
Secrets In The Shadows

"Who are you??", she yelled at him "Yoon Suh at least listen to me once please", he pleaded With furious steps she marched towards him, fisting his collars she shook him vigorously "I ASKED WHO THE HELL YOU ARE", she spat angrily, her emotions overpowering her "it's not what you think, listen to me once will you??", he pleaded guilty but he knew his pleas were all in vain He tried touching her but she stepped back and moved beyond his reach. "You know what you're a monster who killed my parents who made me an orphan", she yelled at him He shook his head declining her accusations but she didn't take it. "How could you do this to me tae, I thought you loves me", her voice was almost a whisper Her gaze which always held love, wonders, and adoration for him was today void of any emotions and filled with hurt, pain, angst, and disgust. Her voice wasn't soft as before it was broken. Her eyes were red from crying. He wanted to hold her close and comfort her, cocoon her in his embrace and protect her but couldn't because he knew the damage had already been done, and now even if he tried he won't be able to change anything. Min Yoon-Suh had it all, perfect family, good and extended friend circle, popularity in school, good grades, and everyone's love and favorite but one dreadful night and everything changed for her. Her life which was full of colors is now filled with hardship and problems. Trying to avenge all the bad happening to her and her family she crosses all the limits to seek revenge on that one particular person. Too much lost in her own world of revenge that she doesn't notice the weird things happening around her. One dark night she suddenly encounters an injured boy who slowly starts entering her life without her knowing. A story where secrets keep unfolding in every aspect, with lots of drama, and weird fantasies that she hasn't even dreamt of in her wildest hallucination. A Kim Taehyung fanfiction. This is a pure work of fiction and has nothing to do with the persons mentioned in real life.

darknunmul · Andere
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7 Chs

5. Loathe and vexation

Spraying the chemical on the fresh flowers I smiled a bit. After a week in school and stabling everything, I went on a job hunt and finally found a perfect part-time job at the flower shop.

The pay was not much but sufficient for me and the flower shop was also just across the corner from my home so it was an appealing offer.

Even though the boss and the owner of the shop were a bit crappy and strict but who cares.

I roamed my eyes around the flower shop. It really had a light and easy-going aura surrounding it with a lively feeling.

The walls were perfectly painted with peaches and cream clour with a bit of contrast, there were lots of frames with flower quotes hanging.

"Where flowers bloom so does hope"

"Flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on. So will I"

Those quotes were inspiring and instantly a small smile crept on my lips. Flowers were always my favorite they have the ability to light the dark moments shining the world around.

Lifting the bouquet of fresh peonies I walked towards the freezer to keep them alive. I took a deep breath, those flowers brought back make memories.

I remember how with Eun-soo unnie I used to make handmade bouquets of flowers on mother's day, father's Day, and mother's and father's anniversary. We used to collect flowers from our small balcony garden, it used to be so much fun. A glassy layer formed on my eyes but I sniffed a bit and whipped my tears.

My coworker or can say colleague just went to grab our lunch. Since it was lunchtime the shop was empty.

The bell jingled indicating the arrival of the new customer. I dusted my apron and turned around with a smile.

"Welcome", I greeted the customer and bowed a little

"What a pleasant surprise Yeonsuh"

With that voice, I shot my head upwards with my eyes opened like saucers and mouth wide opened ajar with shock evident on my face. Fear started creeping into my veins but I tried to calm myself.

His eyes had that sly glint and he carried a smirk on his face. A smirk of victory.

After gaining my composer I glared at him.

"What are you doing here Ryu Tae-oh", I snarled at him

But he did not even bludge and kept smirking. With his hands in his pocket, he shamelessly roamed his eyes on my body from head to toe making me squirm in disgust. He meet my eyes and gave me a mock sly smile.

He was mocking me for my failed attempts with his eyes. All these years I tried my best to show the world his real facade again that he was the reason behind our miseries but all in vain. Because this time he was alert and did not leave any evidence behind.

"Still feisty much aren't we", he whispered and walked towards the counter

I just kept glaring at him with disgust and hatred.

"Well you see I am here to buy the most expensive bouquet for my girlfriend, it's her birthday", he chipped

I scowled at him but turned around and walked towards the freezer.

Choosing the beautiful bouquet of Lilies and I kept it on the counter. Even though this man here doesn't deserve to buy or gift flowers I still gave him the bouquet.

"How much", he asked arrogantly

"10,000 won", I charged him extra

He removed the extra cash from his wallet and threw it on the counter. this cunning scum

"Keep the change as a tip", he replied cockily

I was about to retort back with a furious comeback but he turned on his heels and started walking out of the store.

"Fly as freely as you want Ryu Tae-oh but I swear I'll cut your wings and throw you behind the bars soon", I deadpan

He stopped in his tracks and he snapped his head toward my direction.

"I'll be waiting", he remarked with a sly smirk

I was furious would be a wave of understatement anger was bubbling inside me ready to erupt anytime. I threw daggers in his direction, if looks could kill he would have been buried 6 feet inside the ground.

I literally was shaking in anger as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

I chewed on my lower lip trying to stop my sobs.

I looked straight and saw my colleague returning with paper bags in his hands. I wiped my tears and turned around calming my nerves and trying my best to not make her suspicious.

I acted as if cleaning the behind desk when she entered.

"Wow, did you sneak the money or buttered the customer for an extra tip", she squealed excitedly with a huge smile on her face.

Shoot. I forgot the clear the money from the counter. I closed my eyes and taking a deep breath turned around to face her.

"Ahh, it was just a customer who bought a bouquet for his girlfriend's birthday so um-umm he paid extra", I half lied with gritted teeth

She looked at the currency notes with awe and twinkles in her eyes as if a child has finally given her favorite candy.

"Let's go to Itaewon tonight", she pipped with excitement evident in her eyes

"Yah Park Min-jung if the boss comes to know what we did he will surely fire us and even sue us", I tried to knock some sense in us but all in vain

"Yahh don't be a freak and mood spoiler, how came you are so sure that he will come to know, and who is going to tell him huh??" she said

"And just look at the money we can get wasted tonight and no one will know please pretty please", she pleaded with those puppy eyes of hers

Not again

I closed my eyes in irritation when Ryu Tae-oh's words rang in my eyes.

I just nodded my head and Min-jung started jumping again. This girl

Tae-oh always or can say daily visited Gangnam, Itaewon, and other clubs and bars. Since he is a daily visitor it won't be hard to find any lead against him.

Who knows anyone among his minions would puke out something against him in a drunken state.

"Just wait and watch Ryu Tae-oh I am coming"

After that incident, I promised myself to take revenge and push him behind the bars, taint his image in such a way that no matter whichever tactics his rich father tried he won't be a free bird again. Those memories of the past made me shudder.

And no matter whatever it takes I will fulfill that promise.
