
Seduction System

Autor: SageGumiho
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  • 23 Kaps
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What is Seduction System

Lesen Sie den Roman Seduction System des Autors SageGumiho, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Living as a slave under the Baek Clan, Baek Yisoo was no more than a slave to his fate. The meaning of his existence was to follow the orders of his masters and to be a slave. Until that day... Seeing...


Living as a slave under the Baek Clan, Baek Yisoo was no more than a slave to his fate. The meaning of his existence was to follow the orders of his masters and to be a slave. Until that day... Seeing something he shouldn't have, Yisoo paid a price that would change his life forever. Unjustly killed, Yisoo was condemned to disappear into the depths of darkness. But a twist of fate offered Yisoo an unexpected second chance. Reborn by the miraculous power of the Seduction System, Yisoo was a different person. -------------------------------- WHAT DID THEY SAY ABOUT THE NOVEL? "Thanks to this novel, I've won every battle I've fought with women." (Sun Tzu) "Could such a great book have written itself? Seriously I ask." (Darwin) "The book was good and bad at the same time until I opened it and read it. Now only good." (ScHRÖDINGER) "I saw myself in the novel." (Giacomo Giralomo Casanova)

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Hello author I wanted to know if there is ntr or Yuri in this novel??


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