
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

You Are Impressive

After leaving Starlight, she drove to St. Mary's Hospital.

Mark knew all too well the anxiety in John's heart. Unfortunately, he had to work overtime tonight.

The hospital where Carl was admitted was the same as Jack's, both were City Hospital.

Jane had stayed overnight in Jack's hospital room and bought breakfast for Carl early in the morning. Just as Carl finished eating, the door to the room suddenly burst open with Brian leading the charge, followed closely by the tall and slender John.

At the sight of him, Carl instinctively trembled, and his whole body ached, but he tried to maintain a tough exterior. "John, are you here to apologize to me?"

His tone was that of a neighbor who had taken advantage of someone and then met the rightful owner and couldn't help but show off. He was looking for a fight.

John was icy all over, and his strong presence felt like an invisible net, oppressing every inch of the room, even making the air thin.

He looked at Carl with the eyes of someone watching a clown jump around and coldly said, "I came to see if you're dead yet."

He stepped forward, lifted his long leg, and easily kicked Carl to the ground.

Jane hadn't even blinked yet, and she saw Carl fall to the ground in agony.

When John approached Carl, she quickly rushed over to stand in front of him. "Please...please don't hit him again."

The John she knew recently was so different from the one she remembered. This unfamiliarity made their feelings seem like a dream from yesterday, everything with distance and unfamiliarity.

John stared at Jane.

She went to great lengths to protect that man!

Even her agent had colluded with her to fool him!

If he hadn't been alert, he might have fallen for it.

The more she hid that man, the more he wanted to find out who he was!

Jane felt her heart racing as she was being scrutinized by John. She had planned to ask him for a divorce tomorrow, but he had shown up in front of her unexpectedly. She pursed her lips and took out the divorce agreement from her bag, handing it to him.

John watched her every move.

She had been taking care of Carl early in the morning, serving him breakfast attentively, and she had never cared for him, her husband, this way!

She even carried the divorce agreement with her at all times. How much did she want to divorce him?

A sense of madness invaded him, and he reached out, took the divorce agreement, tore it in half, threw one half on Carl and slapped the other half in Jane's face. "Do you think the two of you can fool the world by colluding like this?"

With just a glance, Brian handed Jane the paternity test results of Jack and Carl. Jane's face turned pale as she read the report, which was certified by the forensic center where Mark worked.

The results proved that Carl and Jack were not related by blood.

Jane was shocked to learn that John had conducted the test, and her eyes met his in a panicked frenzy.

John's eyes were cold and piercing, and there was a hint of contempt in the corner of his mouth. "Jane, I can't believe you would lie to me and collude with outsiders," he said.

He grabbed her wrist with such force that it almost broke her bones, leaving Jane sweating profusely with pain, unable to utter a word.

But John was too confident, and her silence only fueled his anger. "Jane, there are plenty of good girls in the world. Don't waste my time and energy. It's not worth it," he sneered.

Jane lowered her eyes, realizing that despite Carl's sacrifice, she would not be able to get a smooth divorce from John, who refused to speak the truth and continued to protect the man behind her.

"What do you want to do?" Jane asked, fearing the worst.

John's lips curved into a wicked smile. "You'll find out soon enough," he replied, before turning and leaving.

Jane watched John's angry figure disappear, feeling helpless and weak.

"Miss Jane," Carl struggled to get up from the ground and reached out for the bed sheet. Jane snapped out of her daze and helped him lie down again. "I'm sorry I got you into trouble," he said.

Carl still held the divorce agreement in his hand, and Jane noticed his pale complexion. She took the document from him, picking up the other half that had fallen to the ground, and put them both in her bag. "Just focus on getting better, don't worry about me," she reassured him.

After leaving Carl's hospital room, Jane was overcome with sadness that she couldn't put into words. She sat staring blankly on a chair in the hospital corridor, taking out the paternity test results of Jack and John from her bag.

To this day, she still couldn't understand why Jack wasn't John's biological child. It was impossible. For some reason, she suddenly remembered a recent news story about a mother who was going to donate her liver to her son who had hepatitis. However, after the examination, it was discovered that the son was not biologically related to her. It was traced back to the hospital mixing up the babies and giving the woman's healthy child to another family in a different province.

Thinking about this made her break out in a cold sweat. Before giving birth, John took care of her every need, and they went to the best hospital in the city, St. Mary's Private Hospital, which had top-notch services and technology. When she was 28 weeks pregnant, John even discussed painless delivery and caesarean section with her. He didn't want her to suffer, so he insisted on a painless delivery and said that a caesarean section was not conducive to her recovery. When she joked about playing it safe, he hugged her warmly and said that he would make sure everything went smoothly and that he would be there when she gave birth.

But things didn't go as planned. When she was 32 weeks pregnant, her water broke prematurely, six weeks earlier than expected, and John happened to be away on a business trip at the time. She was in the recording studio singing when it happened, and Carl took her to St. Mary's Hospital.

The doctor at the time said that although labor had started early, the baby's condition was good, and a natural birth was recommended. She followed the doctor's advice, and after five hours of pain, Jack was born, followed by Jill 15 minutes later.

When she was in the delivery room, there were several midwives around her, wearing purple and red clothes with blue masks. She was in too much pain to pay attention to who they were. After the babies were born, they were handed to her parents and taken out of the delivery room. She was transferred to the hospital room where she saw her children for the first time. However, she was too tired and her parents were there to take care of her, so she fell asleep.

During this time, there were many moments when the babies were out of her sight. If the babies were switched or taken by the wrong person during this time, she wouldn't have known!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

"Jane, something's wrong. Jack's been taken away!" Aunt Xia's voice suddenly rang out beside her, shaking her to her core.