
Shades of white

A tale of young lady, who had been through hell and back, she lost the only guy she cared about and had to leave her country to save her life and start a new life in Japan where she meet a perfect stranger and a different side to life . Adria stared down at the man on her laps as she cried "Stay with me Ryan, don't you fucking give in ok." Ryan twitch he's lips trying to indure the pain "I thought you said you didn't care about me, why *cough* why...why are you *cough*-" Adria "Shut up, stop talking ok just shut up and stay with me, just hold on ok the ambulance will soon be here stay with me."

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasie
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101 Chs

Chapter five 005 : RUN

* Humanity is an essential attribute to man, how can you obey the commandment that says love your neighbors as yourself when your inhuman. *


Adria began to prepare for her trip, she wasn't the least happy. Her house keeper helped her pack her things while sobbing silently.

"Your aware I can hear you right. " Adria turned to look at the only human she lives with in this big mansion other than her gate keeper Sammy with a face devoid of emotions.

"I'm sorry ma'am it's just that I'll miss you so much and I don't know what I'm going to do in this big house without you. I just can't help it." she said as she sobbed more.

"hahaha! Here I was, thinking you would be happy I'm leaving. You always had to clean up after I mess up the place just for me to end up messing the place again. I....I don't want to leave trust me but I got no choice. " Adria said sadly

Adria has stayed in her mansion alone for a while before she met Gloria. And within this time her mom always sent food over and it was stressful even if she wouldn't say, so Adria tried to get someone who would do that for her than stressing her mom.

Gloria was a middle aged woman who came to apply for the position of a housekeeper. Adria liked her cause she was clean and determined to get things right, most of she was a patient person, this made Adria like her at times they would chat and eat together.

Gloria has always seen Adria as her child, she was already fond of her and knew a lot of things about her, her allergies, her dislike and likes. She was treated very nicely by Adria, she was paid very well too, even when she came newly the first food she prepared Adria disliked it. but she didn't make a fuss about it .

Due to the fact that Adria was addicted to her mom's meal, other people's food tasted strange to her.

Adria invited her mom to give Gloria few lessons and after that she saw improvements. They shared a good relationship and it was really hard for her to see her leave .

"Is there no other way for you to handle this than going to Asia, I've heard there foods are tacky and you know you don't eat anyhow. I really don't want you to get too skinny like the ones I see on k drama."

"Don't worry Berlina has everything planned alright I'm gonna be fine " Adria assured her.

"But I-" the sound of a car interrupted her .

" Oh that must be your mom's driver"Gloria said as she looked worriedly at Adria

"urrrgh..... that's it then, call Sammy to take my things to the car."

" yes ma."Gloria said and left immediately to get Sammy.

"This woman can't be patient this isn't 12 yet and her car is already in my house. " Adria spoke to herself as she was alone

When everything was done, Adria approached the car and she was about to enter she heard Gloria call her out so she turned

"Ma'am your drawing materials"Gloria said

"Lol who told you I don't have my drawing stuffs at my moms place "Adria laughed as she turned to leave

"Ma'am "

"What's it again Gloria " Adria was really finding it hard to leave and these people weren't making it easy for her.

"Please take care of yourself." She said with worry.

"Hmm, don't forget to call my mom tomorrow when I leave so she could give you my message." she said as she entered the car

"Bye" Gloria said

Adria nodded as the car zoomed off, she felt so sad and tried to forget about it crying now will be childish and if she cried now what was she gonna do tomorrow that she's leaving her family, her country and her life.

She sat back and turned on her earpods listening to her kind of music, it began to rain she kept looking outside and all of a sudden, she started having an uneasy feeling and that moment her phone began to ring, she saw her caller Id and it was her mom as she was about to pick it up.

She heard their car screech as if the driver was struggling not to hit someone or something and the next thing the car had flew high just to summersault a few times every where became still as everything happened fast.

She tried to process what just happened, was she about to die.... because she was beneath the car. She began to struggle with her seatbelt till it finally unlocked , she opened the car and crawled out she immediately went to the driver sit to help him out, she could hear people screams from distance but no one came to help them.

she tried to understand what was going on because she knew something was off about this situation, she quickly dragged him out and when they were a bit far from the car it exploded brushing them to the ground, so that's why they were shouting.

Adria tried her best to protect the driver who was unconscious, she looked up to see what used to be her mom's car. She felt a liquid substance flowing from her head, anger burned through her whole being.

" how dare them,how dare them do this." she gritted her teeth as she tried to lift the driver.

Everyone just stared at them and refused to come close because of the people who were at the back of the two injured people, Adria already had an idea of what was happening to her.

Adria finally stood up with the driver and she started hearing screams, the people who were far were screaming, they were screaming, something like,something like..." RUN."

shit she immediately realized something was a miss, she began to hurry but she was in pain and the next thing she knew, someone had held her hair, she was being dragged from the hair, she tried to struggle to get free.

"Urrrgh!! let me go you assh*le, I'm gonna kill you trust me you won't be alive to tell the story, do you fucking hear me!!!"

Adria saw them picking the driver in an improper manner, she realized they want to take them away and they looked like they were in a hurry, something was a miss without thinking to much she flipped and freed herself, she must delay them no matter what.

She used her knee to hit the guy who held her, she kicked him by the side of he's rib and punched his face. She ran towards the driver and tried to get him free from the guys but she was kicked in the stomach 'hard'. She felt a deep pain and looked at her stomach to see blood she wasn't even aware she was bleeding in her stomach before.

The guy kept hitting her till she began to stagger and everything became blurry, she still struggled to stand up and hit the guy on his face since she was weak it was like a slap instead of the a blow.

"Stupid B*tch" he dragged her and pushed her to the floor and kicked her .

"Hey that's enough you know the boss wants her alive."the other guy who looked in charge said. He turned to Adria and said "please cooperate and follow us quietly so he doesn't have to hit you ."

"Then let my driver go, he is unconscious and needs to be attended to immediately ." She said with a worried expression.

He laughed out and said "funny, you sure are a smart woman, we know the only reason you're struggling is for this driver. without him you would have escaped, you didn't even pass out when you had the accident. I really underestimated you." He smirked

She struggled, she hit him hurting him in the process, the other guy charged to hit her but stopped when his captain gave him a sign by waving his hand warning him not to take another step. Adria stood up and started approaching the driver when she heard the guy she had hit say.

" we will take him to the hospital if you go with us calmly."

She stopped in her track and turned " liar! your gonna end up killing him"she started walking again

"I won't repeat myself Adria!! I've given you my word, come with us or we will end up killing him and forcing you to come with us, still. "The captain said to her

She stopped but looking at the lifeless driver brought back sad memories, she closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she stared walking again.

"Adria!!!" He screamed fuming with anger.

"She's not gonna make it she's already bleeding too much " one of the guys said to him

"I would have believed you if it was few minutes ago but now, I don't think so. " Zaire the captain said

"She can't even walk straight sh-" he was immediately interrupted by a gun shot he and Zaire turned immediately to look at the source of the noise, at first they thought Adria was shot they both were scared because they were already in trouble and where going to answer for here injures, if anyother thing happens to her then nightmare was gonna kill them for sure.

"I fucking told you not to-" he became speechless when he saw his boy fall to the ground wailing in pain. He rushed immediately and abruptly took the gun from her hand, they struggled for a while but he held her down and whispered "I promise your driver is gonna be ok, so please calm down your bleeding too much already."

Adria finally gave in, she was already too tired and she just shot a guy, she couldn't even tell if he's dead or not. Immediately she felt a cotton like material pressed against her nose 'shit not this' she taught as she blacked out.

Zaire pressed a drugged handkerchief again her nose, when he felt her relax he carried her on his shoulder and headed to the car, as he entered he placed her in the car. He stared at her for a while and thought to himself how did this pretty lady get in tangled with nightmare and his boss she was just too beautiful even with the blood stains on her face.

"Drive" he ordered

Zaire was a boss of his own but worked for a guy called Kelt, who joined forces with there former enemy nightmare to bring Adria down.

Adria had an encounter with kelt once, they didn't speak to each other but they became enemies because she was with nightmare.


"Who's that." Adria asked as she saw a strange guy staring at her

"That's kelt, he's one of my enemies and from what I see he hates you already...so he's our enemy." he smirked.

"How? I didn't even do anything wrong to him, kelt? What kinda name is that." Adria asked while playing with her hair between her fingers.

"It means [kill every living thing] it's a name given to him by one of the most powerful mafia that used to rule before me." he explained as he stared at Adria touching her hair.

"So what happened to him." Adria asked nonchalantly.

"I killed him." He said simply

"You did what?." They both stared at each other as nightmare began to laugh calmly.

Immediately Ryan called Adria.

"Adria" he coughs awkwardly and corrected himself "boss I think we need to leave now your mom just


Nightmare raised his brow in a challenging manner while accessing Ryan from head to toe, on the other hand Ryan cared less about him so he focused on Adria.

"Alright I'll take my leave now, see you later nightmare." Adria smiled as she left with Ryan

Nightmare snapped his hand and a guy dressed in full black stepped out.

"Keep an eye on him."Nightmare said to one of his boys.

"Yes boss. " he said and left .


"Why are you looking at me like that." Adria asked Ryan, but he didn't answer and kept driving.

" So your not gonna say anything huh, ok then ensure not to look at me like that then. " Adria said as she began to press her phone.

The car abruptly stopped,Adria turned staring at Ryan with shock .

"Are you trying to get us killed. "

Adria screamed and before she could process what was happening Ryan smash his lips against hers, Adria was shocked but responded, after some minutes they drew back to catch their breath.

"You mind explaining, why your acting weird."Adria asked.

"I hate seeing both of you together. So close chatting and giggling like your lovers, your mine and he's trying to take what's mine and endangering your life in the process. How could he bring you there, when he knew his enemy was going to show up." He said as anger was visible

Adria knot her brows together " that's what I don't understand. But whatever,he doesn't have a chance against me him and that keltz of a guy."

"What makes you think that." He asked angry at her silly comment.

"Cause I've got you."she smiled and suddenly realized something . " let me guess.....my mom didn't really call, you just wanted me out of there right." She stared at him and he blushed lightly.

"yes" he said as he stared driving.

Your so cute tho."she smiled as they drove away.


Adria woke up and felt herself moving, she looked around and it was dark then, she remembered everything it turns out they were still driving.

She looked around and then down to her stomach to know if what she experienced previously was a dream too, then she realized that her wounds had been covered and treated.

"so it wasn't a dream huh." She scoffed

That means they came prepared and there was a doctor among the men that she saw previously, typical nightmare .

"Your up." Zaire spoke up, he had been staring at her for a while.

Adria slowly turned to looked at him feeling less concerned about his comment .

"Yh stating the obvious, you drugged me! " Adria said as she scoffed

"Calm down I didn't want to I just wanted to be on the safe side " Zaire stated

"Where's my driver." She asked

"He's ok and he's being sent to the hospital he stared at her and continued " don't try anything stupid though, we could still kill him if you do anything stupid." He threatened.

Adria stayed calm " I want to speak to my mom."

"What." He was shocked by her sudden request.

"I want to talk to my mom." she ignored the look in his face and repeated herself.

"I'm sorry but I don't think that's a good id-" he was interrupted by her

" before I had that accident she called me but I couldn't answer, she might have been worried before she called. You know how mother's instincts can be, so I just want to call her and assure her that I'm ok so she doesn't worry much. " she explained

Zaire contemplated for a while before he agreed " fine you can but don't think of doing anything stupid. "

They stared at each other before for a while he repeated " I said you could make the call."

"Don't act dumb, I hate dumb people. " she said

"What do you mean. " Zaire said

"I wouldn't asked you if I had my phone on me, give me your phone. "She said as she raised her brows.

"Oh sorry, here you go."

Adria took the phone and dialed her mom's number it rang for a while before someone picked.

"Hello please madam is busy can yo-."

"Give my mother the phone. " Adria said coldly

"Oh ok little madam. " the assistant said with shock.

In less than a second, Adria heard a voice on the phone . " hello Adria is this you." Madria's voice was breaking

"Having you been crying mom." Adria asked worriedly

Adria where have you been, I've been worried sick about you, what's going on are you ok." Madria asked

"I'm fine mom." Adria

"Where are you? "madria asked, Adria turned to look at Zaire who sat not too far from her before she replied .

"I'm with a friend mom don't worry about me ok, I'll soon be back ok don't worry too much I'll come get the document graph too ok love you." Adria hanged up .

Zaire took back his phone and threw it out the window to ensure they won't be tracked even if she didn't say anything suspicious, he didn't want to take chances.

They soon arrived at a house Adria was familiar with this house, this was one of nightmares houses. They brought Adria to one room and locked her inside.

Adria looked around the room there were no windows but the place was cold and seem to have ventilation. She worked around trying to figure out where the air was coming from as she heard a cold voice which she can never forget

"Adria." She turned to see nightmare " been a while my little bumblebee." He said as he took slow but steady steps towards her.

Adria stepped back till her back was against the wall, nightmare came closer till ther where few steps from colliding.

"How's my wife doing." Nightmare said as he studied her body, it's been a while he had received pictures tho but it felt different staring at her beautiful eyes.

He lend closer in an attempt to kiss her but he received a slap " that's for Ryan." She slapped him again " and this for ruining my life." She raised her hand to hit him again but nightmare held her hand tightly as pushed her against the wall and whispered in her ears "You know I could do anything I want to you right now huh do you forget your in my territory." He scoffed " or is this your way of saying you miss me? Well if so let me show you how it's done." He said as he forcefully press his lips against hers,Adria struggle to free herself but to no avail he proceeded in trailing kisses to her neck line. Adria shut her eyes as all she felt was disgust she immediately hit him and he staggered backwards anger flashed in his eye " you! After all I have done for you." He screamed

"What have you done apart from ruining my life, killing the guy that loved me and accusing me of killing him." She retorted.

" I gave you a choice Adria, I told you too marry me and I'll lift all charges against you." He said while approaching her

"How dare you, how dare you kill another man because of jealousy. " she said

"Firstly, I wasn't jealous I simply fought for what's mine and on the bright side of thing you later got released by your sister. " he said as he stood in front of her, he took her hair into his finger and played with it " you don't know how long I have waited for this day, the day we would be one ." He said with a hoarse voice

What does he mean by that Adria thought but then they heard a knock on the door.

"Speak" nightmare ordered

"Boss the priest is here . " the person behind the door stated.

Nightmare smiled and stared at her before he said to her " I've wanted this from the first day I saw you Adria, from the first day your friend introduced me to you, every single time I spent talking to you I've wished for this very moment. But that idiot what was his name again.....rain or is it ray, oh yes Ryan he stole everything from me, he stole you away but I knew you loved me yes you love, you love me right?"

"I don't." she screamed nightmare got angry and slapped her

He regretted it immediately "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please forgive me my love.. I don't know what came over me I just lost it for a second there I'm sorry. "

Immediately a knock was heard again, Zaire entered and informed nightmare that the priest wanted to see him and so did kelt. Nightmare walked out the room leaving Zaire with Adria

"Don't let her out smart you." nightmare said before leaving.

Adria scoffed, if she wants to leave, she would defiantly leave and she wants to leave

She stared at Zaire for a while and went to sit on the couch quietly. She stood up and went to grab water from the table, Zaire kept watching her every move. She poured all the water into the cup and went back to sit on the bed.

When Zaire directed his attention some where else, she poured out the water silently. After a while she said "I need water and I'm hungry." She looked at him straight in the eyes

He thought for a while before calling nightmare boys to stay at the door while he gets water and food for her.