
Secrets In The Shadows

"Who are you??", she yelled at him "Yoon Suh at least listen to me once please", he pleaded With furious steps she marched towards him, fisting his collars she shook him vigorously "I ASKED WHO THE HELL YOU ARE", she spat angrily, her emotions overpowering her "it's not what you think, listen to me once will you??", he pleaded guilty but he knew his pleas were all in vain He tried touching her but she stepped back and moved beyond his reach. "You know what you're a monster who killed my parents who made me an orphan", she yelled at him He shook his head declining her accusations but she didn't take it. "How could you do this to me tae, I thought you loves me", her voice was almost a whisper Her gaze which always held love, wonders, and adoration for him was today void of any emotions and filled with hurt, pain, angst, and disgust. Her voice wasn't soft as before it was broken. Her eyes were red from crying. He wanted to hold her close and comfort her, cocoon her in his embrace and protect her but couldn't because he knew the damage had already been done, and now even if he tried he won't be able to change anything. Min Yoon-Suh had it all, perfect family, good and extended friend circle, popularity in school, good grades, and everyone's love and favorite but one dreadful night and everything changed for her. Her life which was full of colors is now filled with hardship and problems. Trying to avenge all the bad happening to her and her family she crosses all the limits to seek revenge on that one particular person. Too much lost in her own world of revenge that she doesn't notice the weird things happening around her. One dark night she suddenly encounters an injured boy who slowly starts entering her life without her knowing. A story where secrets keep unfolding in every aspect, with lots of drama, and weird fantasies that she hasn't even dreamt of in her wildest hallucination. A Kim Taehyung fanfiction. This is a pure work of fiction and has nothing to do with the persons mentioned in real life.

darknunmul · Others
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7 Chs

4. Nightmare and unveiling the memories

"yah, Min Yoonsuh stop right there or I'll break your legs", the ten years old Eun-soo fake yelled running behind her little sister

"Unnie you won't be able to catch me if you run this slow", the 5 years old little Yoon Suh giggled looking at her elder sister trying to chase her

She finds it entertaining to trouble her elder sister, he unnie was her best friend. She always saves her from their mother's wrath, gives her piggyback rides, and plays with her.

Little Yoon Suh fasten her pace trying to make her unnie more annoyed than she already was, it was fun watching her elder unnie having trouble while controlling her irritation.

She looked back at her elder sister when she tripped on the stone and landed on the ground. Tears started pooling in her eyes as she felt the burning sensation in her knees. Her wound wasn't so deep but still enough to cause bruises.

Eunsoo ran towards her little sister and made her stand up from the ground. She dusted her hands and clothes and checked her thoroughly for any injuries. After finding her bruised knees she blew air on them and wiped her tears. Yoonsuh sniffed and kept crying.

"Yoonsuh-ah you are a strong girl right then stopped crying", Eun-soo cooed to her

Yoonsuh bobbed her head while wiping her own eyes as tears kept threatening them.

Eunsoo stomped on the ground where Yoon Suh fall before and said,

"See I kicked the ground and punished it now stop crying and see I am promising that before you fall I will always be there to protect you"

She pinky promised her, both of them locked their pinky fingers and left happily for their home.

10 years later

"Yoon Suh-ah, please listen to me I am begging you please don't go there he is very dangerous, he will harm you", eun soo yelled at her sister for her foolishness

"No unnie today I'll teach him a lesson, how dare he does that", Yoon Suh was furious

Today was no turning back. She needed to teach that psycho a lesson. Climbing the stairs she made her way upward towards the fourth floor of the hotel they were in.

But before she could climb further she heard a nerve-wracking scream. Her sister was down there lying in the pool of her blood. Blood was oozing out of her head continuously.

"UNNIE!!", she yelled and ran towards he sister


Yoonsuh woke up in a cold perspiration, her forehead was covered in sweat, her breathing was abnormal and she was panting continuously.

Dread washed over her and a cold shiver passed down her spine. Goosebumps erupted on her arms as the cold breeze entered the room through the window.

Since the rain has stopped a bone-chilling breeze was blowing outside. She licked her dry chapped lips and gulped down the water in a go moisturizing her dry throat.

Those nightmares have returned adding more to her grief. During her therapy, her psychiatrist prescribed her sleeping pills which made her nights bearable but today they did not work.

Taking a deep breath she climbed out of the bed and walked toward the window.

Even though the wind was cold it calmed her a bit, she closed her eyes reminiscing the haunting memories.

3 years ago

Yoonsuh threw her backpack on the couch and landed on her bed. It was a tiring and terrible day at school.

The teachers signed them with loads of homework and the upcoming exams were around the corner.

She knew that if this time she didn't perform nicely she would be getting a great spanking from her mother.

Sighing she changed her clothes freshened up and dashed towards her unnie's room to annoy her. Well, it was her guilty pleasure to irritate her elder sister.

Without knocking she banged the door of Eun-soo's room and stepped inside. Entering she saw her sister sobbing silently while gazing out of the window.

"Unnie", yoonsun's voice came out worried

She rushed towards her unnie and crouched down to her level, cupping her face she bombarded her with nonstop questions.

"well little sissy you see, I am totally fine it's just that fine dust is too much today so there are tears in my eyes", Eun-soo came up with an excuse

"Unnie I am not even that foolish as you think I am, so now drop the act and spill the beans", Yoon Suh deadpan

She hated seeing her unnie in tears, after seeing that Yoon Suh isn't leaving the topic Eun-soo spoke.

"It's nothing important, there's a boy Kim Ye-seo he is a bully", and she started narrating

Ryu Tae-oh was a chaebol heir, his father was even in politics. Being born with a golden spoon since birth he thought that he was the king and ruled everything.

He went to the same university as Eun-soo but was in a different department but he bullied everyone. He was given special treatment and because of his family background, no one dared to raise a voice against him or complain.

But his bullying crossed all the extent when he sexually harassed a junior at a freshers party. He was a Casanova type who fed on one nightstand.

He had hooked up with every girl in the university and only a few were exceptions including Eun-soo.

The fresher he harassed was so sacred that she tried to end her life. He threatened to make her life and her family miserable if she told anything to anyone.

Eunsoo saw her on the terrace of the university building, she was standing on the edged ready to jump but thankfully Eunsoo saved her.

The poor girl wasn't ready to tell anything but after being comforted by her she told the truth.

Eunsoo was furious but she was agitated at the same time, she wanted to help the girl, voice out justice but she couldn't, her hands were tied.

But finally making up her mind she reported it to the management but they refused to do anything. She understood their situation, they themselves were sacred to The Ryu family and didn't dare to do anything.

After she failed attempt she leaked the voice mail of the victim on social media and it started gaining everyone's attention.

In a quick span of time, it went viral and many more victims came forward and revealed the truth about Kim Ye-Seo.

This became the hottest topic as the chaebol heir was accused of being a bully and there was much evidence against him and it started badly affecting Ryu's reputation, and with the elections approaching Tae-oh's father decided to apologize on national television.

Tae-oh was grounded for a very long time. He was furious and made up his mind to take revenge.

For a few weeks, it was a good atmosphere in the university but then after ye-seo's return, the trouble started.

Everyone has been bullied harshly including Eun-soo herself. And this type the bully didn't leave any trace of evidence behind.


"Unnie don't worry, everything will be all right I'll talk to eomma and appa", Yoon Suh comforted her sister

She knew she was very much disturbed by all the happenings.


It was yoonsuh's fifteenth birthday, and it was a grand affair. Her family decided to celebrate it in a lavish hotel with all her friends and family members.

Her elder brother was also present, even though he was busy taking over the family business she was happy with the fact that he came to her.

"Happy birthday suh-ah", yoongi wished his younger sister while taking her in a tight embrace

"Thank you Oppa", she smiled against his chest

After cutting the cake she spend the time along with everyone but she noticed Eun-soo being aloof and gazing at her phone every second.

She went towards her and snatched the phone from her hands. Her eyes widened at the message and her temper rose.

It was a threatening message from that same guy but today she wasn't sparing him.

Her mind was clouded with rage, it was totally fogged blocking eunsoo's begging pled.

"Yoon Suh-ah, please listen to me I am begging you please don't go there he is very dangerous, he will harm you", eun soo yelled at her sister for her foolishness

"No unnie today I'll teach him a lesson, how dare he does that", Yoon Suh was furious

Today was no turning back. She needed to teach that psycho a lesson. Climbing the stairs she made her way upward towards the fourth floor of the hotel they were in.

But before she could climb further she heard a nerve-wracking scream. Her sister was down there lying in the pool of her blood. Blood was oozing out of her head continuously.

"UNNIE!!", she yelled and ran toward her sister

Crouching on the ground she looked at her sister with wide eyes. Her body went limp and numb.

On hearing her scream everyone gathered around. Everyone was shocked and her family rushed to their rescue.

Eunsoo was immediately taken to the hospital and her treatment started. Her mother was broken and kept continuously crying, her father even had an emotionless demeanor but on the inside, he was worried sick, her brother had wrinkled worried lines on his forehead and she was sitting like a stone statue on the bench mind refusing to register anything.

After a long surgery, the doors opened and the doctor walked out. Everyone rushed towards him and bombarded him with several questions.

"The patient is out of danger but we couldn't conform to anything until she regains her consciousness. We'll be shifting her to the normal ward and you can meet her", the doctor announced

Everyone took a breath of relief. After Eun-soo was shifted to the normal ward and regained consciousness everyone was allowed to meet her.

Yoonsuh's hands were shivering as she held the doorknob, taking a deep breath she entered inside and saw her sister peacefully sleeping.

"It might be due to the heavy dose of medication ", she assured herself and left for the restroom

After returning she saw a lot of commotion going on near the room. She walked further but was stopped by her mother who slapped her hard.

The slap echoed, she looked at her mother with tears-filled eyes shocked who was pinning her with a glare of accusation.

"Eomma why-", her mother stopped her mid-sentence

"Don't call me that, I am not your mother because you Eun-soo is in this much pain, it's because of you only YOU", she yelled as tears spilled out of her eyes

Yoonsuh stumbled backward but yoongi held her and took her somewhere else.

Hot tears trickled down her eyes as her mind replayed the scene over and over again.

Yoongi explained to her that due to the fall Eun-soo has badly affected her spinal nerves forbidding her from walking forever.

She was shocked would be an understatement, everyone blamed her and she herself did. She cried in her brother's protective embrace for everything, for the loss of everyone, for losing her parents, for her sister's pain for the dirty game the destiny played.



Yoonsuh closed her eyes shut as hot tears trickled down her eyes.

No matter how much she tried she couldn't leave behind the past those haunting memories would never leave her.
