
Shoujo Phantasia

Batu, an ordinary man with a passion for all things anime, had been summoned to a Game of Death by The Creator where he has to compete with other players from different world in order to survive. The Creator had given every player unique powers to make his Game of Death more interesting. Batu, however, had been granted an unusual power to summon girls from different animes. Follow Batu as he overcomes The Game of Death!

ASpyFromMars · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Gaul, The Last Knight

"What the hell is that!"

"That thing is massive!"

Some slowly backed away from the knight in fear for their lives. This giant, taller than 3 males put together, was much more intimidating than those demons.

His armor was worn and old from the toils of time. There were holes and cracks from the battles he'd fought, and his black cape in tatters.

"Outsiders..." smoke spewed from the cracks of his helmet. His voice ghastly and horse - one that was filled with endless pain and torment. "Leave the Lord's dwelling at once."

The knight raised his sword at the players as a display of warning. His weapon, chipped and broken. Yet, it still had aura of might.

"Heed my advice," he spoke again. "Leave at once or this blade will cut down all of thee."

Whispers broke out from the crowd. Their decision now would decide their fates.

"Should we leave? That Shakespeare guy looks pretty scary."

"But, there's no where left to go. We would die anyway if we don't get into the castle."

"Look at that huge sword he's carrying, fuck!"

Batu was filled with dread as he stared at the colossal knight. It was like facing the final boss of a game without any knowledge or preparations. Batu could tell that this was going to be much harder than fighting the Smiling Demon.

"What are you bitches just standing around for!" Kane, a muscular man with red hair, yelled out, pointing his sword at the colossal knight. "This guy doesn't even look threatening at all! If you little shitbags aren't gonna do anything, then I will!"

With a roar, the air spun and whirled underneath the man's feet like a miniature cyclone. The air suddenly burst forth, thrusting him like a flying arrow at the knight.

Batu was surprised just how fast this guy had moved. It was definitely a class skill of his.

Soon, Kane came face-to-face with the broken knight.

"It seems that ye hast chosen to battle," he slowly spoke. "Then I, Gaul, the last knight of Kinsisle, will gladly meet thy blade."

Gaul raised his giant sword and swung down, cutting Kane's sword arm off in one fell swoop. Kane was stunned by how quickly this had all transpired.

He collapsed onto his knees, staring at his missing arm that laid before him in pool of blood.

"ARRRGH!" Kane screamed in pain, clutching his right shoulder in sheer agony.

Ignoring his painful cries, Gaul swiped his sword across and lopped the man's head off without any shred of mercy.

"Ah!" Louise cried in shock as Kane's head rolled over, his eyes still wide with looks of horror even after his death. This was the first time she had seen a person killed right before her eyes.

Onlookers screamed at the horror that just unfolded in front of them.

Gaul flicked his sword in the air, cleaning the blood off of his broken blade. Then, he turned his attention to the crowd of players; it was time to get rid of these pests once and for all.

With a single, giant leap, Gaul descended upon the players, smashing his hunk of iron down onto an unfortunate fellow who didn't have enough time to react.

The little human was quickly crushed under the weight of his weapon.

Many players nearby immediately scattered like roaches in fear for their lives.

"K-kill him!"

There were a few brave ones who stayed to fight, casting fireballs and sparks of lightning.

"Hmph," Gaul tanked their spell attacks, cutting down the fragile mages in half. They didn't even have time to scream. "Ye should have chosen to leave; now, ye shall suffer the consequences for trespassing onto the Lord's domain."

Suddenly, Gaul's lower body was frozen in place in a barrier of ice, incapacitating him.

"Hoh, quite the competent sorcerer, girl," Gaul complimented the blonde elf. "What is thy name?"

"Lyra Olfiel," she answered calmly, forming ice shards above her head.

"Ice shard," With a flick of her wrist, the ice crystals shot towards Gaul with incredible speed.

Gaul shattered the ice crystals with a simple swing of his sword. Then, he jammed the blade into the ice prison that held him in place and broke free.

"Although, thy sorcery is quite powerful, it isn't enough to best me," Gaul stated. Then, he rushed at her with full speed. With a swing, he will end her life painlessly.

"Ice wall!" Lyra hastily raised her arms out. Her attempts to ward him off failed as he smashed through the ice wall like it was nothing.

Lyra hastily retreated backwards immediately. After all, she was a mage; she wouldn't be able to best him in close combat. More ice shards formed around her and shot for Gaul.

"Futile," Gaul said, blocking the frozen missiles with his sword.

Before Lyra knew it, a large shadow had suddenly loomed over her, completely blocking out the sun. It was the knight; his sword raised high above his head.

"No..." the elven girl muttered helplessly. She couldn't die here.

Then, the giant sword swiftly descended upon Lyra. She instinctively squeezed her eyes closed, waiting for the inevitable to happen.


The ground was split under Gaul's strength, kicking up dust into the air.

"Hmm?" Gaul was stunned. Surely, she should be dead by now, but the elven girl did not die under his sword. There was no blood to be seen at all.

'How did the girl move with such haste?' he thought to himself.

"Hey, you alright?"

When Lyra opened her eyes, she saw a man with messy black hair. His obsidian eyes looked down on her with worry. Then, she instinctively recognized him.

This was the same man she happened to save on her way to the castle. She didn't have any obligation to save him; but, she needed that demon out of the way.

Lyra didn't expect him to be here. Yet, here he was carrying her in his arms.

"I'm- I'm fine," she tried to answer coolly.

"Whew, glad I could make it on time," Batu set Lyra back on her feet. [Teleport] had yet again saved the day. This time, he was able to save the elven girl. He guess he could all it even now.

Batu quickly pulled out [Lesser Mana Potion] and gulped it down.

Mana: 75/150

Batu sighed, cursing ay his low mana. This wasn't enough to cast both [Teleport] and [Willpower].

"Lyra, right?" he asked.

"Olfiel," she nodded. "Lyra Olfiel."

"I don't think we'll be able to win this one if we fought alone, so what'd ya say we team up?" Batu stared back at Gaul with a mix of fear and determination. There was no way to know if they would beat him or not, but they had to try.

"I may not know of thy magic," Gaul slowly pulled the giant hunk of iron off from the ground. "But know of this, Outsiders. All who faced me have fell by my hands."

Batu's brows furrowed at Gaul. It looked like things were going to get serious from here on out.

"Hey, Lyra, hope ya have enough mana to still chuck some ice at him."

"I still have plenty," she pulled out a mana potion of her own and drank it, wiping the excess from her mouth.

Then, Gaul charged at the two of them, holding the sword by his waist.

"Let's do this."

i promise, no more cliffhangers after this, lololololol.

byw, how do u guys feel about the pacing and character interactions?

lemme know what u guys think!! thx

ASpyFromMarscreators' thoughts