
Seduction System

Living as a slave under the Baek Clan, Baek Yisoo was no more than a slave to his fate. The meaning of his existence was to follow the orders of his masters and to be a slave. Until that day... Seeing something he shouldn't have, Yisoo paid a price that would change his life forever. Unjustly killed, Yisoo was condemned to disappear into the depths of darkness. But a twist of fate offered Yisoo an unexpected second chance. Reborn by the miraculous power of the Seduction System, Yisoo was a different person. -------------------------------- WHAT DID THEY SAY ABOUT THE NOVEL? "Thanks to this novel, I've won every battle I've fought with women." (Sun Tzu) "Could such a great book have written itself? Seriously I ask." (Darwin) "The book was good and bad at the same time until I opened it and read it. Now only good." (ScHRÖDINGER) "I saw myself in the novel." (Giacomo Giralomo Casanova)

SageGumiho · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Date (3)

"What do you think?"


The young woman came to Master Tan's side and looked happily at Baek Yisoo's back as he left the Sacred Deer Palace. Six hundred copper nyang was not a small amount. Even at the Sacred Deer Palace, such large purchases were not common.


"We'll smell it soon..." Master Tan replied quietly. He was amazed by the quality of the Gwanbok. Such fine craftsmanship and design was reserved for high nobility and royalty.


Master Tan glanced at the young girl.


"Send this garment to the master of the Yoon Clan."


"How much should we ask?"


"No less than ten gold nyang."


"Understood, Master Tan."


The Yoon Clan was the richest clan in the city. In terms of power, it was stronger than the Baek Clan and the Han Clan combined. They came close behind the Emei and Hua Sects, the two most powerful sects in Shaanxi. In terms of political power, they were one step behind the Namgung Clan.


Master Tan thought that an outfit of this quality would be worth at least ten gold nyang. And the only person in the city who would pay that much for an outfit was the master of the Yoon Clan.




Baek Yisoo took the three gold nyangs to one of the banks run jointly by the Yoon Clan and several other clans. He immediately opened an account and deposited two of the three gold nyangs. In return, they gave him a bronze card, which is given to customers with one gold nyang or more in assets.


Baek Yisoo converted the gold nyang into 5 silver and 100 bronze nyang.


Now everything was ready except for two things.


Baek Yisoo went to the restaurant where Han Bora was performing the next evening and made a reservation for two for eighty bronze nyang. Then he stopped by a guild in a back alley. 


"I'm so tired."


Baek Yisoo looked up at the moon. It was already midnight, and there was no way he could enter the mansion at this hour. He had to spend the night outside, at an inn.


Baek Yisoo found a cheap inn and rented it for one night.




The next day Baek Yisoo entered the mansion just before sunrise and began his training. He had little time to rest, but the rigorous schedule gave him a strange satisfaction. His scabbed wounds opened and bled with every spear thrust. He didn't stop until his bandages were blood-red.


Towards noon, he completed his stretches. Meanwhile, Instructor Mo came to inspect. After a glance at Baek Yisoo, he corrected the guard trainees' mistakes and left. The day continued.


By six o'clock Baek Yisoo finished his training, packed his things and left the mansion. He bought a wound ointment from the herbal shops in the city and entered one of the cheap bathhouses. After carefully cleaning himself, he applied the ointment to his palms and wrapped them carefully.


After cleaning himself, he went to one of the nearby tailors and bought some clothes. The clothes he bought from the market were very nice, but they stood out because of their unusual design. After the tailor, he went to a barber and got a haircut.


He did all this in an hour.


When it was seven o'clock, Baek Yisoo rented an expensive carriage and went to pick up Minji. Although it was far from Storm Street, it was a clean and safe area.


When Baek Yisoo got out of the carriage, he was surprised for a moment.


Minji was wearing her carefully chosen hanbok. The hanbok was a delicate mauve color, and its silky fabric shimmered elegantly in the moonlight. The V-neckline revealed Minji's slender neck and graceful collarbones. The floor-length hanbok fluttered gracefully with Minji's every step.


"Why are you so surprised?" Minji asked with a slight smile.


Baek Yisoo shook himself awake.


"You look really beautiful. I'm a little surprised."


Minji laughed under her mustache, even though it was obviously carefully prepared.


"Don't exaggerate. I didn't take too much care."


[Interest Level: 24/100]

[Interest level must be at least 50 to redeem the target coupon.]


"Is that so?"


The one point increase in interest level did not go unnoticed by Baek Yisoo. He had prepared a lot for this date. He was determined to raise her interest level to 50 tonight. He had spent almost 150 nyang for this.


Baek Yisoo held out his hand like a gentleman.


"Come inside. It's cold."


"You look a little different today..."


The change in Baek Yisoo was visible. His teeth, which used to resemble a horse's mouth, were now bright and regular, like pearls. This had drastically changed his appearance. Whereas before he could be considered ugly, now he had a slightly below average appearance.


Last night she had been melancholic and emotionally troubled. Her eyesight wasn't very good under the dim moonlight, so she couldn't think properly about Baek Yisoo's proposal. But when she woke up in the morning, she came to her senses and regretted accepting such an offer at a time when she was emotionally turbulent.


After all, she didn't like Baek Yisoo. Why would she accept an offer from an ugly man she hardly knew?


Ordinarily, she would have canceled the date with an excuse.


But she had come here at Yong-mi's insistence.


'I can get up whenever I want. As he said, it is not always possible to see Han Bora."

She got into the car without taking Baek Yisoo's outstretched hand.


Baek Yisoo shrugged.


"Please drive to the Golden Dawn Restaurant."




The Golden Dawn Restaurant was the most luxurious restaurant to open in Yulin. Although it was new, it had made a great entrance. Today, they had specially invited the famous musician Han Bora for the opening. She was going to put on a wonderful show for the customers all night long.


The carriage stopped in front of the restaurant, which resembled a temple with exquisite wood carvings and an elegant tile roof. After Baek Yisoo paid for the carriage, they bowed to the guards at the door and went inside.


Inside the restaurant, the walls were decorated with gold leaf and the furniture was exquisitely handmade. Soft lights and calm music created a luxurious and peaceful atmosphere. Every corner of the restaurant was decorated with carefully selected works of art and antiques.


Minji was mesmerized by the special atmosphere.


Baek Yisoo held out his arm to Minji.


Minji stared blankly.


"What? You're dreaming if you think I'm going to take your arm."


"Come on, don't ruin the mood. I made reservations for a double, I can't make you believe you're with me if you don't take my arm."


Minji clicked her tongue but took Baek Yisoo's arm anyway. As the two stepped through the large, wide door of the restaurant, they were approached by a young man in a gold-embroidered hanbok.


"Welcome sir, do you have a reservation?"


"In the name of Baek Yisoo. For two."


The young man carefully checked the list in his hand. After a few seconds, he smiled widely.


"Please follow me. Master Baek and Madame Baek..."


The young man led the two to their table.


At that moment Baek Yisoo felt a pain in his arm.


Minji had pinched his right arm hard.


"What are you doing?"


The young woman's eyes were piercing like daggers.


"Madame Baek?!" 


"If we wanted a table to ourselves, we had to get in under the 'married' quota. Try to keep up."


Baek Yisoo said this coldly. Although the young woman's gaze was still fiery, her expression softened a little. It was a very logical explanation.


"This is your table, Master Baek. When you want to order something, please ring the bell. They will bring you a menu."


"When will Mrs. Han Bora take the stage?"


"She will be on stage after the pre-music."


"Got it, thank you."


Baek Yisoo nimbly pulled Minji's chair away.


"At least you're a gentleman."