
Shinya Finds Love in a Vampire?

Their first vampire mission together as Shinya and Guren kill them all but one. They take Lucian and keep him locked up for years until he agrees to work with them, and then he joins Shinya's squad.

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Class mates

As Yu grew, he wanted cursed gear and became friends with Lucian. Guren was not paying him attention because he wasn't ready for it. Shinoa walks up to Lucian. "Brother," she said, hugging him. "What do you want," he said, about to light a smoke. "What? Why would you think I want something" she said and took it. "Your, my sister-in-law, and give it back. If Shinya finds out, he will kill me," he returned it. He sighs. You ran up. "All I have to do is make a friend, and I can join the demon company," he said. Lucian was laughing. "Why are you laughing," Yu said. "You are the most antisocial person I know," Lucian said. Lucian heard Guren. He stood up and walked over. "Yes, you ass," he said. Guren pulls him aside and kisses him. Lucian pushes him off. "I am married," he says and walks off to find Shinya. Lucian saw Shinya. He pulled him and kissed him deeply. Shinya kisses back. "What's wrong," he asks. "Guren kissed me," Lucian said. "He what," Shinya said, pissed off. Shinya went and found Guren in his class. He pulled him out. "Why did you kiss my husband" he shouts. Guren sighs. "Cause I wanted to, so I did," he said. "Guren, I have not discussed this with him yet," Shinya said. "I am sorry, discussed what," Lucian said. "We made a deal when we were younger if one of us got married, we would share," Guren said. Lucian laughs. He stops seeing them both look at him. "Oh, you were serious," he said. "Listen, my husband comes first. If he says it's okay, then I am down," Lucian said. "But if you both want me, then Guren, you have to marry me too," Lucian said. Shinya smirks at Guren. Guren sighs. "Fine," he said. "To kiss me again, we have to marry," Lucian said, walking off. Shinya laughs, walking away. Guren found a lovely gold bracelet to match Shinya's wedding ring. They arrived in front of the courthouse, and they walked in and Soon walked back out. Shinya was waiting. Guren was putting his gloves back on. Lucian grabbed Guren and placed his hand on his sword, and looked at his demon, knowing it was his ex. "Mind your place; I will keep him safe. You try and overtake this man. I will come to find you and kill you. All over again," he said. Lucian kisses Guren. Guren kisses back. Shinya smiles. They drive back. Yu was waiting with Yoichi. "Guren, you ass, I made a friend now. Let me into your class; you prick," he said. Guren sighs. "Find me there tomorrow, you two, Lucian," he said. Lucian looks. "I am a captain. I need your class," he said. Guren glances and holds up his smokes. "See you tomorrow," he said. Lucian mumbled, "See you tomorrow," Lucian said. The following day Lucian was in the back of the class sitting next to Shinoa. He sighed. "Did you get into trouble?" Shinoa asked. "No, Guren stole my smokes and wouldn't return them," he said. Shiho looks at him. "Arnt you a captain," he said, seeing his uniform. "Yes," Lucian said. Guren walks in and tosses Lucian his smokes. Lucian catches them and lights one. "Okay, class Lucian here is a vampire. Whoever can touch him gets cursed gear," he said. Lucian ran off