
Shadow Moon

*Slow Burn Paranormal Fantasy Romance!* Sylvia swore her wolf would stay asleep for her lifetime, a fate she knew she had to endure. She took precautions to keep it that way and avoid the consequences that would occur if it woke up. It was a secret she was forced to keep and her wolf would pay that price. Precaution number one, avoid male wolves and stay clear of events that are likely to include them. However, when her boss offers her double pay to fill in for a sick co-worker she could hardly turn it down. So she was on her way to the event she had always requested off, the Werewolf leader meeting for the North. She had a plan though, keep her head down and eyes off of any others. Silas was ready to give up on a fated mate and find his pack a Luna. They were restless and his wolf was getting harder to control. He is the Alpha of the Shadow Moon pack and while his wolf encouraged him to keep waiting, he wasn't so sure anymore. His Beta was in the same situation. Sinlan had hope still, he'd find his mate when the time was right. He encouraged his Alpha to keep his eyes open at the meeting. Many local packs would allow single wolves to go just in search of their mate. He wouldn't let his best friend give up. He'd help him find his mate as well. Then their pack would finally be complete. With the Luna it deserved. *This novel has a switching POV. There are Male and Female Lead moments!*

KLucus · Fantasie
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72 Chs

Night of Blood

*This chapter will change point of view throughout. It will be listed just as it is at the start of this chapter.*


She was here! She was in the packhouse and seemed at least content with the house itself. She's finally here! Don't push her, don't make her run off. I had to have restraint. Her scent was so close, so beautiful, it called to me. "This is stupid we should be in there with her! Why is she alone? Let me out, I'll get her marked!" My wolf was pushing, the pain in my head began to grow and I growled partly at my wolf and partly because it was difficult to restrain myself.

"Silas, are you okay?" I heard Sin's voice but it was as if it was far away. When I looked I saw him through the eyes of my wolf.

"It's my duty to mark our mate, let me do my job!"

"She'll run and we'll lose her. Go the fuck to sleep!" I felt my hands transforming into paws as my wolf's consciousness began to shift to the lead and I felt myself being pushed back.

"No, she won't. She'll want to stay with us!"

"Silas!" I heard Sin call but I couldn't answer. I felt him pulling me away from her door, the one I had just closed. Thank you, Sin. How did he have such control with her so close? I felt my mind start to drift, my wolf was at the forefront and I was in the backseat just watching what he did. He began to shift, even with Sin's arms around us.

"Let me go Beta! You should be joining me, not stopping me!"

"As much as I want to, you should listen to your calmer half right now! Get the door!" He called to Brine who was watching with a look of horror on his face. At the command he moved quickly and went into action. My wolf let out a warning growl telling the two men holding me in place to let go. I tried to take control back but it was useless. My wolf was in control and I was stuck watching from the backlines.

"I know it is a rare moment when you and your other half aren't on the same page, but right now I have to do what's best for our mate." Sin squeezed my half morphed form so tightly I felt my ribs crack under his arms and my wolf let out a yelp in pain before trying to bite the arms around me. We had to calm down, this was a useless fight, we should be on the same team, not me and my wolf fighting against one another. We are one, meant to work together at all times.

"Then stop fighting with me!"

"You are the one that needs to stop!"

"Brine get the chains and make sure that we have two wolves on the other side of that door!" He motioned to my room's door as it was closed, putting just another barrier between Sylvia and me.

I felt my body as it tried to buck and wiggle free of Sin's restraining arms, the bones breaking and healing over and over again. It only added fuel to my wolf's goal. Brine was back with the chains. How long had he been gone? How long has Sin been holding me? "Too long, beta or not, it's time to stop being nice. Work with me!" Maybe my wolf had a point. We had a right to be with Sylvia. She was our mate. Why was Sin keeping us from her? "Exactly!" I felt my mind once again blend with my wolf, no longer two separate entities but one combination. Two sides to a coin instead of two separate coins.

We bucked as hard as we could, finally at our full strength with us both on the same side. "Damn it, his wolf convinced him. Hurry and get the chains on him." No! I will not be chained up in my own home! This was my pack! One more buck and Sin's arm fell down, making space for me to drop down on all fours. I let the final step of transition happen quickly, my wolf form was so large my eyes were just about even with Sin even in this form. I growled and gave him a warning snap to stay back. I was going to go to Sylvia. We needed to be with her.

"I'm sorry about this Silas. Please forgive me, but I made you a promise, and I will keep it." I saw Brine move before he had a chance to get the chain around me. I moved to the side and let my head knock into him, pushing him to the wall.

"Stay down!" I growled through the mind link. He would obey, he was my Omega. I was in charge here. No one could stop me from getting to my mate.

I turned my attention back to Sin, who was watching me with caution, his arms up, a sign of peace, a sign he meant no harm. Keeping me from her was harm enough. He would move, or I would move him. "It's okay, just remember what we talked about." It didn't matter! Nothing mattered except getting to her!

I lunged at him, my teeth bared and grabbed onto his arm with a strong bite. I heard the bone snap and his cry of pain before a growl from deep in his chest. About time his wolf woke up! He could get through to him! We should be helping each other, not stopping one another. Our mate was so close, so close to us, so close to ours. His other hand reached over to my mouth and began to pry it loose from his arm. "Let go, damn it!"

His blood was running down to the ground and even as he pulled my mouth open it gushed out. A bite from his Alpha wouldn't heal immediately, it would teach him not to hold me back again! He was my Beta, his place was not to question my choice or to stand in my way of it. His hand was tightly gripping the top of my mouth and I went to bite my jaw closed and trap his hand but the other quickly grabbed the bottom of my jaw. My mouth was held open while I shook my head loose. He threw me against the wall and I felt my head make impact. The blow made my head spin, and the room with it.

"NOW!" I heard Sin shout as I felt something wrap around my paws and then finally around my neck. The daze was wearing off and I began to buckle against the metal being pulled tight around me. He, Brine, and Daniel were each pulling a part of the chain and as they yanked it tighter I began to fall to the ground. Where did Daniel come from? I had been too focused on Sin and missed him entirely. Such an idiotic mistake!

"NOOOOOOOOOO! They can't do this!" My wolf and I yelled together as the chain cut into our flesh. We tried to buck it away, to shake it loose, but it just cut into us more. I tried to lunge but the moment one side loosened the other would tighten and hold me in place. We can't give up! I kept bucking against the chains, again and again.

"Hold it tight. Don't let up yet!" I looked at Sin. Why was he the one giving commands now? I growled at him as I stopped fighting, unable to free myself. My wounds began to heal and I saw his arm was starting to bleed a bit less as the wound slowly began to heal. "Okay, anchor it to the floorboards." I watched as the chains were wrapped around the anchor spots on the ground, anchor spots that were meant to be used only when I was punishing a wolf, not for myself. I did not belong here. I belonged with her. Sylvia! I cried her name in my mind and began to whimper, wanting her near, wishing I could get to her.

"I hope we are doing the right thing." Brine said and I wanted to yell at him, but the chains held me so tight I couldn't transform back to speak normal. I could use the mind link but apparently that hadn't worked before so I doubted it would now. They wouldn't listen to me, they were convinced already.

"We are, he made me agree to stop him, no matter what." I did?

Wait, that's right…on the way here. Sin sat in front of me, his eyes locking with mine. "You may not be thinking clearly right now because she is so close. I get that, but try to remember. What was the first question she asked us about the mate bond?" I thought back, she had asked if we were going to force her to be marked. "She doesn't want to be marked against her will, she deserves that right. I know you've waited a long time, don't screw it up now!" He was right.

"I hate when he's right." We couldn't risk losing her because of something as simple as rushing it. She's here now, she had taken the first step already. The rest were right in front of her. My wolf began to whimper and pull back a bit.

"You are right. I'll stay." Sin smiled at me.

"Good, I'll loosen the chains so you can change back, but you are going to be tied up. Your instincts are strong, as they should be for our Alpha, but we made her an agreement. We gave our word." We started building trust, she deserved that. She could trust us, we wouldn't overstep. We wouldn't mark her…not yet. Her only fear from the start seemed to be us marking her without permission. We couldn't betray that.

The chains relaxed and I began to shift back to my normal form, my wolf withdrew, quietly and whimpering. I took a slow breath as my body calmed down from the shift. Sin was watching, waiting to see how I'd react. He was a good Beta, even more so than I deserved. I nodded to him once and he gave me a small smile before nodding to the Omegas. The chains tightened once more, tying me to the ground just enough that the chains were digging into my skin but not enough to break anything. "Thank you." I said before I closed my eyes. I needed to sleep this off, maybe it would let the time go faster. We could do this, we would do this. For Sylvia.


His eyes closed and I was thankful to see him trying to rest. My arm was aching from his bite, the blood still dripping down the side but it was at a much slower pace. I leaned back against the wall and looked at the two Omegas who had just helped me chain our Alpha. They were breathing quickly, panting from the exhaustion it had taken to keep him under the chains. "You did great. Thank you both. Daniel, you need sleep, go." It was an order, and one he didn't even bother arguing with.

"Call if you need me again." I nodded and motioned for him to go ahead and leave. He nodded and quickly walked back out of the room.

"You can stand guard outside, send one of the wolves out there to bed. It's already nearly three am. If you get tired and need to trade just find a replacement." I stood up slowly, letting my muscles move around and shake off the tense spots from the fight. It had taken much longer than I expected to get him under control. I'd held him by the waist nearly half an hour before Brine had come back with the chain and Daniel. Thankfully it had taken a little longer than that for his wolf to convince his other half to fight against us as well. I wasn't sure if the Omega's would be able to hold the chains when we pulled him down. That had taken nearly an hour in itself.

My body ached, my arm wouldn't be fully healed until the sun was up at least, and the cuts from his claws as he bucked were raked across my body. They were healing slowly as well. A wound by your Alpha healed faster than if a mortal had been wounded, but at a snail's pace compared to typical wolf healing. I closed my eyes as my head rested on the balcony door. I heard the door open and close as Brine took over the door patrol. When the door opened though I was hit with a scent I knew immediately. It was of a flower bend in a river as the waves crashed into it. The floral scent entered the room and Silas stirred in his sleep. Thankfully he was asleep, but her being here could quickly undo everything we just finished. I got up and ran to the door.

"We have to protect her! She can't come in!"

"I know, I'm on it." My wolf was right of course. If she came in and Silas woke up none of us had the strength to stop him again so soon.

"Sylvia!" I said as I reached the door. Her eyes wide, hair down and cascading around her as she looked from the wolves she had just been arguing with to me. Those beautiful eyes seemed scared, upset, and lost. She can't be scared, anything but scared. We can't let her scare away already. It hadn't even been the first night yet.