
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Revenge only.

"It hurts too much," Jane said.

In order to alleviate the pain, Jane circled her arm around John's neck and took control of the situation. John's body shuddered as an electric current surged through his spine and up to his brain, but the words that came out of his mouth left Jane feeling like she was in an ice cave.

"You're such a slut," he said.

"Is that how you and that bastard's biological father are?" she retorted.

Despite having all the courage in the world, his insults left her feeling defeated.

Her breathing became labored again, and the smell of smoke made her feel even more nauseous. This only fueled the man's hatred for her even more. By the time it was over, the sun was starting to rise outside.

She didn't have the energy to take a shower, so she put on her clothes and, with a dry, nearly voiceless throat, said, "I want to see Jill."

"You don't deserve to, get out," John said, his tone harsh and final.

Jane trembled and stood still for a few seconds, hoping that he would be reasonable, but she was disappointed.

As she turned to leave his bedroom, she felt like she was walking on thin ice. As she descended the stairs, her legs went weak and she tumbled down the last five steps.

It wasn't just the fall that was embarrassing, it was the fact that Mrs. Land and the Land butler were in the living room and both of them were looking at her. Their expressions conveyed a sense of disgust and shame, as if she was some kind of filthy and despicable creature.

Although she fell hard, she could only grit her teeth and stand up before fleeing from the house.

Just as she was leaving the living room, John slowly made his way downstairs. Mrs. Land frowned at him and said, "Don't you know how she treats you? This shameless woman, do you still have anything to do with her?"

They never thought that he would still have anything to do with Jane.

"It's just revenge, she's not worth getting upset over," John replied, his tone cool and emotionless.

Mrs. Land breathed a sigh of relief. "She kept Jack on purpose, hoping that her son would benefit from it. This shameless, calculating woman is not suitable for the John family."

John took the coffee that the Land butler handed to him and nodded faintly. "I know."

Jane stood by the door, realizing that she had left her car keys in John's room. She turned around to go back for them, but overheard their conversation.

John's casual remarks were more devastating than any vicious words in the world, leaving her completely bruised.

There was also a sense of humiliation that arose within her.

If she could divorce immediately, she hoped to do so right away.

But when she thought of Jill and Jack, her heart tore in pain.

She lowered her head and went upstairs to get her keys. A maid was cleaning the bedroom, and when she saw Jane, her expression was similar to Mrs. Land's.

Because she was not well-regarded by her husband and mother-in-law, everyone in the house looked down on her.

Finally, she found the key at the foot of the bed, grabbed it, and left quickly, even though her body was sore.

When she returned to the hospital, Aunt Xia had just bought breakfast. Seeing that she hadn't come back all night, she smiled and said, "You and Mr. John had a fight? Make up with him, won't you?"

Jane shook her head wearily, "It's impossible between us."

Aunt Xia was surprised, "That won't do. If husband and wife are not in harmony, the child suffers."

Jane's eyes flickered with a hint of sadness. She knew this all too well, but John's distrust and various humiliations had left her extremely disappointed. She couldn't continue this marriage by licking her face.

There was no choice but to divorce.

After resting for the morning, she and Jack felt better in the afternoon when Carl came to see her.

Jack was reading comics, and she went outside the ward to talk to Carl.

Carl showed her a short video of her being violently attacked and filmed by someone. She looked pitiful in the footage.

"How could you be recognized so carelessly by your fans?" Carl sighed. "These people are unbelievable, going from online bullying to offline attacks."

After watching the video, Jane fell silent.

She didn't ask anyone to sing for her, nor did she ask her assistant to kneel down and tie her shoelaces. These were all fabricated by John to destroy her reputation. But these so-called fans, led by the water army, blindly believed everything.

This was the power of capital, and she couldn't resist it.

"Carl, I want you to help me find a suitable 'lover'..."

John insisted that she reveal who Jack's biological father was. With his temper, if this person really existed, he would not let it go. Therefore, they needed to find someone who was penniless and not afraid to die.

However, such a person would be difficult to find.

Carl was taken aback for a moment and did not understand Jane's meaning at first. Jane bit her lip and revealed John's suspicions and coercion towards her.

After listening, Carl was filled with righteous indignation and almost wanted to punch someone. "Don't worry, I will help you find a suitable candidate."

Jane nodded in relief. "Thank you, Carl."

Carl smiled nonchalantly. "We've known each other for so many years, don't be a stranger."

The two chatted for a while, and ever since Jane was diagnosed with an illness, Carl had always been concerned about her health. This time was no exception, as he repeatedly urged her to go to the United States for treatment.

Jane said she would go as soon as everything was settled in S city.

After chatting for a while, Carl's phone rang, and he left.

After hanging up, Carl went to a street adjacent to the hospital and got on an RV.

To his surprise, Alice was sitting inside the RV, and Lisa was sitting in the driver's seat in front.

When Lisa saw Carl coming, she raised the barrier and closed all the curtains on the windows.

Alice couldn't wait to ask, "What did Jane say?"

Carl recounted Jane's request for a lover, and Alice's eyes lit up. "That's great. If John catches this person, he will probably divorce her immediately. But John is naturally suspicious, so it's not easy to find this person."

Carl smiled knowingly. "I know, that's why I thought of someone."

John and Kevin were drinking in their private room when someone suddenly walked in.

As soon as he entered, he stood in front of John and said indignantly, "John, I am Jane's agent, Carl, and also Jack's biological father. We were both wrong, so why do you have the right to abuse Jack?"

"Why not divorce Jane?"

His voice was particularly loud, as if he wanted to use his momentum to overpower John.