
She Is The President Daughter

Lydia Zander found herself trapped in a loveless marriage with Clinton, who had only married her out of obligation to his grandfather. Despite her deep affection for him, she endured mistreatment at the hands of Clinton and her in-laws until the day he decided to divorce her. Unknown to her husband and family, Lydia had kept her true identity hidden. They assumed she was a poor woman from the slum. After being sent away by Clinton to make room for his mistress, Kelly. Clinton expected Lydia to come back to him on her knees, Lydia did come back, but not on her knees begging. She came back as a completely different person, more powerful and wealthier than Clinton. She revealed herself as the president's hidden daughter and the largest shareholder in her husband's own company. With Lydia's true identity revealed, the tables turned dramatically. Guess who was on his knees begging. Yes, you got it right. Him! It was Clinton who found himself on his knees, pleading for forgiveness and mercy

Black_Butterfly18 · Urban
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8 Chs

Home coming

The hostility will continue amid sheer jealousy between the duo. Eventually, this will lead to a more break away and will facilitate a deeper emotional parting.The day looked glaringly promising and filled with hopes for Lydia who had never experienced the rosiness of her marriage as the case may be.

Lydia hurriedly gathered her properties she possibly could lay hands on, with every silent hope that existed in her seemingly battered self, holding a grandiose indifference at Clinton's abode, this was because the man whom she had known to be of exquisite features, had suddenly become a towering tyrant. Consequently ,the more Lydia perceived his presence the more inwardly boiled she became.

"I'm sorry. you are right, I shouldn't have said that."

She apologized.

Just in, George blared the horn twice to alert Lydia in quickening her activities.

"I'm coming," said Lydia in a seamless awakening voice, when she heard the blare of horn. She fiddled with a piece of paper found displaced in her scattered clothes, attempted to glance through it but felt it wasn't worth it.

In the meantime, she squeezed it and tossed it on the beige marble floor, consequently wrestling with the two travelers' bags making her way to the exit door. At this point, Clinton had already reached out to a glass of blue Polish wine, sipping egotistically to his fullest triumph and looking pretty unassembled. Seeing Lydia making her way to the exit door, he let out a malicious sigh,seeming triumphant with a countenance that reads good riddance to bad rubbish.

All he wanted was for the witch to disappear.

As she was about to leave, Clinton stopped her.

"Hey, Grandpa's birthday is next week, better be there. I don't want the lousy old man questioning me about you.

Lydia ignored him like she heard nothing and left.

George in his classical black sunshades, was already waiting for her. He helped her with the two bags as she approached, to ensure they were well balanced in the boot.

The door glasses were dark hued just like the executive SUVs. Lydia sat in the front seat, She sighed looking at the tragic house as the door glasses were minimally wind down, she hissed a sigh of disdainful respite.

Within a short moment, George kindled the vehicle and then drove off.

"How dare she ignore me?That wretched woman has nowhere to go. I'm giving her a week, she will come here begging for help. " Clinton said in annoyance.

Kelly hugged him from behind " Don't worry dear, she is gone for good. So how much did you give her as her property share? "

"Nothing. She refused it. "

"She did what?, why?"

"I have no idea, all I know is she will be back and she will fall to her knees asking for forgiveness as life will be difficult for her."

"So what will you do? Kelly asked, wondering if he would take her back.

"I will kick her out and humiliate her publicly, especially on grandpa's birthday.

There will be a lot of people, dignitaries, and businessmen there, so humiliating her that day will be so much fun." He said with a smile.

Then he looked through the window expecting to see Lydia's sad face waiting for a cab. Instead, he saw Lydia entering an exclusive SUVs vehicle, his smile dropped immediately.

"What?" He was shocked.

Lydia in this luxurious car? What's going on? Did she meet another man already? Or was she already cheating on him with this man?

He smashed his glass of wine on the floor, infuriated. Kelly wondered what was wrong?

Why did he change from being happy to this quickly?

"Are you okay?" She asked him, placing her hands on his shoulder but Clinton pushed her away, hissed and left for his study room.

Kelly felt embarrassed for him pushing her away. She looked through the window to see Lydia in a SUVs.

"Is that Lydia?" She gasped.

"What is she doing in that vehicle?" She asked no one in particular. Kelly now understands the reason for Clinton's behavior…

George drove Lydia to the airport where she took a flight to her home. George would have gone with her but he has some unfinished business here so he dropped her off and left.

The flight was a long one for Lydia, when she got to her state, she already had a vehicle waiting for her. Apparently, George called home informing them of her arrival.

"Welcome Ma'am " Four bodyguards in black suits standing at the side of the car chorused and saluted her.

"Please come in. " One of them bowed ushering her into the car. Lydia looked at the bodyguards and sighed.

Was this necessary? She would prefer taking a cab home. She entered the car, sitting in the back seat.

In twenty minutes, Lydia reached home. At the gate were soldiers guarding the entrance with their life. Her car was stopped from entering by one of the soldiers.

"Who are you? Do you have an appointment? " He asked with a stern look.

"She is the Zander dau…" Before her driver could finish his statement, they were asked to come down from the vehicle to search.

Being a hidden daughter kept from the public, Lydia was not known at home. The bodyguards, secretaries, cooks, servants and other workers did not know her. Only her family which includes her dad, mum, and her two brothers knew her face. Her relatives like uncles, aunts, grandparents only know her name but not how she looks, so no one except the Zanders know the only daughter's face.

Lydia brought out an envelope from her purse, she unwrapped it bringing out a card from the envelope.

The Black card with a golden arrow on it. This card is exclusively for the Zander family and her having this black card means, she is…

"Open the gate Immediately" He commanded When he saw the black card. The soldiers saluted and stood still as she drove in, they all dropped their hands from their forehead when she was gone.

"My baby," A woman in her early fifties said immediately Lydia came down from the car.

She had been waiting outside with the servants, decorating the house for her daughter's arrival.

"Mum," Lydia softly said with a smile.

Her mum opened her arm to give her daughter a hug, her daughter that she hasn't seen for more than three years.

"Welcome home darling, I missed you so much. I knew you would come back." Mrs Zander planted a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"I'm sorry mum, I should have listened to you " Lydia said with tears in her eyes.

"It's okay dear, I'm glad you are safe. That jerk does not deserve you, I was heartbroken when you dropped your family name just to get married to him."Mrs. Zander cleaned Lydia's tears with her hand.

"What about dad? Is he still mad at me?"

"He has the right to. You left home for a man, you married him and didn't call home for three years. Why? "

"I wasn't allowed to." Lydia explained.

"You aren't allowed to call or what? "

"My in-laws hated me with passion and treated me like a piece of trash. I was giving ridiculous rules, I was never allowed to go outside except on certain occasions like birthdays or any other celebration."

"What? You were treated like that? You of all people? How dare they! " Mrs. Zander fumed.

"Mum, I was keeping my true identity also.

"But why dear?, why suffer like that when you can have everything at the snap of your fingers? " Mrs. Zander asked with a sober face.

'Mum I want true love, I want a man who will love me for me and not for riches."

"So Clinton is the man who fits that description? You ended up marrying the wrong man."

"I'm sorry mum, I'm sorry for the pain and disappointment" Lydia lowered her head feeling ashamed.

"It's okay, let's go in first to see your dad." Mrs Zander walked her daughter into the house, holding her hands. Home felt different to Lydia, the environment was a little bit strange, new things, new arrangement, new staff.

It's been three years since she left to marry the jerk who didn't care about her.

They took the elevator to her dad's garden where he waters and trim plants and flowers during his leisure time. Lydia hesitated from going in to see her dad because she was scared that he wouldn't talk to her. But her mum urged her to .

Took a deep breath, Lydia went in feeling nervous."Dad? I'm here."She called out looking for her dad in the garden.

"Where are you? It's me, your daughter."

"Come to section B, I'm busy there." Her dad shouted to her from section B.

"Oh, okay "Lydia said, looking at her mum for approval.

"Go sweetie," Her mum nodded.

Lydia walked down the lane to section B, admiring the flowers with her hands "This is so beautiful." She smiled.

Section A has a variety of plants, shrubs and trees while section B is for growing flowers. She saw her dad wearing an apron on his gray suit, he bent, trimming a particular flower with a shear.

"Dad," She called softly.

She stood there with sweaty palms wondering how to apologize to her dad.

Will he forgive her, will he accept her back or yell at her to leave? Series of thoughts ran through her head.

"I'm sor…" Before she could say those words, her dad dropped the shear and hugged her tightly which Lydia wasn't expecting.

"Welcome home my daughter, I missed you so much." He said looking into her eyes.

"I missed you Dad. I'm sorry"

"We all make mistakes, I understand. We don't have to cry over the past; it's over. Let's go inside, and let's have this discussion over a meal." He said, taking off his apron.

"Dad, I want to tell you something."

"Ugh, I know what you want to say. You don't want to have anything to do with the family business and politics, it's fine. We won't pressure you anymore dear." Her dad said, leading the way back to the living room.

"No dad. Actually, I want to take my place as our family heiress. I want my identity revealed, I don't want to live in the shadows anymore, I want to be known as the only daughter of President Zander; Lydia Zander !"

President Zander paused, hearing that from his daughter, he turned back to look at her . Surely this woman standing before him was not his daughter, the shy Lydia who didn't care about the family politics and business suddenly wanted to take over.

He is seeing a brave and fearless woman who wants to lead, a woman filled with rage, a woman filled with passion to get what she wants. With this he smiled. He loves the new Lydia, his only heir.