
Should I Marry Our CEO?? [English Ver]

Alana Zoya Camella or commonly called Zoya, is a twenty-eight-year-old career woman who is always smooth in her career but never smooth in love affairs. Zoya feels the weakening of her luck in love affairs that she experienced after she broke up with Angga, her eight-year lover, who chose to leave her to marry a woman who was acquainted with the man's parents. Zoya, who began to feel hopeless about the fate of her love, also had a crazy idea to marry the CEO only and that made her colleagues think that she was really desperate.

DGiunia · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter -001-

"Heeum~ Heum~ Heum~"

The hum of a song was heard flowing out of the lips of a woman who was now sitting in front of the dressing table while applying a lipstick on her luscious little lips.

A twenty-eight year old woman named Zoya who works as an assistant financial manager at a well-known technology company in Indonesia and Asia.

The smile on Zoya's face hasn't faded at all since she just started doing makeup until now she's finished going through a series of makeup that she usually does.

When she finished applying lipstick evenly over her lips, Zoya slightly tossed her long hair with a smile that grew on her face feeling satisfied to see the makeup and her current appearance looks so very satisfying for her.

"Okay! At this rate I'm ready to meet Mike. Considering we haven't seen each other for two weeks. I have to look pretty this time." Said Zoya who is now starting to get up from her seat and stepped to take her bag and cellphone which was on the bed.

When Zoya was just about to reach out to take the phone, Zoya saw the screen of her cellphone changed to the appearance of an incoming phone call from a contact named 'Naomi' who is a friend and co-worker at the office.

Without waiting for a long time Zoya stretched out her hand to take the cellphone and answered an incoming call from Naomi, as she walked out of her apartment room.

"Hello, Nao. What's wrong?" Zoya asked when she had pressed the green phone button to answer the phone call from Naomi.

'Zoy, are you going to meet your boyfriend later?'

Zoya who heard the answer from Naomi who asked back to herself also raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Yes, so please. Here I am already going to the place where we found it." Zoya answers and there is a moment of silence on the other side.

'Hah, I just wanted to invite you to play with Liv, Pidey and Piyu. But if you get to meet your super busy boyfriend, that's fine.'

Zoya had an amused smile on her face hearing the curt tone that came out of Naomi's lips and hearing the title 'Super busy boyfriend' for her lover.

"I already told you yesterday, that today I want to spend time meeting with my super busy boyfriend."

Zoya can hear Naomi's soft smack.

'Tsk, he still thinks you're a girlfriend? I think he has forgotten about you like that, it's been more than a week he didn't tell you and didn't pick you up again.'

Zoya couldn't help but laugh at the sneer that Naomi gave to her lover.

"Hahha, our relationship is still safe. Because we know we're both busy, so we understand each other."

There was another moment of silence on the other side, before Zoya could hear Naomi sigh on the other side.

'Haah, thank goodness your relationship is still safe. I, uh wrong, we don't want to see you sad like yesterday.'

A small smile appeared on Zoya's face when she heard Naomi speak softly to her.

"Don't worry, I believe Mike isn't like them. We've also been going for almost six months, and this is the first time I've kept in touch, the longest since breaking up with anga."

Again Zoya could hear Naomi sighing on the other side.

'Hah, never mind, don't mention that guy's name again. I'm so excited to hear his name. But how about it, okay, don't talk about him, you'll be in a bad mood to meet Mike again.'

Zoya felt a small intersection appear on her forehead hearing Naomi's convoluted words.

"Nao, what time are you guys playing? Maybe later when Mike and I are done I can play with you guys." Zoya says trying to divert the conversation.

Again, Zoya heard Naomi chuckle in disgust on the other side.

'Tsk, no need. We can meet again later on Monday and so on. You're satisfied with just meeting that super busy boyfriend. I'll finish the call first, byeee.'

"Okay, bye." Zoya replied and not long after that the phone line between her and Naomi was cut off.

Zoya couldn't help but take a deep breath and shook her head to see Naomi's attitude still hasn't changed since she broke up with Angga four years ago.

"Hah, never mind. It can't be helped. Me and Angga are not matched even though we have been in a relationship for eight years." Zoya said again taking a deep breath.

Zoya, who is now in an online taxi, turns her head out of the window to see the view of the Jakarta city road which looks quite busy.

She was reminded of his love journey after breaking up with Angga four years ago. She has never been in a relationship for more than two months, only now she and Mike have been in a relationship for almost six months. She hoped that this time has relationship with Mike would not run aground like before. Considering that she is not that young anymore and has mother has also kept asking her several times when she will get married because all of my childhood friends are already married.

"Hah, I hope Mike isn't like them." Zoya muttered as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.


"Hahahaha, wasn't that Mike's movie? I didn't think the male lead would do something like that." Zoya said with a laugh when she and Mike just came out of one of the cinema theater rooms.

Zoya who saw no reaction from Mike also raised an eyebrow and saw if her lover was staring at the cellphone.

Zoya raises an eyebrow in surprise. Because as long as she was in a relationship with Mike, she had never seen his lover staring at his cellphone while spending time with him.

Zoya tries to think positively if maybe Mike is replying to a message from one of his coworkers who is so important or is communicating with his family members.

Although the first option is absolutely impossible, considering that today is Saturday and the office's operating hours are only valid from Monday to Friday.

Zoya let out a long sigh before she spoke up to clear her throat and ask Mike directly.

"Erm, Mike, what's wrong? Did something important happen?" Zoya asked trying to divert Mike's attention from the phone to herself and it worked, because at this point Mike had completely turned his attention to her.

"Ekhm, Ana. Can we talk in a little privacy?"

Zoya, who heard Mike's question, furrowed her brows in surprise, even more so now that she saw the expression clearly printed on her lover's face.

"Is there something important you want to talk to me about, Mike?" Zoya asks trying to be more sure.

"Um, yes. There's something important I want to talk to you about." Mike replied while rubbing the nape of his neck.

Zoya who saw Mike talking while rubbing the nape of his neck was surprised. Because according to what he knows, if someone is talking to you but while rubbing the back of the neck, it means the other person is feeling nervous.

Zoya, who was curious about what Mike wanted to talk about in private, immediately nodded her head in agreement with her lover who wanted to be in a more private place. And now the two of them were walking towards one of the restaurants in the shopping center building, a restaurant that has a special room for its customers.


Zoya stretched out her hand to open the door of one of the rooms and walked inside, followed by Mike behind her.

Zoya, who was already in the room, now turned around to look at Mike who was now directing his two eyes towards him with such focus.

"Ekhm, Ana. There's something I want to talk to you about." Mike's words made Zoya now feel a little wary of what Mike wanted to say to her at this time. Seeing the movements that Mike had shown earlier, made her remember what some people had done to her in the past.

"Yeah, just say it Mike. You don't have to feel shy or doubt your own lover." Zoya said with a smile on her face. Zoya suggested that Mike would not do the same thing as what some people did to her in the past. Because they have now been in a relationship for almost six months. A love record for Zoya after she broke up with her eight-year lover Angga.

Zoya could hear Mike take a deep breath before finally speaking up to say what his girlfriend wanted to say.

"Ana. I think our relationship only ends here. You can find other men who are better than me out there."

Zoya felt her ears ringing slightly when she heard the words Mike had just said to her. Zoya feels that she might have misheard what her boyfriend just said.

"Um, sorry Mike, can you repeat what you said again? My ears were ringing, so I didn't hear clearly what you said earlier." Zoya said trying to stay calm in her place waiting for Mike to say back what he had said to her.

Mike who heard Zoya's words now took a deep breath before he returned to say what he had said earlier.

"Ana, our relationship only ends here. You can find other men who are better than me out there!"