
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
Not enough ratings
183 Chs

Being Beaten Up for No Reason

Unfortunately, when John's gaze swept over, Carl's heart began to beat faster. But he stood tall and fearless for love.

As John stood up and cracked his knuckles, the sound echoed in the quiet room. Carl instinctively stepped back and asked, "What do you want?"

Before he could finish his sentence, John landed a heavy punch on Carl's face, followed by a second and a third. Carl was defenseless and unable to fight back.

Kevin sneered on the side, "He must be bored, coming to get beaten up like this."

John had trained in various martial arts since he was a child, and even black belts in taekwondo couldn't match him, let alone a novice like Carl.

Carl was soon beaten to the ground, his face covered in blood.

As John's third kick landed on his stomach, Jane rushed in from the door and shouted, "Stop!"

She received a call from Alice, saying that Carl had come to confess to John that he was Jack's biological father.

She had asked Carl to find someone to pretend to be Jack's father, not to pretend himself.

Carl lay on the ground in embarrassment and reached out to grab Jane's pant leg, "Jane, since I am Jack's biological father, I want to protect you and Jack. Please go back and be with our son."

This ignited John's fury.

With an already dark expression, John became even more furious. He shoved Jane aside and kicked Carl with all his might. Carl was sent flying two meters away, curled up like a shrimp and bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

Jane had thought about how John would treat her lover, but what she saw was even worse than she had imagined.

If they continued, someone might even die.

She stepped forward and stood in front of John with her arms outstretched, gritting her teeth, "John, you said you would divorce me if I told you who Jack's biological father was."

Since Carl has risked everything to admit it, if she doesn't fight for a chance to divorce, she will only let Carl suffer for nothing.

"Jane..." Carl lying on the ground spoke as if moved, struggling to look at Jane with a doting and affectionate gaze.

John looked on, his gaze fixed on Jane.

He had thought countless times about who Jack's biological father might be. When he was going insane and walking on the street, he would think that any man could have shared Jane with him.

This feeling was worse than death.

He had never thought that Jack's biological father would be her agent!

But it made sense, after all, she had known Carl since she debuted at the age of eighteen, and they had been together for seven years.

She pursued her music dream, immersed in lyrics and composition all day long, and spent more time with Carl, her agent, than with him.

It felt like countless venomous insects were biting his heart, making him irrational. "I'm going to kill you."

His eyes were bloodshot, as if he had lost his mind.

Kevin, who had been watching the show from the sidelines, realized that John had lost control and hurriedly stepped forward to embrace him. "It's not worth getting angry over those two cheaters. You need to calm down first."

John was strong and sturdy, and Kevin couldn't hold him back at all. He turned to Jane in frustration and shouted, "Why aren't you leaving yet?"

Jane bit her lip and walked over to help Carl up and send him out of the box, urging him to leave quickly. Carl held her hand reluctantly, "Let's go together."

The scene of the two of them pulling and tugging each other looked like a couple reluctant to part in the eyes of outsiders. John was about to burst with rage. He pushed Kevin away, flew over and kicked Carl directly, sending him flying out.

It was an especially hard kick, and Carl landed on the ground with a thud, unconscious.

Jane, who was holding his hand, also fell to the ground.

John looked down at her, his eyes like countless knives, torturing Jane.

"I don't hit women, especially trash like you."

Jane felt a pang in her heart, but she knew what she had to do now, no matter how painful it was.

She struggled to get up, looked directly into John's blood-red, icy-cold eyes, and said, "Shall we go to the Marriage Registry now?"

John's face became even more ferocious.

She was so eager to divorce him and be with Carl?

What had he meant to her all these years?

"I should just kill him." John walked towards Carl, who was already unconscious.

Jane was scared and blocked him. This was the third time she had stood in front of him, each time protecting this man.

"John, please keep your promise."

John sneered and raised his head, with a sinister look in his eyes. "Isn't a promise made to be broken?"

"John, don't be like this," Jane said, frowning.

As John pushed Jane aside and approached Carl, a figure quietly approached from behind him. A syringe was quickly injected into the back of his neck.

It was Mark.

He happened to be nearby investigating a case when he received Kevin's call for help and rushed over.

Seeing that the situation was out of control, he quickly took out a sedative and injected John with it.

Kevin came over and helped John to the sofa to rest, giving Jane a few dirty looks and telling her to take Carl and leave.

Carl was badly injured, and with the help of security personnel, Jane managed to get him to the hospital.

After the doctor's examination, it was found that he had multiple soft tissue injuries, two broken ribs, bleeding in the spleen, and his face was swollen like a pig's head. He was unconscious for more than three hours before finally waking up, fortunately without any life-threatening danger.

Jane thought that this incident would finally lead to their divorce, but she decided to give John a few days to calm down before going to talk to him again.

The sedative's effect wore off and John woke up. He saw Mark sitting there and rubbing his forehead, then looked around the room and pointed to a corner on the floor. "That's Carl's blood. Get a sample and compare it to Jack's DNA."

Mark was unhappy. "Why don't you do it yourself?"

John frowned. "I don't want to get my hands dirty."

Mark: "..."

Kevin urged Mark to hurry up and do his job while he approached John, trying to advise him as an emotional expert, "You looked terrifying just now. It's not worth it for a woman."

Mark grumbled while taking a sample of Carl's blood, "Jing Lian is right. If you keep going like this, you'll end up with manic delusion."

John found them annoying, "Is it your first day knowing me?"

Both of them fell silent.

John was the type of person who would go to great lengths to destroy whoever wronged him.

After Mark took the blood sample and had the room cleaned up, he even persuaded Kevin to drink with John. Unfortunately, John was in no mood to drink.

He looked agitated, and it seemed like he would explode at any moment.

Mark and Kevin looked at each other, unsure of how to calm him down.

After all, even an ordinary man would find it hard to tolerate being cheated on, let alone the proud John.

Mark came up with an idea and called a friend from the armed forces to come over.

So, John spent the entire night fighting with the men.

Late at night, a tired John sat on the sofa with his head down, his mind filled with images of Carl and Jane spending time together over the years, which was driving him insane.

"Lucas, go back to the testing center now. I need to know the results in the shortest time possible."