
Seduction System

Living as a slave under the Baek Clan, Baek Yisoo was no more than a slave to his fate. The meaning of his existence was to follow the orders of his masters and to be a slave. Until that day... Seeing something he shouldn't have, Yisoo paid a price that would change his life forever. Unjustly killed, Yisoo was condemned to disappear into the depths of darkness. But a twist of fate offered Yisoo an unexpected second chance. Reborn by the miraculous power of the Seduction System, Yisoo was a different person. -------------------------------- WHAT DID THEY SAY ABOUT THE NOVEL? "Thanks to this novel, I've won every battle I've fought with women." (Sun Tzu) "Could such a great book have written itself? Seriously I ask." (Darwin) "The book was good and bad at the same time until I opened it and read it. Now only good." (ScHRÖDINGER) "I saw myself in the novel." (Giacomo Giralomo Casanova)

SageGumiho · Fantasie
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23 Chs

First Blood (2)

The wind blew like a hurricane under the gloomy sky. The rain beat against the glass and pounded the windows like a thunderstorm. The moonlight barely filtered through the darkness, trying to illuminate the dilapidated facade of the inn. Old oak trees were resisting the wind's fury, their branches reaching towards the sky.


In a room on the upper floors of the inn, a young man writhed in pain with bandages around his waist. When he removed the knife lodged near his abdominal cavity, a bucket of blood pooled on the floor. The young woman was even more frightened and worried when she saw this.


"Are you sure you don't want to go to a clinic?"


Minji put the hot water on the table and looked at Baek Yisoo lying on the bed. For the first time in her life, a man had sacrificed himself for her. Such a new feeling was driving her crazy. She had no idea what to do. 


She couldn't stop thinking about Baek Yisoo saving her, which she normally didn't care about. . It had been over an hour, but Minji could feel that man's fingers tightening around her throat. 


She didn't know what she was feeling.


"No need. I'm better like this. Unfortunately there's a storm, if we go out at this hour we'll hit a wall before we can take a few steps." said Baek Yisoo, his eyes locked on the box above the young woman's head. 


[Interest Level: 51/100]


Whether it was because he was stabbed for her or not, Minji's interest level had passed 50. 


[Target Coupon available.]


"Well..." the young woman said, her demeanor strangely docile. "Is there anything I can do for you?" 


"Can you turn off the gas lamps?" 


Baek Yisoo asked politely, and Minji turned off the lamps and sat on the edge of the bed. Baek Yisoo opened the inventory while checking the mission window. 


[Task #2: First Step]




Since his relationship with Minji had passed 50, he had somehow completed the task and received his rewards. As Baek Yisoo began to think about what to do with the points he received, he realized that a new mission had appeared in the mission window.


[Mission Series: The Way of the Superior Man]


Mission #3: Gazelle Hunt


Description: A seduction expert must have plenty of experience and the courage to break all taboos!


Completion Condition: Use the Target Coupon on Yu Minji and have sex with her.


Mission Reward: Unlocking all System Functions, Free Stat Points 3x, Seduction Points 25x


Time Limit: 60 min


[Mission Series: The Way of the Superior Man] was a series of missions created to develop him personally. Although Baek Yisoo was aware that the mission series served some purpose, he doubted it when he looked at the mission other than [Mission #3: Gazelle Hunt]. 

[Mission Series #1]




Description: A seduction expert must have more skills about sex than anyone else. 


Completion Condition: Follow the instructions and practice the first stage Kamasutra. 


Quest Reward: Eternal Spring Mantra, Free Stat Points 5x, Seduction Points 25x


Time Limit: 60 min


'Kamasutra? What's that? 


It was the first time in his life that he had heard such a thing. Baek Yisoo nervously looked at the [Target Coupon] in his inventory. This was the first time he was going to get close to a woman like this. It was impossible to describe the anxiety and fear in his heart. 


The Yuan Dynasty was incredibly strict about male-female relationships. Even a rumor, let alone free sex with women other than prostitutes, would be the beginning of the end for both men and women. Therefore, there was great fear in his heart. 


"Hey, Baek Yisoo..." 




Minji absentmindedly called out to Baek Yisoo. 


"Why did you save me?" 


Minji wondered. Why Baek Yisoo, whom she had always despised like an insect, would risk being stabbed to save someone like her... Minji had never been kind to him. Even tonight, she had used him to see Han Bora and have a nice dinner.


"Minji..." Baek Yisoo replied in a low voice. 


At that moment, a window opened in front of him. 


[Are you sure you want to use the Target Coupon?]


Baek Yisoo pushed aside his worries and nodded. 


[The Target Coupon is being used on 'Yu Minji'...]


[Interest Level: 51/100] 


[Interest Level: 52/100]


[Interest Level: 53/100]




[Interest Level: 63/100]





[Interest Level: 80/100]




[Interest Level: 91/100]




[Interest Level: 100/100]


Yu Minji's breathing became unstable as her Interest Level reached the limit. Baek Yisoo felt that this room, lit only by moonlight, was getting hot. Contrary to what he had expected, Minji hadn't jumped on him. As always, he had to take the first step. 


Baek Yisoo pushed his pain aside and sat up.


He gently took Minji's hand and placed it on his shoulder. Minji's face was bright red. She was trembling like a little rabbit, taking deep breaths as if to calm herself. Baek Yisoo put aside his fear and grabbed Minji's waist and moved closer until he could feel her breath. 


[Follow the instructions.] 


Immediately after the system's muffled notification, a bright pink light appeared on Minji's lips. 


The light distracted Baek Yisoo for a few seconds. Immediately afterward, a series of instructions appeared in front of him. Baek Yisoo glanced at them, then brought his lips closer to Minji's pink lips. 


When he pressed his lips to hers, the young woman closed her eyes. Baek Yisoo was a novice, but he was brave enough to take control. Minji's body stiffened, but he didn't pause. After kissing softly a few times, he sucked the young woman's lower lip. 


Their bodies were in contact with each other. Baek Yisoo could fully feel the young woman's supple breasts. This caused him to get excited. 


"Open your lips." 


Baek Yisoo spoke in a low, commanding voice. He knew that Minji liked tough men, so he didn't hold back in his speech. 


And it worked. Yu Minji's face turned bright pink, and though she hesitated briefly, she finally allowed her lips to part a little. Baek Yisoo smiled slightly. Soon he pressed his lips to hers and a soft, pliable piece of flesh entered Minji's mouth. 




Baek Yisoo's tongue skillfully explored the inside of Minji's mouth. It circled around her teeth and the inside of her cheeks. When Baek Yisoo's tongue made contact with hers, the young woman let out a small moan. 


It was the strangest thing. 


For the first time in her life Minji was experiencing such pleasure. She could feel her body burning like a flame as she smelled Baek Yisoo's strong, masculine scent. For someone who thought that sex was only for making babies, this was all new. 


Baek Yisoo became even more aggressive as he slowly unbuttoned her hanbok. He dove from the young woman's lips to her neck. Everywhere he kissed turned pink and the young woman's moans grew louder. 


His fingers skillfully poked certain spots, causing her breathing to quicken. Although it was his first time doing something like this, he focused on the points marked by the system, stimulating those areas without hesitation. 


Baek Yisoo threw aside the jacket he had unbuttoned and looked at the young woman's chest. 


"You have a beautiful body." 


Minji, her cheeks pink, bit her lips and tugged at her dress. Baek Yisoo's move had brought out a pair of white mounds under the dress. The free mounds swayed slightly and winked at Baek Yisoo. 


Her developed breasts had a pinkish color like a flower at the tip. There was no flaw in her slender waist. The thin line down to her hips looked very beautiful. Although Minji didn't have a beautiful face, she definitely had a sensual body. 


Baek Yisoo's kisses traveled down Minji's neck and circled around her chest. The young woman had passed out long ago. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment as she moaned. 


Every time the young man's lips touched hers, Minji felt strange. 


Baek Yisoo moved even lower, accompanied by the young woman's moans.