
Shinya Finds Love in a Vampire?

Their first vampire mission together as Shinya and Guren kill them all but one. They take Lucian and keep him locked up for years until he agrees to work with them, and then he joins Shinya's squad.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Meeting the family

Seishirō found out about the mission and told his brother. Kureto nodded and stood up, and went with him. They found Shinya asleep on top of Lucian Seishirō pulled Shinya off him. "Kill him, brother," he said. Kureto pulls his blade out and goes to strike him, but a red wire stops the blade. "It's rude to just walk up on people," he said. "What did you do to my brother, you vamp" Kureto yelled. Lucian laughs. "Nothing he didn't want," he said and twisted more wire around his sword, making it fall from his hands. "If you don't mind, I am going to get my pants on," Lucian said and slipped his pants on. Shinya woke up. "why are my brothers here," he said. "Hold one. The little shit that beat me to hell is your brother." Lucian said. Seishirō grins. "You will leave Shinya alone," he says and goes to attack him. Luican jumped out of the way and just blocked, not attacking back. "This is bullshit, Shinya. Talk to them fuck" he said. "He won't hurt me, or any human father gave him to me," Shinya said. Kureto stops Seishirō. "Father gave you a vampire royal," he said. Lucian sighs and puts his hand on his face. "You're a royal," Shinya said. Lucian nods. "Yeah, I am next in line if something happens to the queen," he said, lighting a smoke. "You just didn't tell me because," Shinya said. Lucian shrugs. "Didn't think it was important," he said. Kureto slams his file down. "Oh, shut up," he yells at Lucian. Shinya picks it up and reads it. "Lucian was turned 500 years ago to take the queen's place and to keep the vampires in line. If he disobeys orders, he will be cut off and killed by his brother," he said. Lucian waves his hands. "So fun," he said. "Leave the both of you," Shinya said. They left. Shinya was mad. "You should have told me," he said. Lucian sighs. "Maybe, but would have changed anything," he asks. Shinya stood there and thought about it. "Not really, no," he said and sighed. "Listen, Guren just got Lieutenant, and I want Major General, so I can't have any fuck ups," he said. "So having sex with me was a fuck up," he said. "No, that was amazing. Just next time, tell me everything so my ass of a brother doesn't find out and blindside me," he said. Lucian nodded. "Okay, deal," he said and shook his hand. "We also date know" Shinya said.