
Series of One-Shots That Might Become Their Own Series.

Just some shit to write when I'm being a lazy bastard and not writing chapters for my current stories out right now.

CaptainBoyHole · Aktion
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108 Chs

The Bugged Saint's Journey.

"Mhmm..." The Saintess softly moaned as the strange notification floated in front of her eyes.

As one of her god's believers was underneath her desk serving her with his mouth, she began to read the unnatural floating screen that wouldn't disappear from her sight.

"Hello, humanity! You are going to participate in a trial run of a game of ours! If you do well, we will consider adding your race to the Universe's Social Group. If not, well you will stay isolated within the universe from here on." The note read itself out audibly.

The Saintess could understand the words said by the message but she could not read the language or find out the accent behind the speaker. Her body glowed with a bright white light as she directly connected to her god through her soul. She reappeared in a white cloudy landscape with a giant bearded thing staring down at her from a gold and white throne.

"What the fuck was that all about? Are aliens real?" She asked casually.

"It appears so." The being responded back. "I have a holy mission for you my chosen Saintess." It spoke slowly and with great power behind its voice.

"Ah, just my fucking luck... Can't you make these shitty holy missions like once a century ?" The Saintess sighed as she still felt pleasure coming from her nether regions.

Just because her spiritual body was gone didn't mean her physical body left anywhere. She could still feel the tongue of the believer back in her church, licking her pussy gently and quite determinedly. It was difficult to be angry while feeling pleasure rolling through her body but the holy missions really were a pain in the ass. The last holy mission she had to do was convert 25% of the world's population to Oyasha, the religion worshipping this giant in front of her. That mission took her about thirty years of effort that she only recently could reap the rewards for.

She was like a queen as Saintess. Any man or woman would feel blessed to be chosen to please her, bring her food or drinks, to be violently assaulted by her. They considered it their sacred duty to do whatever the Saintess asked for and with great pleasure to do so. This was mainly because of the holy aura that leaked from her body continuously. As the Saintess, she was filled with immense holy power that could not be contained by a mortal body. It was like a glass of water that just could not hold any more water and then spilled out the excess water.

This spilling was very beneficial to the believers. Their body took in the holy power like a drug addict took in drugs. It allowed their minds and bodies to understand all the way down to their cells the greatness of Lord Oyasha. Lord Oyasha wasn't a selfish god and was more than happy to bless his followers with holy abilities for their dedication in accepting him into their bodies. Being the Saintess of Oyasha, she was probably one of the strongest creatures back on the planet. Strongest being subjective in how you looked at it of course. Could the Saintess defeat a 1000-year-old dragon? Not in a straight-up fight. But she could probably outlive it for sure.

"The holy mission this time is for you to survive and continue to expand our group throughout this game you will be sent to shortly." Oyasha explained.

"Sounds easy enough... I know there's a fucking catch, so tell me already." The Saintess glared at the huge bastard.

"You will not be able to access all of my power once you are transported away. You will be left with not even half of your original power. To help you complete this holy mission, I give you this." His giant ass finger came reaching down toward her forehead.

The Saintess didn't move away as his finger gently poked her forehead. As he was in the middle of blessing her with some power, she suddenly vanished from his realm and could no longer feel herself being licked back in the mortal plane. She realized that she was neither in Oyasha's realm nor her original realm. A massive influx of holy energy entered her body and it was forced to shut down. Everything went black for the Saintess.

By the time she woke up, it was already nighttime and there were multiple unusual things in front of her. More boxes like the one from before in her office floated in front of her face telling her things.

"Welcome to the Trial Realm! All of you will be fighting a war with each other here!"

"Every single one of you will be randomly given a castle in your area and a unit building that produces random units!"

"As Lord of the territory, lead your soldiers to gather valuable resources, defeat monsters, and develop your own power so that you can reach the pinnacle of the human race in this game!"

"In the Trial Realm, there are infinite benefits that you can gain but also countless dangers that will easily cause you to lose your life. Show a good showing Earthlings! This is your first and only chance!"

"Sending units to Lords..."

The Saintess stared at the white bunny laying on her lap as she felt the crazy amount of holy power flowing throughout her body. Something wasn't right about this, but a wicked smile appeared on her face. She gently petted the rabbit looking up at her. Its eyes were intelligent... This was not normal either.

Around her was a ruined and somewhat demolished old castle, the walls stood somewhat high but with cracks running through them. Inside the castle area of wild grass, a crappy castle that looked on the verge of destruction, and a hole in the ground with a stone rabbit statue behind it. The Saintess got up and went over to the hole.

[Unique Unit Building: Rabbit Breeding Den]

[Level: 1]

[Resources Needed: 100 blood crystals + 1 magic crystal]

[Can produce 5 rabbits per day.]

[Hint: With enough luck, you can produce special rabbit units with unknown potential!]

"Rabbits? I have to fight with rabbits?" The Saintess's right eyebrow twitched rapidly.

If her body was in the state that Oyasha said it would be in, she would be cursing up a storm right now. But for some reason, she felt that she was multiple times stronger than she was before. With this much holy power flowing through her body, even if she had to use ants, she wouldn't be worried in the slightest. Considering how often rabbits can fuck, the Saintess really wasn't worried at all about surviving this alien game.

"Come here. All of you." She called out.

Four more rabbits came dashing toward her from all parts of the castle. Stopping their feeding on the wild grass inside the courtyard. With a scary smile on her face, she began inspecting all of the rabbits. Above their heads was an exclamation mark that the Saintess focused her gaze on.

[Unit: Common Rabbit]

[Level: 1]

[Talent: Breeding]

[Personality: Cowardly]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Hint: A near useless unit for a Lord. Quickly find some way to strengthen them or you will die for sure! They can level up by killing wild monsters, but it won't help much, probably.]

All of them were basically the same except for differences in their personalities. First Rabbit was cowardly, Second Rabbit was lustful, Third Rabbit was frightful, Fourth Rabbit was brave, Fifth Rabbit was greedy. The Saintess grinned as she stared at them. She was eager to see just how far a near useless unit like this could go with her help.

It was annoying as fuck that she got these useless little dirtballs but since she had more holy power than she knew what to do with, she didn't consider it a problem really. The Saintess gave each rabbit a kiss on the forehead imbued with her holy power. Her energy flowed throughout their bodies and would help save them when they were on the verge of death. Dying was the last thing these little furballs needed to worry about with her around. But she did have to worry about how the hell were they going to kill anything to level up.

"We'll have to start with something small if you all don't attack together with those teeth and claws of yours..." She grumbled. "Alright, follow me."

The five little rabbits listened faithfully to their Lord as they hopped behind her. Her long orange hair that reached down to the base of her neck, the tightly fitted white robes that didn't expose a single part of her body below the neck, and the addictive holy energy pouring out from her body spreading into the surroundings. They didn't know their Lord for very long but they already felt attached to her! Willing to do anything and everything she said for some reason.

"Haha... Looks like we found our first target." Saintess chuckled, looking at the lone monster snake slithering through the woods.

"Reminder! Lords need blood crystals and magic crystals to upgrade!"

"Blood crystals and magic crystals can be obtained through killing wild monsters!"

Inspired by a novel i read on webnovels. Don't remember the name of it but it was a tower defense type novel.

CaptainBoyHolecreators' thoughts