
Shinya Finds Love in a Vampire?

Their first vampire mission together as Shinya and Guren kill them all but one. They take Lucian and keep him locked up for years until he agrees to work with them, and then he joins Shinya's squad.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime & Comics
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As time passed, Lucian and Shinya got married. Guren had found Yu in the snow and brought him back. Luican got called to look at him. Lucian walks in. He has a uniform on and looks at him. Yu hits him in the face breaking his glasses. "Guren," he said, taking them off. "My brother did this," he said, standing up and walking out. Yu was scared Guren sat down. "It's okay; Lucian fights with us. He is a good guy, promise," he said. Yu tried to sleep. Lucian saw the fear in Yu's face and eyes. Lucian hated what his brother was doing. He sighs. "Soon, I will kill you, brother," he whispers, walking into the hospital to do his work. He clocks out, and Guren stops him. "Let's check on Yu," he said. "Why it won't help him, and he will hit me again," he said. "Shinya said to," he said. Lucia glares at him, knowing it's a lie, and he walks with him. "Hello, Yu," Lucian said. You kicked him in the nuts hard. "Guren, I hate you," Lucian said, falling to the ground, eyes watering. Guren was laughing. "Yu, please, he just wants to be your friend," he said. Lucian looks at Guren. "I will kill you," he said, slowly getting up. Yu kicks him again. He falls over. "I am done. You have your crazy vampire-hating child," Lucian said and slowly walked out. Shinya saw Lucian slowly walking. He walked over. "You okay," he asked. Lucian looks up at him. "I went with Guren to check on Yu, and he kicked me in the nuts twice," he said. Shinya helped him to a bench hands him a cold drink. Lucian puts it on his crotch. "Fuck, that feels good," he says and lays his head back. Guren walks up. "How are you doing," he said. Lucian glares at him. "Guren, stop bringing him to Yu," Shinya said. Guren sighs. "I feel like if Yu sees a friendly vampire, he will get better," Guren said. "That's all fine, but I will not be beaten up by a child for your amusement," Lucian said. Shinya looks at him. "You're telling me you bring him knowing he will get hit." He said. Guren laughs and nods. Shinya hits him. "You're a dick, but you have a point about Yu seeing a friendly vampire," he said. Lucian looks at his husband. "You want me to keep being bullied by a 12-year-old," he said. Shinya nods his head. "The amount of sex and blowjobs, Shinya," he said. Guren was laughing hearing the conversation. Shinya nods. "Yes, I understand, love," he kisses him. Lucian kissed back and went back to see Yu alone. Yu was ready to hit him. Lucian stops him. "Listen, I will not harm you. I came to make sure you were okay. What my brother Ferid did to your family is messed up, but you lived, and that means you can fight for your family and fight to kill him if I don't first, but use that anger and let it help you," he said. "What makes you nice," Yu said. Lucian looks. "For one, I let you beat me up, and two, I am married to Major General Shinya," he said.