
Shoujo Phantasia

Batu, an ordinary man with a passion for all things anime, had been summoned to a Game of Death by The Creator where he has to compete with other players from different world in order to survive. The Creator had given every player unique powers to make his Game of Death more interesting. Batu, however, had been granted an unusual power to summon girls from different animes. Follow Batu as he overcomes The Game of Death!

ASpyFromMars · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

No Way In

"Man, we would have probably died sooner if you weren't here."

He didn't think he would actually make it out alive. Yet, here was standing. It was a testament of his will. It's been long since he felt this way. Like a sense of accomplishment.

Batu wanted to scream to the world that he did it. He survived! He fought that ugly pile of shit and won! A newfound determination and confidence had lit up in his heart.

"I wouldn't expect no less from a useless master!" a faint blush colored her cheeks. "I-I guess you'll just have to rely on me more to come save you."

Ah, there was that lovable tsundere attitude. Batu didn't think his heart could take anymore of this.

The item drops had appeared on the ground out of thin air in front of them. A reward for all of their hard work. Batu crouch down to pick up the loot.

"Here," Batu tossed Chin the [Lesser Healing Potion]. "I think you need this more than me."

Chin quickly caught and inspected it. It was a glass bottle containing red liquid, "What is it? Juice?"

[Lesser Health Potion]: Restores wounds and damaged tissues. Can not restore lost body parts.

"It's for your wounds; this will be able to heal it."

"You sure about giving me this?" Chin gripped the bottle. "It sounds pretty rare."

"I can manage," he said.

"Welp, suit yourself!" Chin popped the cap open and drank the healing potion in one big gulp. Soon, the three gashes on his began to close up until wound had vanished completely.

"This stuff's amazin'!" Chin wiped his mouth glee. Not to mention, the healing potion had left a sweet aftertaste in his mouth. He had assumed that it would taste like medicine, but he was definitely wrong

"How's your mana, Louise?" Batu asked.

"I have 225 mana left," she answered. With an increase to her level, her mana pool had increased by 50, making her total mana at 550.

"Then, you can take this," he handed her a [Lesser Mana Potion], keeping one for himself. "You can hold onto it until you need to use it."

Louise took the bottle from him and then asked, "But, what about that book in your hand?"

"Oh, this?" Batu raised the brown book in his hand. "Looks like papa is gonna get himself a new skill."

[Common Skill Book]: Gives the player 1 random common skill.

[Do you wish to use it?: Y/N]

Batu was genuinely excited for this. Lord knows he needed a new life-saving skill, and by the gods, he had actually been granted one. Even if it was only getting a common skill, it was still necessary for him.

Batu couldn't hold his excitement for much longer and pressed the yes button on the screen. The skill book beamed into a white light and disappeared from his hands.

[You have obtained 'Willpower']

(Willpower | LVL.1): For a period of 10 seconds, your limbs will be strengthen by mana to increase power and durability beyond your body's limit.

Note, you may experience painful drawback once the time limit is over.

Cost: 60 mana

Batu was fairly pleased with this new skill. Although, the drawback was sucked, it was definitely better than nothing. He would probably have to use this as a last resort if it came down to it.

His biggest problem now was his mana reserves. With an increase in level, his mana pool had reached 150. It wasn't enough to freely use [Teleport].

Luckily, Batu had a mana potion just in case. It would be great if he could gather more of these.

[Lesser Mana Potion]: Restores mana by 50.

"Oi, Batu," Chin grabbed his attention. "We should get goin'. The explosion might bring more of them demons over here."

"Right. Let's keep moving then," he nodded.

An hour passed since they battled against the Smiling Demon.

They were almost at the castle now. It took them a while to sneak past to this point, hiding in houses and ruined businesses to avoid any demons.

It was unfortunate that Chin lost his pickaxe. However, Lady Luck had appeared in his hour of need. Chin had found a short sword in one of the abandoned houses. With his warrior class, he would benefit greatly with a sword in hand.

The castle was just up ahead, and they finally breathe out a sigh of relief. As they walked towards the it, the trio noticed groups of people standing outside. They were players who had arrived before them.

A large energy barrier surrounded the castle, blocking anyone from entering the gates. There was rage from the players as they shouted at the castle.

"What the hell is this! Let us in already!"

"This is stupid! We made it here already, so why isn't opening up?"

Louise suddenly gripped Batu's shirt, her face had tinge of nervousness as she asked, "What's happening?"

"I...I'm not sure either," he answered.

Batu walked up to the barrier for a closer inspection. He slowly reached his hands out.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you," Jack appeared beside him with his usual cunning smile of his. "Some poor fella had his hand chopped off earlier."

Batu quickly pulled his hand away. That was a close one. Louise, on the hand, glowered at the man in the black suit. For some reason, she didn't trust this man one bit.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again Batu, Chin," he said. "It would be saddening if you both didn't make it."

"Oi, we're stronger than you think, pretty boy," Chin crossed his arms, feeling a bit offended by that.

"And I see that you've made a new companion," Jack turned his attention to Louise. "May I know the name of this young beauty?"

"I would prefer that you simply call me Miss Vallière, commoner," Louise still held her vigilance towards him. There was something about him that didn't sit right with her.

Jack narrowed his eyes in amusement, "Of course, Miss Vallière."

"Can you tell us what's going on here, Jack?" Batu asked. There had to be a reason why this barrier here.

"Unfortunately, I have no answer to that question," Jack answered. "It looks like everyone here is in the same boat."

Batu scanned across the area. There had to be at least a few dozen people here with them. Then, his eyes stopped at the elf with blonde hair all alone. He instantly recognized her.

There was no way he wouldn't recognize his savior. He wanted to go up to her; to thank her for saving his life.

Suddenly, a blue message had appeared in front of everyone.


[Sub-Event: The gatekeeper has restricted the entrance into the castle! Defeat the gatekeeper in order to enter the castle.]

Time Limit: Concurrent with the time limit of the Main Event.

Points: 500

Failure: Death


"Are you serious!"

"I just want to get out of here, man..."

Amidst the shock and anger, a colossal being, covered in armor resembling that of a gallant knight, leapt off of the castle walls. The ground boomed as the giant knight landed, shocking everyone to the core.

All the players grew quiet as they stared at the knight. Then, it slowly rose up with an enormous sword in hand.

Its eyes glint with a flash of red.

damn, i asked for single waifu, y’all really gave me a whole list, lol. but those are really good choices!

I made an error in ch. 3, the points rewarded for event was supposed to be 1000, not 100z I fixed it

but anyways, rejoice! a new chapter!

ASpyFromMarscreators' thoughts