, Stuart was watching her every move, and the fact that she was staring at him through out her breakfast, he could tell she wanted to say something," water?." Stuart offered, Kourtney took the glass taking a sip, she put the glass down," why are you here?." Kourtney got straight to the point, Stuart leaned back looking at Kourtney for what seemed like forever before he spoke," Dad is unwell, he wishes for your presence in England, that's his last wish."

" Sick?," Kourtney repeated," he looked healthy and fine the last time I saw him, how can he be sick?." Kourtney asked obviously confused," he has a brain tumor, he had it for years and I only found yesterday," Stuart gave a bitter chuckle," the doctors can't help him cause it's in it's last stages, we need to leave." Stuart simply said, he spoke so casually, like this didn't affect him in any way," you didn't, didn't tell your family that we, we're no longer together?." Kourtney asked, Stuart didn't answer her question, Kourtney bit her lower lip causing a slight cut," Damn you, you know what Stuart, get out, leave." Kourtney said annoyed, Stuart raised his eye brow at her," are you kicking me out? half naked?." he said," you heard me right." Kourtney crossed her arms over her chest, Stuart stood up standing in front of her, Kourtney looked up at him boldly," you do know if you kick me out half naked, a lot of women will prey on me, do you really want other women rather than you to see me like this? baby girl." Stuart smirked, Kourtney blinked a few times having no words to back her up, Stuart was really cheesey and smart, whatever words comes out of his mouth would have you thinking, Kourtney narrowed her eyes at him, with a sigh she spoke," you can leave once your clothes are back." she said walking towards the bedroom, a few minutes later, the woman came back with Stuart's clothes, Kourtney was seated on the couch going through her phone," Sir! here are your clothes." she gave a warm smile," help me put it on, my shirt." Stuart said surprising and shocking the young woman," me?." she repeated obviously heard wrong, but Stuart turned his back to her so she could do as told, the young woman nervously looked at Kourtney, but to her surprise Kourtney wouldn't even throw a glance at them, obviously they had an argument and she was only playing as a pawn in this, but she didn't feel bad about it, not when you get to touch such a fine man, this was her only opportunity, Kourtney was feeling a sharp pain on her lower abdomen, but pushed the feeling away, but the more she tried to ignore it, the more painful it got," AHH! Kourtney screamed out painfully touching her lower stomach, Stuart rushed to her side holding her arms," what's wrong?." he worriedly asked," Stuart! I'm, I'm in so much pain, I'm worried about my baby." Kourtney said in a quivering voice," hey look at me, nothing will happen to our baby, lay back." he made her lay back on the couch," keep an eye on my wife." Stuart told the woman while he went to get dressed, after getting ready, he gathered Kourtney in his arms and rushed out, straight to the hospital, she was rushed to the Ward for examine," Sir you will have to wait out here." a nurse said, Stuart sat on the couch anxiously waiting, after waiting for than ten minutes, the doctor walked out approaching Stuart," Mr Levant!

" Doctor! is my wife alright?." Stuart stood up," nothing to worry about, your wife is fine, she just had pregnancy contractions, both your wife and the baby are healthy." she explained, Stuart was relieved to hear that both of them are alright," can I see her?."

" of course." she smiled, Stuart went inside, Kourtney was lying in bed resting, Stuart went to her bedside taking a seat, he took her hand in his," is my baby okay?." Kourtney asked," she's fine." Stuart smiled," how do you know it's a she?."

" because I want a mini you whose as stubborn and cute when you get angry." Stuart teased her," haha very funny." Kourtney rolled her eyes," I'm ready to go to England now, we shouldn't keep your Dad waiting." she added, Stuart rubbed her hand gently, after spending thirty minutes under supervision, she was discharged, Stuart and Kourtney went back to the hotel to pick up her bags," take a sit while they bring your bags down, I have to make a call." Stuart said, Kourtney nodded taking a seat in the lobby while Stuart went to make a call," Kourtney! Kourtney looked up and saw a tall woman approaching her, she knew the woman, well not personally," Hi I'm Zara Larsson, I desperately need your help, please."

" Zara Larsson, you're the lead actress in ' ONE PASSIONATE NIGHT' also the wife to Andrea Larsson, tell me why would I help you? when your husband tried to rape me last night." Kourtney stood up staring right into Zara's eyes," I know what Andrea tried to do to you was wrong, but I have been married to him for five years, he mistreats me, beats me up like a dog, has his way with me every night he feels like it, and he tells me to put up a smile like nothing ever happened, on screen and to everyone around us, like we are a perfect couple." Zara gave a bitter smile," why don't you leave him then?."

" Because I can't, he would kill me if I do, i am nothing without him, let's just say I owe him my life." Zara said," your life?," Kourtney repeated with a frown," I was nothing when Andrea found me, poor, no friends, no family, he made what I am today, but with a price that I owe him my life, I can't leave even if I wanted to, last night I over heard him speaking to someone on a call, it was a woman's voice, he was only doing this by someone's order, Andrea would do anything for money, it's clearly someone wants to bring you down and they found him to get to you, Kourtney!" Zara held her hand," you're the only one who can convince your husband to free Andrea, please help me." she begged her," and you think he will have a change of heart when you free him? that he will stop mistreating you? you have a choice Zara! you can be free from him, he will never bother you again or come after you, I can help you be free," Kourtney took a long sigh," I know he's your husband, leaving him will raise questions, but it's your life, I will let you think about it, and you can get back to me once you decide."

" and what if I choose to leave, what will happen to him?" Zara asked worriedly," will your husband kill Andrea?."

" I will make sure no one dies, but he will be far away from you, I will make sure of that." Kourtney assured her, and gave Zara her card, Stuart came up to Kourtney taking her away, an hour later, the plane landed at the airport of England, Stuart and Kourtney got into the black car and drove straight to the family mansion," Stuart!." Kate came up to them," how is he doing?." Stuart asked," he keeps mumbling your wife's name." Kate said, Stuart held Kourtney's waist leading her inside, his mother was sitting on his father's bedside when they reached the room," Kourt... Kourtney! my dear daughter in-law." Mr Levant called for her," I'm here father in-law." Kourtney smiled, Mr Levant turned to his wife and said to her," I would like to speak to Kourtney in private, give us a moment." Madam Levant wasn't sure if she should leave them alone or not, who knows what her husband would say to Kourtney while they're alone, till now she still didn't like Kourtney, she thinks she is not suitable for her son, she wanted Stuart to get married to a more stable woman who is financially stable and on the same level when it comes to business, with a lot of hesitation, she stood up and left the room with Stuart, Kourtney sat on the edge of the bed taking Mr Levant's hand in hers, Mr Levant smiled at her, hardly getting any word out," I heard about the loss of my grandchild, I'm sorry." Mr Levant said sadly," I believe that things happen for a reason, although I still haven't figured out why it happened, I think whatever happened was for the best," Kourtney said in a flat tone," perhaps you're right, I was really looking forward to seeing my grandchild, holding him or her, playing with her, giving her whatever she demands of me, watching her grow up, it would have been nice to know the Levant family finally got an heir to take over the family business and wealth, but I guess you two have a lot of time to plan for a second baby," he chuckled, Kourtney blushed with a smile, but inside her heart she knew she couldn't be with Stuart anymore, but having his baby was more than enough to make her feel complete," I have something to tell you father."

" what's that you wish to tell me?." Mr Levant asked," I'm pregnant again, ten weeks, I went for the Ultrasound and it's perfectly healthy, you're going to be a grandfather, I thought that I would never get pregnant any time soon but God gave me a second chance, and that's me becoming a mother." Kourtney smiled with tears in her eyes," my death won't be a waste after all, my wish will come true, congratulations daughter, thank you," Mr Levant smiled, his smile faded within seconds, he looked as though he was thinking about something that worried him deeply, Kourtney could see the worry on his face and couldn't help to ask," what's wrong? you look worried."

" I would like to ask for your forgiveness Kourtney! if I could turn back time I wouldn't have let what is about to take place happen." Mr Levant sadly said," I don't understand." Kourtney was confused by his words," Mr woods and I made an alliance, on which Stuart and his daughter Abigail, would get married when she got back from her long trip to Portland, by then I had no idea Stuart was already married to you,"

" But, you can cancel the contract right? you can back off." Kourtney anxiously spoke," if I could I would have broken the alliance the moment I found out your marriage to my son, but I can't, it's beyond me, and no longer up to me." Mr Levant was feeling very guilty and sorry for Kourtney, he wanted to stop whatever was going to take place, but time was against it, Kourtney's heart dropped, she felt like her breath was cut short, all she could do at that moment was just rush out of the room with tears in her eyes, Mr Levant felt a sharp pain in his chest, his breath was heavy, his heart began beating at a low pace, Madam Levant went inside only to see her husband taking his last breath, she could only place a soft kiss on his forehead," I love you dear." she whispered with a slight smile as tears rolled down on her cheeks.

Kourtney was crying her eyes out on the balcony, Stuart was standing behind her for more than five minutes, with a sigh, he went and stood beside her quietly, Kourtney wiped her eyes and there was silence between them," will you marry her?." Kourtney finally broke the suffocating silence," I have to." Stuart simply said, Kourtney gave a bitter painful smile, she was so stupid to fall in love with this gorgeous man standing beside her, the thought of him being with someone else hurt her deeply, Abigail was no ordinary girl, she was very attractive, bold, a strong will, a business woman, and a perfect fashion sense, Kourtney turned to Stuart, staring into his dark shiny eyes that gazed back at her, she took in a deep breath and said," I really hope Abigail is everything you're looking for in a woman Stuart, goodbye." she gave him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips, and walked away, Stuart felt a strange sting of pain inside, something he hasn't felt in forever, this was the second time he experienced this strange feeling, firstly was when she left him for the first time, and now he was experiencing it again," Stuart!," he heard a shallow voice call out to him, Kate could only hug her brother breaking into tears, he then knew that his father was finally at peace.

Kourtney bumped into Damian on her way out, she stumbled back loosing her balance, but Damian caught her on time," falling for me already I see." he teased with a smirk, but Kourtney frowned pushing him away when she was steady on her feet, Damian raised a brow, he saw her red, swollen eyes and knew she had been crying," are you alright?." Damian asked in a soft caring tone," what do you care? it's non of your business." Kourtney told him," with you, it is my business, I can help you if you let me to." Damian said, Kourtney stared right into his convincing eyes," can you really help me?."

" Yes." Damian nodded, Kourtney bit her lower lip staring down," I want to leave this place, go somewhere no one can track or find me, not even Stuart, can you still help me?." Kourtney said, Damian tucked some strains of hair behind her ear," when do you plan on leaving?." Damian smiled, Kourtney looked up at him with eyes widened, not believing that he actually agreed to help her, why wouldn't he? she was asking him to take her far away from Stuart, it was like a dream come true to him, seeing his brother go crazy when he finds out his little woman was no where to be found," I, I would like to leave now." Kourtney said, Damian took out his phone and dialed a number, the call was connected immediately," follow me behind." Damian said and hang up the call, he led Kourtney to the car and drove East, ten minutes later, he pulled over to the roadside near the sea, shortly after, another black car pulled over, a man in black stepped out of the car approaching them, seeing Kourtney, he raised a questioning eye brow at Damian," not to worry, she's here willingly, infact she volunteered." Damian simply said," is everything ready?." he added," yes." the man replied," make sure no body Trace a thing." Damian said before leading Kourtney to the boat, Kourtney made herself comfortable and they Cruised off," give me your phone." Damian said, Kourtney handed him her cell, he took it and threw it in the sea, Kourtney widened her eyes in disbelief," did he just throw her phone away like it was trash?," she thought," why did you do that? that was my phone I have my emails and contacts in there." Kourtney said with a frown," you said you don't want to be found, tracing your phone is the first thing Stuart would go for to find you, I had to get rid of it." Damian calmly said, Kourtney finally calm down, indeed he had a point, tracing her phone is the first clue Stuart would go for, Damian reached out in his jacket and took out a black walkie-talkie handing it over to Kourtney," what am I supposed to do with this?." Kourtney asked," in case you want to reach out to me, you can use this." he told her, Kourtney took it and sat back down quietly, the sun was setting when they arrived at the isolated island, it was more like a beach, beautiful and breathtaking, the house was made out of smooth Wood, a balcony, flowers surrounded it, Kourtney took a deep breath, the fresh air was relaxing," this is one of my get away houses, no one knows about this one, I mostly come here when I decide to play dead to the world, no one will find you here." Damian said walking towards the house, Kourtney followed behind quietly," there's some fresh food in the fridge, fruits, clean sheets and towels, Tv is over there if you get bored, remember if you need anything I'm one call away, enjoy your getaway beautiful." Damian smirked turning around to leave," Damian!," Kourtney called out to him, Damian came to a halt and tilted his head to the side," thank you." Kourtney thanked him," take care." he said and left, Kourtney sighed falling on the couch and turned on the TV

Reporter: this just in reporting live in New York City, as the Levant family Mourn the death of the business man, Mr Brandon Levant, died at 12:30pm in Eastern England, we pay our respect and love to the family, my name is Emily brown, reporting live in NYC, good day."

Kourtney turned off the TV, she wanted to pay her respect but she didn't have her phone on her, she ran her fingers through her hair helplessly, her stomach roared in hunger, she went to the refrigerator and grabbed something to eat, after her meal, she took a shower and went to bed.

the next morning, Brandon Levant was put to rest, Rory mourned for her grandfather, Damian was standing from afar as he paid his respect, when everything was done and delt with, the family returned back home, the atmosphere was gloomy and shallow, after a short period of time, Mr Levant's lawyer arrived at the house with a black briefcase," Mr Levant, Madam Levant." he greeted both Stuart and Madam Levant, and paid his respect, he sat on the sofa opening his briefcase and took out a gray file, everyone was present at this meeting, Mr Levant's lawyer opened the file and read the following words," before I read the following, I would like inform you that there was a change in the Will, and Mr Levant whose soul may rest in peace, wishes that you respect his decision."

" Change in the Will?," Madam Levant repeated," and how come I wasn't aware of that? and why didn't you inform me Lawyer?." she added," Mr Brandon didn't want to disclose it to anyone, not even you Ma'am," he said," I will read the following, I Brandon Levant, leave the Levant Co-operation to my son Stuart Levant, as President CEO, MMC, and owner of the Levant empire, Half of my property to him, Half of my property in Miami Florida and businesses, to my daughter Kate Levant, Half of it to my granddaughter Rory Levant, the factory, warehouse and business in England I leave it to my Nephew Damian Levant, also my property in Portland... and to my dearest wife, I leave this house, wealth, business manager and board of director of the Levant Co-operation, last but not least, to my daughter in-law Kourtney Levant gets my prize possession." he said and closed the file, Madam Levant was confused about the last statement," how come Kourtney is in my husband's Will? and what's the prize possession is he talking about?." she asked," That's confidential information Madam Levant, if Mr Brandon wanted you to know, he would have mentioned it in the Will, only Mrs Levant is allowed to know, may I ask where she might be?."

" Kourtney is no longer part of our family, she's no longer Stuart's wife, so she has no right to have anything that belongs to my husband," madam Levant said," Madam Levant this will changed a month before your husband's death, he already decided what he wanted, and I can't change that, if Miss Kourtney returns please do ask her to see me, I will take my leave now, good day." he said and left," This is crazy, how could your father do this? he barely knows that girl." Madam Levant complained," oh stop your tantrums sister in-law, at least your husband didn't forget my son, though I'm not thanking him, it's what he's supposed to do, after all my husband also had the right to everything, isn't that right Damian my boy." Hannah smiled," excuse me." Damian excused himself and walked away, Stuart also went upstairs to the study, he dialed Kourtney's number but the call was sent directly to voicemail, he began to get worried, Kourtney ran out of the house yesterday, she knew nobody in this country, she was all alone and broken, honestly Stuart thought she would come back home after processing everything, he wanted to give her some space and not be in her space, he was so busy with his family that he forgot all about her, Stuart dialed another number and the call was picked up," Stuart! hey."

" Cassy! did you perhaps get in touch with Kourtney?." Stuart asked," I tried getting in touch with her last night but it was going straight to voicemail, is everything okay? is Kourtney in some kind of trouble?." Cassy asked worriedly," don't you worry, she's alright." Stuart calmly said," please do let me know if you do get in touch with her." Cassy said, Stuart cut the call, and made a few more calls to find Kourtney.

Back in New York City, Cassy had her face laid on the marble office table, she was so exhausted, and worried about Kourtney at the same time," excuse me." a man's voice knocked on her door," Uhm, yes." Cassy answered and a tall young gentle man dressed in a gray suit walked in," Hi, I'm Daniel Ortega, vice manager, you must be the new owner and my new boss," Danny smiled, he has a warm charmingly smile and sense of humor, a friendly nature and gentle side, Cassy already liked him, as a work mate of course," Cassy, nice to meet you," she smiled," sorry I didn't come in earlier, I had to travel to Florida to finalize a deal with one of the biggest companies there, it took me two months and guess what?,"

" all my god, you got it?." Cassy widened her eyes," I got it, we are officially business partners with the F.U.D corporation."

" oh my god, that's great, you did it congratulations," Cassy was excited," thank you very much, now we can rest assured that everything will go smoothly from here and out, especially now that we have a beautiful, smart and hardworking boss as yourself," Cassy blushed with a slight smile," I will let you get back to work now, see you around." Danny said and left, Cassy smiled looking at the time," oh shit I'm late," she cursed rushing out of her office," Ms Cassy! everyone is already here and waiting in the board room," the receptionist said," alright," Cassy nodded heading to the board room when a hand held her wrist stopping her in her tracks," hey."

" Xavier what are you doing?," Cassy shyly said," I came to pick you up for lunch,"

" I have a meeting to attend to, everyone is already there waiting for me." Cassy said," then let them wait, you're the boss after all,"

" that doesn't mean I have to take advantage of that, please let me go," Cassy begged," fine, but I will wait here for you, I won't leave till I have that lunch date," Xavier told her," Alright, now let go," Xavier finally let her go winking at her, everyone in that section saw what was happening and wondered what was going on between the two of them, Xavier sat on the couch in the hallway, taking out his phone, the receptionist wouldn't stop gazing at him every two seconds, of course her intense eyes didn't by pass Xavier, he looked at her with a side way charming smirk on his gorgeous handsome face of his, the receptionist couldn't help but walk up to him," can I get you anything Mr Xavier?." she asked sweetly," can you direct me to the men's restroom?." Xavier said," right this way," she led the way, Xavier followed behind," here we are," she smiled, Xavier opened the door and he took her inside with him, and locked it, he pinned her to the wall kissing her lips like a hungry beast, he lift her skirt up and they had sex in the restroom," this would be our little secret," he whispered," I won't tell a soul," she smiled biting his ear rub teasingly, she got dressed and left the restroom, Xavier also fixed himself up and went back to wait in the lobby, after a few minutes, Cassy walked up to him," hope I didn't keep you waiting?." she said," you're worth waiting for beautiful," Xavier held her waist leading her towards the exit door, he opened the car door for her, got into the driver's seat and drove off, the car stopped in front of an Italian restaurant, the two went inside and was led to their table, Cassy ordered all sorts of different Italian dishes, while Xavier had a glass of red wine and vegetable salad, he watched her as she devoured the food up like she hadn't had a full meal in forever, Xavier thought she looked cute seeing this side of her, that wasn't shy or embarrassed," want some?," she offered him noddles," I'm perfectly fine with my vegetables, thank you for the offer though." he smiled taking a sip from his wine glass, Cassy took a sip of water," I would like to talk to you about something really important," I'm all ears," Xavier leaned back in his chair," Xavier what do think of me? when you look at me, what do you see?." Cassy asked," well I see a very attractive young woman, who's sexy, hot, a magnificent structure, and damn good in bed," Xavier smiled," that's literally how you would describe a sex doll, now stop joking around I'm serious, what do you really think of me, apart from the sex, and sex and sex, cause that's what we usually do, sexing all the time," Cassy said seriously expecting a reasonable fitting answer, they have been having sex for months now, close to a year, she finally wants to know where she stands with him, she knows Xavier to be a play boy, someone who doesn't go for relationships, only sleep around with different women and forget about them the next morning, but the two of them have been having sex for months almost everyday, and he was still glued to her like never before, Cassy thought maybe he feels something for her and they could take it to another level, she wanted to know how he felt about her, if she has a chance with him, cause honestly, she fell for him from the very start, and she would like to belong to him and him to her and only her, Xavier tucked some hair behind her ear and said," you're beautiful, smart, funny, hardworking, ambitious, I find myself attracted to you, you're different from all those women I have been with, Cassy! you're really special in every way, and I like that about you,"

" like as in being in a relationship with me?." she said in a flat tone, Xavier blinked a few times, he didn't know how he felt about that, he has never been in a relationship, neither has he ever thought of being in one, many women has asked him to make them his girlfriend, but he would only laugh it off and took it as a sick joke, but Cassy was a different case, her seeing it made him feel some type of way, he was left with no words to say, it was amazing what type of effect she made him feel and experience," Xavier! Cassy said his name seeing he was lost in thought, Xavier looked at her not knowing what to say," you didn't answer to my question," Cassy repeated," I'm sorry but I don't do relationships, I can't make you my girlfriend Cassy, I will only hurt you," Xavier said in a calm tone, Cassy's eyes turned watery, she felt a limp on her throat making it hard to breath, she got up grabbing her purse and walked out, Xavier clutched his fists into tight balls, he ran the image of her disappointed, pained face in his mind, it made him more angry at himself, the pain he saw in her eyes wouldn't subside in his head, he took one last sip before leaving the restaurant, shortly after leaving the restaurant, Xavier arrived at Tyler's Villa, as usual he was enjoying his company with Linda, she was in her casual clothes, blue jeans and a black long sleeve top, her hair tied in a ponytail, Xavier liked Linda, the fact that she was gentle, calm, sweet, and a soft heart, Tyler needed someone like her, unlike Kate, that woman is toxic, they tried working out things so many times for the sake of their daughter Rory, but it never worked out, being in the same room is like Cat and mouse, they would only end up fighting and arguing all the time, that Rory accepted her mother's craziness, and that it could never work out with them, Xavier sat on the couch near the fireplace, Tyler sat on the opposite side, he poured a bottle of wine in two glasses, and handed one glass over to Xavier," to what do I owe this visit?," Tyler raised a brow, it was an usual for Xavier to pay him a visit, it's either he is busy traveling or busy with different women, drinking and parting, same as Stuart, it's rare for him to visit, he only appears when something is wrong or bothering him, otherwise he is a work alcoholic, Xavier sighed pressing the skin between his brows," it's Cassy, she's making everything complicated for me, for the first time in my life, I've never been so stressed out with the issue of women," Xavier said in a confused voice," what happened?," asked Tyler," she asked me if there's any chance of us being in a relationship, the fact that we've been sleeping together close to a year isn't enough for her,"

" and what's the problem with her wanting a committed relationship?," Tyler asked," you know I don't do relationships, even if I do get into a relationship with her, I will only end up cheating on her, in which she will only get hurt," Xavier frowned," oh maybe that's what you tell yourself Xavier, as far as I know Cassy, she's a pretty sweet young woman, different from those women you bed, she really likes you, and if you like as well, you can fight the urge of bedding other women, think about what you really want, whether you want to lose her forever or keep her forever to yourself, by that I mean a committed relationship that will lead to marriage, or you rather lose her to another man," Tyler advised him," Xavier! please join us for lunch," Linda smiled," thanks for the offer Linda, but I had a huge lunch on my way," Xavier stood up," I will take my leave now," he told Tyler, said goodbye to Linda and left

the sun was slowly going to sleep hiding behind the clouds, Xavier arrived back home and went straight to Cassy's room, he banged on her door gently begging her to open up," Cassy! I just want to talk, please open up," Xavier begged, but Cassy didn't even answer him back," Cassy! I'm begging you to open up, I swear your silence is killing me," Xavier ran his fingers through his hair, but Cassy was persistent and stubborn to open the door, Xavier sighed and said," I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I admit I can be such an ashore some times, losing you is not worth it, once again I'm deeply sorry, good night," he turned around and left, Cassy was leaning to the door the entire time, she heard every word he said, his words were genuine, but she wasn't going to let him off that easily, a smile curved up on her lips, she bit her lower lip and went falling on her bed, she squeezed onto her pillow smiling to herself, inhaling in and out, she switched off the lights to her bedside table and went to sleep.


Dear Bounders, I would like to announce that Demon in darkness will proceed, don't remove it to your library, for now enjoy reading other of my works, don't forget to vote for me, your gifts are my motivation to keep on this journey I'm riding with you, and hoping you'll be patient with me and go through this long fascinating journey with me, you can leave a comment on each paragraph that excites you, and you can leave a comment if you have any questions or concerns, thank you ☺️❤️