
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime und Comics
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166 Chs

Official uniform

Meanwhile, in a more remote location, Ameyuri had been enjoying herself like few times in her life. It was a shame that it seemed her time was running out, as she received a hidden signal from Pakura indicating that everything was done, and there wasn't much left to steal.

"Why are you doing this?!" one of the high-ranking officials of Kusagakure looked around at the devastation with desperation. The losses of ninjas and properties they suffered today would set the village back at least forty years. If he were aware that their treasury was empty while they were fighting, he would attack Ameyuri to the death. "I don't know which village you're really from, but we will remember your face!"

Everyone could see Ameyuri's headband, but since no one recognized the symbol of Seimeigakure, they assumed it was just a disguise for the true perpetrator's plan. Their biggest suspicion was Kirigakure or Kumogakure.

"I suppose it was enough for today," Ameyuri knew that all good things had to end at some point. She had expended a great deal of chakra, her clothes had been ruined due to the amount of blood on them, and the few decent fighters were either dead or watching her suspiciously, unwilling to sacrifice themselves for...

What would be here, the Will of the Grass? That sounds like a slogan for drug addicts.

Kicking the bodies in her path, Ameyuri provocatively withdrew under the furious gaze of the surviving ninjas who refrained from preventing the calamity from leaving their home.

"Take a tally of casualties and report on the damages. After finishing cleaning up this disaster, we will deal with her," ordered one of the surviving high-ranking officials. "Go get the medicines to tend to the wounded and quickly transfer those who are worse off to the hospital. We can't afford to lose more capable ninjas."

The ninjas around him nodded. Several of them felt that Ameyuri seemed familiar, but they couldn't pinpoint the kunoichi precisely. Perhaps when everything calms down, they can obtain something useful.

"I need a drink," the man thought as he rubbed his forehead in exasperation.

"Sir, we have a big problem!"

"And now what's happening?"

"The medicines and medical supplies, they're gone!"

"What do you mean they're 'gone'? Explain."

"I just returned from the hospital's storage, and it's completely empty. Medicines, bandages, glucose bags, surgical tools, not even a single aspirin left!"

"Do you mean the kunoichi was a distraction to steal our medical supplies?" As crazy as it sounded, it seemed to be the reality.

"I'm afraid that's not the worst part, sir."

The man looked at the ninja with doubt.

"Did they kill the ninjas who were in the hospital?" The ninja who came to report shook his head, relieving his immediate concern. "What happened then?"

"I had a bad feeling and checked various places," the ninja fell silent for a few seconds, as if trying to find the right words. "Everything is gone."

"Everything?" A bad feeling arose in his heart.

"Ninja tools from the storage, from kunai to explosive tags, the library books, technique scrolls, soldier pills, the gold reserve, and even the emergency food storage. Everything has been emptied! The weirdest part is that not even the training dummy used by the ninja academy students was left behind."

The ninja waited for a reprimand and even a couple of blows for bringing such bad news, but seconds of waiting resulted only in an awkward silence.


Only then did the ninja realize that his boss had fainted on his feet from the shock of the news. If what his subordinate was saying was true, Kusagakure had fallen into ruin, and the possibility of continuing to exist as a ninja village was minuscule as soon as news of their situation spread.

Meanwhile, back on the Sky Island...

"I admit, I knew you would score a good haul, but you've still exceeded my expectations," Enel admitted after Pakura gave him a written summary of everything she had managed to steal, covering the deficiencies they had as a ninja village. "One could say you've stripped Kusagakure's foundations and completed what we were missing."

"Do you think this contribution is worth a golden apple?" Pakura asked.

"Of course," Enel was happy because suddenly they had almost everything they needed to properly train Haku and Kimimaro, so he tossed her a golden apple without hesitation.

If Karin also decided to join, they could form the village's first official squad.

Pakura happily stored the apple carefully before leaving to put things in the village's storage and make an accurate inventory in the ledger to know exactly what they had now and how many of them.

"As for you, we'll need to get you some new clothes," Enel looked at Ameyuri and the pink clouds that remained on the ground wherever she walked due to the dripping blood on her clothes. It wasn't a problem; the cloud would clean itself over time before returning to its pure state.

"Do you have something comfortable and sturdy? That will be enough for me," Ameyuri brought some spare clothes, but she was thinking of using them for her time at home as a memento of her time in Kirigakure.

"I think I have something perfect," Enel indicated for her to follow him, and after going through several paths and corners, they arrived in front of a large machine.

"This is a 'cloud molding machine,' and it can do many things like furniture or, in this case, clothes," Enel began to touch the high-tech panel in front of him, sliding and pressing in different places on the touch screen. "For this, we'll use steel cloud silk. Light as a feather, flexible as water, and as durable as heavy armor."

"Does that mean you've already thought of the village's uniform?" Ameyuri asked.

"More or less," Enel stepped aside to show her the idea. "It will be a unisex adjustable version. What do you think?"

"Quite interesting," Ameyuri looked at the design with interest.

The official uniform of Seimeigakure was a blend of black, yellow, and white. While the base clothing was dark with yellow lines, it had a small side skirt and a high collar with a hood that could be adjusted in different ways to cover the mouth, the neck, or the entire head. The front had a single white stripe, and the shoulders and forearms were protected by some metal pieces.

(Patreon exclusive image)

"How long will the machine take to make it?" Ameyuri asked, satisfied with the design. Not only was it practical for combat and seemed comfortable, but it also had a more pleasing design to her eyes than her old style.

"Go take a shower, and by the time you're done, the uniform will be waiting for you," Enel told her as he activated the automated manufacturing process. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a weapon to test."