
Should I Marry Our CEO?? [English Ver]

Alana Zoya Camella or commonly called Zoya, is a twenty-eight-year-old career woman who is always smooth in her career but never smooth in love affairs. Zoya feels the weakening of her luck in love affairs that she experienced after she broke up with Angga, her eight-year lover, who chose to leave her to marry a woman who was acquainted with the man's parents. Zoya, who began to feel hopeless about the fate of her love, also had a crazy idea to marry the CEO only and that made her colleagues think that she was really desperate.

DGiunia · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter -002-

Zoya, who just really heard clearly what Mike said was immediately silent for a moment in her place without a single expression printed on her face.

Again, she felt like deja vu, hearing the same words for who knows how many times addressed to her.

Zoya let out a long sigh before she spoke up to ask what really happened so that Mike could say something like this to himself.

"Could you please tell me the reason why you want us to end our relationship is just here Mike?" Zoya asks trying to stay calm.

Mike who heard Zoya's question also took a deep breath before opening his voice to answer what his lover asked. Eh wrong, or rather the ex-lover, because he just said he asked to separate from the woman in front of him.

"You know it's not like we've been busy these days. I'm busy doing external audits at other companies and you're busy auditing from other external audits."

Zoya who heard Mike's words chose to stay silent in her place waiting for the next words that the man would say to her.

Wait, that guy? Just a moment ago he was still claiming that the man in front of her was has super busy girlfriend, but now he had to call the man in front of him that man?

Meanwhile Mike, who saw Zoya still not reacting at all, chose to continue his words again.

"You know that a relationship that started to run unhealthy like this should be ended as soon as possible? Therefore, before we are too late and continue to have a relationship like this further, we better end this now."

Zoya felt a small intersection appear on her forehead after hearing the next words out of Mike's lips.

She had been a fool for almost six months to think that Mike was completely different from the men she had been looking for and dating for the past four years. But apparently Mike is just like them.

Zoya let out a long sigh as she stretched out one hand to comb the front of her hair back and now cast a sharp eye on Mike.

"Then? Can't things like that still be discussed properly? If we talk about it well, we still have a chance to continue this relationship, right?" Said Zoya who was still trying to remain calm in front of Mike.

But seeing what reaction Mike is giving at this time makes Zoya really want to pull the hair of the man in front of her so strong.

"No, this kind of relationship can't be continued anymore. If each of us gets busy like this to the point where we can't give each other any news at all, this really can't be continued anymore Ana. Please understand the decision I made right now. For the sake of both of us in the future."

Zoya chuckles in annoyance. 'For the good of both of us, your father!'

Zoya chose to bite her lower lip for a moment, then opened her voice again.

"Then do you think separating is the best choice for us?" Asked Zoya who quickly answered with an innocent nod by Mike.

Zoya tightly clenched one of her palms trying to suppress her current emotions. Because this wasn't the first, second or third time she found herself in this position with different men.

"Isn't it if you want we can take a break for a while to arrange our hearts for each other? Only after our minds have cooled can we make a decision to continue this relationship and or worst of all we really have to separate?"

Zoya this time could see Mike was the one who was taking a deep breath while closing his eyes, before the man now stretched out both hands to rest on his shoulders.

"Listen to me carefully Ana. Right now I'm talking like this with my mind completely cold. If my mind wasn't in a cool state I wouldn't be speaking this casually and patiently to you at all."


Zoya tried not to raise one lip and cast a scornful look at Mike.

Drrtt.. Drrtt.. Drrt..

Zoya, who just wanted to open her voice again, immediately gave up when she heard the sound of the cellphone vibrating from Mike.

"Ah yes, your phone is vibrating. I think you should pick it up first, because who knows it's an important call for you." Zoya said, remembering that since she met Mike today, the man was always busy with his cell phone.

Mike, who heard Zoya's words, flinched slightly, and what expression the man showed earlier was clearly visible in Zoya's eyes.

Okay, enough. Zoya really feels deja vu with this kind of scene. And also she was starting to feel tired of being in a position like this somehow for the number of times in these four years.

With a deep breath, Zoya stretched out one hand to get rid of Mike's hands that had been on her shoulders.

"Okay Mike, if that's the final decision. Let's split up, I can't continue this unhealthy relationship between the two of us." Zoya says in a firm tone, it's good that she is always on the side that is decided! This time he wanted to be on the side of the decision.

Mike who heard what Zoya just said immediately blinked his eyes a few times.

"What? Why are you the one making the decisions?" Mike asked in a confused tone.

Zoya also took a deep breath while directing her eyes towards Mike's shirt pocket, where the man's cellphone was and was vibrating again at this time.

"Of course I have the right! Since my lover is currently approaching another woman without my knowledge, of course this relationship is not healthy anymore right? That's why I want the two of us to separate. You just continue your relationship with that woman and I will find out another man to take your place, Mike." Zoya said with one hand which is now on Mike's shoulder while patting it lightly.

"Hope you two have a good relationship for a long time. Then I'll go first now!" Zoya said with a small smile on her face before she walked away leaving Mike who was still silent in the room with a surprised expression mixed with confusion.


Zoya who was already outside the room immediately sighed loudly while combing her front hair back.

Right now she had to try to calm herself first. This is not the first, second or third time she has been in this position.

Zoya let out a long and heavy breath while closing her eyes for a moment.

Yes for a moment, because not long after Zoya heard a very familiar male voice calling her name with the same nickname her late father had done to her since childhood and most different from other people around her.

"Mala? What are you doing here?"

Zoya's eyes immediately widened in surprise when she saw the figure of a tall, well-built man who was completely familiar to her now standing right in front of her with a flat facial expression as usual.

"M-Mr CEO?!" Zoya said with a stuttering voice and a surprised tone to see the man in front of her is currently the CEO at her place of work for eight years.

Zoya really didn't think that she would and have to meet that man here and in this state.

What's less unlucky she is today, after has relationship ended unilaterally from has ex-lover, now she has to meet the CEO at has workplace.