
She Becomes Glamorous After The Engagement Annulment

The fat and ugly Nora Smith is the laughingstock of the town when her fiancé breaks off their engagement. He says, “The sight of your gigantic face and thunder thighs disgusts me! Don't ever pester me again!" “What an idiot.” Nora scoffs and turns around, her lips curling up into a smile. Later, when Nora successfully slims down, she returns as an astounding beauty. Her ex-fiancé comes to her bearing flowers and begs, "I was wrong, Nora. I’m willing to do anything as long as you come back to me.” Nora rests her chin in her hands and smiles as she replies, “Real men don’t dwell on the past.” Angered, he says, “You’re just a dimwit saddled with baggage that I dumped, Nora. No one will want you except me!" But following that… A young and popular singer tweets: “Nora Smith is my goddess!" An internationally renowned surgeon asks, “Are you free tonight, Nora?” Even the rich and influential hotshot whom everyone is scared of comes forward and says, ”I can take care of my wife and children myself, thank you very much.”

Mr. Yan · Allgemein
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1065 Chs

Justin's Glorious Coldness

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Ruth's pupils constricted as a flustered expression flashed across her face.

After finding out that Nora was Black Cat, she was in a mess. That was why she said so much in one breath. However, she did not expect Justin to still remember what had happened back then?

Justin stared at the panic flashing across her eyes and sneered. He moved aside and said to Nora, "Nora, looks like I'll have to trouble you again."

In other words, Ruth was still lying and needed Black Cat to interrogate her.

Nora moved her wrist. "No problem."

She pressed down on Ruth's arm. The next moment, a silver needle was inserted into one of her acupuncture points. A sharp pain enveloped her instantly.

Ruth felt like her entire body was about to be torn apart. All the pain was concentrated on that point, which gave her an intense urge to dig that piece of meat out.

It hurt.

It hurt too much.

She had never experienced such pain before!
