
Shadow Monarch in One Piece world

We follow the journey of Ash, a man from Earth who is reincarnated as a child in the world of One Piece with the powers of the Shadow Monarch. Join him on his quest to dominate this world.

Igris_69 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs


hello, this chapter should help you, the reader, to understand the main character a little better. You should know that there will rarely be any. (ash : by the way, I hate you, lili, but if you want to invite me for a night, I'm here ahahaha)


I woke up in my apartment, more precisely in my bed. The sun was streaming through the window, as if telling me it was time to go to school. At 18 years old, I was in a computer science college, learning as much as possible to become rich someday.

Getting up, I went to prepare my breakfast, trying to remember my dream about a fantastic world of pirates where I was the main character fighting enemies, but I couldn't recall the rest. So, I continued sipping my hot chocolate and eating my strawberry jam toasts.

After getting ready and checking that it was already 8:05, I knew I had to be in class by 8:00, so I rushed to avoid being late, as usual.

The day was typical; I chatted with my friends, mostly discussing girls, haha. Who was the most beautiful, who had a girlfriend, it was our routine.

At the end of the day, I went home and checked Tinder, and to my surprise, I matched with a gorgeous girl!!!

I was over the moon; we started chatting, and we hit it off. We decided to meet after a week, and after another week, we became a couple. Was it quick? At the time, I didn't think so; I even believed that all couples must be like that.

And so, our relationship began. I was ecstatic, having everything I wanted: a girlfriend, money, a car, a great family, amazing friends, and good grades at school. I couldn't imagine anything better. I even thought about dying at that moment, so I wouldn't have to experience a breakup...

Unfortunately, after a month, she cheated on me, and I decided to break up with her voluntarily because the pain was becoming too much. But even after breaking up, I was still not okay. So, I got back together with her, only for her to break up with me the next day.

I suffered even more this time, wondering what to do. My friends supported me, telling me she was playing with me, and they were right, but I couldn't accept it.

After some time, around two more months, I wanted to see her again. So, we went to watch a movie, and everything went just as I imagined. I was in a dream-like state, holding hands throughout the movie, like lovers would. But at the end, we looked at each other, not knowing what to say, and she finally said:

"Haha, our relationship will remain ambiguous."

I wanted to cry so badly, but I wouldn't do it in front of her. I just smiled, said goodbye, and went to drink a lot of alcohol in a bar. By the way, she saw me going into the bar because I'm an idiot and went to the bar right next to her place...

After that, I just drank and played League of Legends while drunk, and surprisingly, I was better at the game while intoxicated.

It's been over a month now, and I'm not doing well. I keep thinking about her, her smile, her qualities, her clothes, her kindness, and the fact that she constantly made fun of me. Right after I got home, she messaged me saying, "I really wanted to kiss you," and it made me feel sick. Disgust was one of my first reactions, especially when I know that right after seeing me, she went to meet a "friend"...

From time to time, I mostly remember the moments when I held her in my arms, when she sat on me, I could feel her weight on me, with my hands in the right place, I could even smell her perfume. Or when we saw each other after almost two weeks of being apart, we would jump on each other, holding each other for several minutes, just hugging and occasionally kissing, while she stood on tiptoes to reach my face. At that moment, without a doubt, I was one of the happiest men on earth.

After that, I passed my school year, but I don't have a girlfriend anymore, and now I don't really want one; women disgust me.


I struggled to say her name, remembering every moment with her, only to tell myself, "These are just my old memories..."

that I had almost forgotten because I felt so happy to be in this new world.

The more I think about it, the more I realize it wasn't in vain. I learned a lot with her, and in the meantime, I saw other girls to try to feel better, but it was in vain. But when I think that if I saw 2 or 3 girls, she, Lili, must have seen ten guys, just like she did before. And that disgusts me.

As I was probably unconscious, I had another memory, my 18th birthday. All my family was there, drinking, and I drank with them too. It was one of the best birthdays; my whole family was there, even my sister who had gone far north in the country. I could only smile, not knowing that three months later, I would be sad because of a girl who broke my heart, and a few more months later, I would be in another world, one where the strong reign. By the way, why not have my own country? That would be cool, or even have an empire, where I have several territories under my control!

But for that, I have to wake up right now!

And so, I saw the stormy sky of this world once again, as I could see the shadows digging to find me.

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