
She Is His Addiction

"I have bad news." Lian paced the hotel room and said. "Bad news?" Fidel folded the papers in his hands and asked. "Am pregnant." She said. Fidel laughed while looking at her. "Being pregnant isn't bad news. It's worth being celebrated." He walked over and tried to touch her belly but she walked away. "Fidel I know you're just some human who is super different from everyone else. This is wartime. Millions of people are waiting for me to stop the evil magic. Everyone is looking up to me. Look around Sky Wing, what do you see? desperate people. Let me just tell you that am going to terminate it. This isn't the right time to sit down and nurse pregnancy. I have a long way to go and everything else can wait." Lian said seriously. "What? Terminate my own child? That's not going to happen. Listen to me, I know what you're thinking but am here with you, I will protect you, I will protect my child. It must live!" Fidel said emphasising every word. *** And the sword went right into her belly. Terror was written all over her face as she looked at the oracle's smiling face. Fidel saw her fall and everything seemed to stand still. His eyes suddenly lost color and he roared towards the oracle. "Kai, Max, take madam away. call a plane and have her flown back to K nation immediately!" Adam gave the order....

Dragon_2120 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
27 Chs



Everyone waited anxiously as the bride and the groom matched forward from two opposite directions. She was on her veil and two best women were by her sides. Her face wasn't exposed to the camera yet.

A man in his glowing youthful self stepped majestically on the stairs and he came up. He didn't have any best man, because he was the best by himself. This was going to be easy than he ever expected.

This wasn't the first wedding held between Lian and Fidel. It was the second wedding actually. No publics were invited just like the first wedding, only the family. This time, nobody expected much.

Eva and Bella exchanged looks as they held Lian's gown. They were standing next to the lawyer who was more serious than ever. He personally wouldn't understand why Fidel was so obsessed with this lady and still pushed on even after she embarrassed him at first.

Senior Nolan frowned at his own son, and Katherine was in no position to smile. Kate sat next to Katherine with her hands held tightly between her thighs. She was sweating.

When the veil was lifted, Lian looked at Eva, their eyes met and both had a layer of tear in them.

"Am sorry…" Eva murmured as she lowered her face.

Lian forced a smile at her before putting on a serious face and looking up at Fidel. They both nodded in unison as they looked at the lawyer. He forced a smile.

"Mr. Fidel, are you willing to take in Miss Lian as your legally wedded wife, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" he asked.

"Yes I do." He said smiling at her.

"Miss Lian, are you willing to accept Mr. Fidel as your legally wedded husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

Everyone held their breathe. Even Adam, Fidel's right hand man felt like he stopped breathing. Kate stared at Lian. Eva avoided her eyes while Bella smiled sweetly at her. Fidel's father stared at his son as if telling him 'hope you didn't waste my time like the other day.' Fidel looked at Lian expectedly.

"Yes I do." She said.

Almost everyone sighed.

'she did?' Fidel couldn't believe his ears at first and aged closer to her, then, he let our a sigh of relief and a slight laugh.

"You can now exchange the vows." The lawyer said as he arranged the papers.

"You want to start?" Fidel asked her politely. He wasn't going to spoil a day he had been waiting for God knows from when. She nodded.

"I'd love to see you keep the promises we made." She said. Fidel looked at her surprised, but also expecting more. Seeing she wasn't going to add anything, he sighed.

"Lian, I know you hate how we met, and how fate brought us together. But I promise to be the husband you've always wanted go have. I know money can't buy love and trust, but what if I buy your love with my actions? We can have all pleasures in the world, and have all adventures we've always dreamt of. Let's make our matrimonial life a whole better movie for those who will be willing to watch."


No one knew the great CEO, the heir of the Nolan's could be this romantic. Even Kate couldn't believe her ears and to rate her jealous from a scale of one to hundred, he was a hundred with a bonus of thirty which makes it one hundred and thirty.

"Someone wake me up from their dream." Adam said silently. Fidel was focused with just one thing, work. He was always in a shit ready to rush to work or in his study room for work purposes. He was never interested in love matters and all those celebrities who approached him. But Lian had really brought out his soft part. Where he learned those romantic words, no one knew. Adam wanted to cough out blood just now.

Lian sighed heavily and Eva smiled at her. She risked everything to find Lian, in return, Lian risked herself to set her free. It was all about friendship. But the bond between them was stronger than everything.

After putting the rings on each other's fingers and signing the papers, people were to go in for the party. It was a small wedding so they didn't have to so much. But Fidel thought, "I'll make up to you one day. You deserve more my lady."

They walked side by side and Eva and Bella didn't leave them. Adam came behind them still thinking of what to say after what his boss had just said.

Before they could walk in and close the door behind them, someone walked over and quickly stepped at the door step. Lian and Eva stared at each other before looking at him again.

"Richard!" Lian called amidst her shock.

"Happy marriage life dear." As polite as he was, Richard said. Eva swallowed hard as she waited for Lian to say something, but she simply nodded.

"Can I borrow the best woman for a moment please?" Richard asked.

"Honey...you're not coming in?" Fidel called when he saw Lian stuck at the door. Bella swayed restlessly but still keeping her cute smile.

"Sure Richard." Lian accepted before walking in.

Eva stepped out and Adam stood by the door. Since she was Lian's best friend, she got first hand treatments from the Nolan workers. They didn't move far. Eva stopped and stared at Richard, not knowing what to do.

"What are you doing here Richard?" she asked.

"is there anything wrong?" he asked innocently.

"No... Am just surprised." She said.

"What's happening with you people? Lian just quit work without excuse, you disappeared for almost a month and I ran around town thinking something wrong happened to you guys when you're here happily getting married?" he asked.
