
She Is The President Daughter

Lydia Zander found herself trapped in a loveless marriage with Clinton, who had only married her out of obligation to his grandfather. Despite her deep affection for him, she endured mistreatment at the hands of Clinton and her in-laws until the day he decided to divorce her. Unknown to her husband and family, Lydia had kept her true identity hidden. They assumed she was a poor woman from the slum. After being sent away by Clinton to make room for his mistress, Kelly. Clinton expected Lydia to come back to him on her knees, Lydia did come back, but not on her knees begging. She came back as a completely different person, more powerful and wealthier than Clinton. She revealed herself as the president's hidden daughter and the largest shareholder in her husband's own company. With Lydia's true identity revealed, the tables turned dramatically. Guess who was on his knees begging. Yes, you got it right. Him! It was Clinton who found himself on his knees, pleading for forgiveness and mercy

Black_Butterfly18 · Urban
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8 Chs

Grandpa's Birthday

The day of Clitton grandpa's birthday cake, of course it was going to be a grand day with lots of influential people paying homage. Lydia was invited to the party,she didn't want to attend but grandpa loves her dearly and it will hurt him if she doesn't so she will be going but as a new person entirely, she won't be the poor wretched looking Lydia everybody knew. She decided she is not going to hide her identity anymore; she planned on looking big and shocking her haters.

The party was to start by 12 noon, By the time she looked at the clock, it was 11 already.

"Oops, I have to get ready or I'll be late, " Lydia said, rushing to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After she was done, she cleaned her body, applied her lotion, and started getting dressed up.

She dressed up in a beautiful long stylish red gown that revealed her beautiful shape. She styled her long black hair like that of a princess, her heels were black and had shiny ornaments on it, she wore a light beautiful makeup ,wore her earrings and necklace,then she sprayed her sweet smelling expensive perfume.

Ohh my gosh!

She was looking expensively gorgeous already. Then she picked up her beautiful black bag.

And yes, she was good to go, she looked at herself and smiled lavishly.

Lydia left her room as she stepped down stairs, her mom sighted her and complimented,

" ohh my darling, you look so beautiful,"Mrs. Zander said with a warm smile.

"Thanks mom"Lydia hugged her mum.

" I have to be on my way now mom or I'll be late"

"Ok my dear, Take care of yourself, Byee."Her mum waved at her.

As she was about entering her car,the guards stopped her

"No ma'am, we're gonna take you there, I'll drive" said one of the guard

She smiled,

"Ohh no ,y'all shouldn't bother, I'll do that myself"

"No ma'am,we were instructed by Mr Zander to go with you."

When she heard that,she had no other option than to allow it, So two guards followed her.

After about 45 mins of the drive,they were in front of the Benjamin's Mansion.

Kelly immediately noticed the Big jeep that just stopped in front of the Compound and was eager to know who was in it. So she went so close to the window,so she could have a better view.

One of Lydia's bodyguards came down from the car and went straight to open the back door for Lydia, Lydia came down wearing a smile on her face.

"Oh my God!"Kelly blurted out.

She couldn't believe her eyes. Is this Lydia or was her eyes seeing another person?

"No, this can't be true, probably she must have gone to borrow clothes and rent that car."

Many thoughts kept coming into Kelly's mind.She was still in shock with her mouth half opened when one of the female servants touched her.

"Ma, Mr Clitton asks to see you" The servant said.

"Okay, I'll be with him shortly, you can go."

The servant bowed and left.

Kelly left to answer Clitton. Immediately she got into the room and told Clitton what she just saw.

"Clitton, Lydia is here" she said almost immediately.

"So?" Clinton asked,u bothered.

"Well,She came in a different person this time if you must know."

Clitton looked at her in a confusing manner

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that Lydia came in here with an Expensive car and two bodyguards,and she is looking so Gorgeous." Kelly explained.

Clitton laughed so hard that he dropped his phone.

"Could that be some jokes or what"

Kelly looked at Clitton almost getting annoyed with his behavior, she hissed ,"Then come see for yourself "she said and left the room angrily.

"Could this be true?" Clitton muttered to himself.

"Well,I won't believe it till I get to see her myself."

Clitton quickly dressed up and walked like a gentleman to the hall.

Everywhere was almost filled up and the party had begun,music and dances here and there. There was laughter and gists ,everyone was .

The door opened revealing a lady in red, She walked in majestically with two bodyguards screaming wealth. The bodyguards were dressed in black suits and they both wore black eyeglasses to match.The lady was so beautiful that everything paused as soon as she entered;Music,dancing,chit-chat , everyone stopped what they were doing to behold this gorgeous lady. Men were drooling,Women were jealous,what a beautiful sight to behold.

"Oops!,I'm sorry that I'm late" Lydia apologized to no one in particular. All eyes were on me which made me uneasy but whatever I got this.

She took a drink from the waiter. "Thank you"I said to the waiter ,She sighted Clinton looking uncomfortable, Lydia smiled and walked up to him.

"No, this is not true," Clinton said in disbelief. Lydia was looking so beautiful.

"Could this be the Lydia I know,My ex-wife ?,no this is not true."

"Hey, Mr Clitton , it's nice to meet you again."She smiled , twirling my hair with her fingers.

Clitton was so speechless that he couldn't utter a word,he stared at me like I was a ghost.

"Mr Clitton,can you hear me?" She waved her hands in front of his eyes to bring him back.

"Hi," He managed to say with confusion written all over his face. Then he burst into laughter immediately, She was lost.

What's funny?Why is he laughing?

"So who have you gone to borrow clothes and a car from this time?" He asked, and She joined him in laughter.

"Well,I am not that shameless to borrow a cloth or car just to come for a birthday party."

As they were talking, Lydia noticed Kelly looking at us with jealousy and disdain.

"This bitch is here again to take my man" Kelly thought "But I won't let it happen, Never!" She walked up to them.

"So you're here again as a different person to have my man right?Aren't you shameless?" Kelly attacked her as soon as she came.

Lydia gave her a stern look

"Hey, miss Kelly or what are you called ,mind the way you speak or I'll…"

"Or you will what?"Kelly said, interrupting her.

"Speaking of man,you mean this?" Lydia rolled her eyes at Clinton.

"At Least he is mine"Kelly defended and she smiled.

"Sure,the leftovers are given to the less privileged,so I understand. You can have him,he is my leftover " Lydia said and left.

Kelly gave Clitton an annoying look and walked away too.

Clitton was so dumbfounded. They had planned to embarrass Lydia .But with the way things are going,their plans won't work out.

He summoned courage and walked into the party and sat on his VIP chair.

After some dancing and merriments,it was time for grandpa to cut his cake. So he came up to cut his cake,just as he was about to cut his cake,he called for me saying Lydia should cut the cake with him. She dropped the glass of champagne she was drinking and came up to where grandpa was.

Grandpa, Mr.Benjamin,and his wife were all confused when they saw her, it's written all over their faces. Lydia was enjoying the moment.

"Is this Lydia?" Mr.Benjamin whispered to his wife's ears.

Grandpa smiled so happily ,he hugged Lydia which she wasn't expecting "I have missed you my daughter." He said.

" Let's go ahead with the cutting of the cake,"someone from the audience shouted.

"Yes,the cake"Grandpa let go of her and placed her right hand on his, Lydia held his hand, and together they both cut the cake happily.

"Happy birthday grandpa"

"Thank you my dear daughter"

There were shouts of joy and happiness plus merriments everywhere, but the household of The Benjamin's except grandpa were all still in shock.

What do you think of Lydia transformation?

Everyone was shocked .

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