
Sentinels Mark X in One Piece World I

The Cover is not mine. Credits to the owner/s. ________________________________________________________________ Hello, I am a beginner author. Please say what is good and bad about this novel and I will try my best to improve it. I'm sorry if there is a grammar error. Thank You. This story is a wish-fulfillment of mine. ________________________________________________________________ Minimum of 500 and Maximum of 1000+ words per chapter.

Jesus_Rafael_Roxas · Aktion
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Sentinel Mk X


After a few seconds of silence, Ren and the middle-aged man retreats.


The middle-aged man was so confused and wondering. Is it because I only lived on this small island?

While the middle-aged questioning himself about his life, his group at the back picks their wooden spears tightly and ready to help their leader.

"I forgot that I am in the state of intangibility."

Ren was full of black lines on his forehead.

"I remembered that I could summon a 'Sentinel' There are little pieces of information about it."

Ren can summons Sentinels, but this kind of Sentinels Mark X has a limiter in it. These Sentinels can only absorb one ability on their opponent if their opponent is defeated or killed.

These Sentinels can absorb with a limit of one ability per Sentinels,

and they cannot share their absorbed abilities with other Sentinels.

{A/N: I decided that Sentinels can only absorb an ability on Devil fruit users and other characters with weird ability.}

These Sentinels are tall and have a jet-black color with light eyes.

[ Reminder:

Name: Ren

Race: Human

Age: 16

Ability: Intangible State

Summon/s: 1 (for now, can only summons one Sentinel.) ]



Ren thought of summoning the Sentinel, and a tall robot with jet black color appears.

{A/N: Click this for the picture.}


With a sound, its eyes light up.


Ren was surprised and fascinated.

At the front, the group was also startled.

"What is your name? What are your powers?" asked Ren with curiosity.


"Uhh... you are not talking?"


"Then, I will call you Sentinel Mk X no.1."

The middle-aged man and his group were speechless for a moment. This young man did not put his eyes on theirs.

Ren stares at the group in his front and says.

"Mk X no.1 kill these four people."

Ren said with decisive light and little killing intent in his eyes.


The 'Sentinel' seems to understand what Ren said and stares at the tribe group with frightening eyes.

Both arms of the Sentinel slowly shape into a long sharp spearhead.

The group gazed at the Sentinel with trembling legs.


The Sentinel was so fast and immediately stab at the two.


The two try to defend the attack of the Sentinel, but because it is tall and fast,

and were stab at the middle of the chest.

The Sentinel tosses the bodies after the attack.

The other two members were shocked and furious at what they saw.

Ren was also surprised and frightened and is his first time to saw a human killed in front of him.


The leader throws his wooden spear at the Sentinel.


Sentinel hit his wooden spear downward and attack him.

With a swing of the other hand, the leader was attacked and seriously injured.


The Sentinel picks the wooden spear on the ground and throws it accurately on the last member.

The man was stunned and dodges,

however, because of a slow reaction, and was stabbed in the lower chest.

The Sentinel returned both arms to normal and went back to the front of Ren.

Ren was so excited and slightly sad.

Ren was excited because his summons was so powerful, and there is more power that Sentinel hasn't use yet.

Sad because he can only attack through summons and can only defend with the use of his ability.

But Ren hopes and plans to get stronger by himself.

[ Reminder:

Name: Ren

Race: Human

Age: 16

Ability: Intangible State

Summon/s: 1 (for now, can only summons one Sentinel.) ]

To be continued...

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{ Author's Note:

There are some powers or abilities that Sentinels haven't show up yet.

For example, mimicry of power can mimic other powers or abilities except for devil fruit ability.

I limit mimicry of devil fruit ability and sharing abilities with each 'sentinel' because it will be too OP.

They can mimic three types of Haki like Kenbunshoku Haki, Busoshoku Haki, and Haoshoku Haki.

But they will not be proficient in Haki in an instant.

It will take time.

Sentinels cannot mimic devil fruit abilities.

Sentinels can steal or absorb one devil fruit ability but are limited to one sentinel per devil fruit ability.

I hope all of you understand my points. Thank you very much. I hope you like it. }

Jesus_Rafael_Roxascreators' thoughts