
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Detective agency(2)

She stood aside, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. She had transferred almost 200,000 dollars to George Hayes, and yet here he was, playing games.

After her eyes adjusted to the light, she found the window and walked over to pull it open with a whoosh.

The sudden light made the man playing games instinctively look towards the window. He saw a beautiful woman standing there and wondered if he was hallucinating after staying up all night. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and saw that she was still there. "An angel?"

Jane was angry. She walked over and yanked the man's headphones off. She saw that his hair was disheveled and oily, his eyes were heavily ringed, and his face was pale. "Have you been playing games all night?"

The man nodded honestly. "Yeah, how did you know?"

Jane was even more angry. "Oliver Ford told me you were capable, but what have you found in a month? Are you ashamed?"

The man hesitated, puzzled by her fierce expression.

Just then, the door of the detective agency opened, and a tall, thin man walked in with two boxes of takeout. "Hey, your food is here."

The man was taken aback to see that there were other people in the detective agency. He paused for a moment, then put on a polite smile. "Miss, do you have something you'd like us to investigate? Please, have a seat and tell us."

Jane's face was already expressionless. "I'm Jane."

Both men in the room were surprised and stared at her. Jane touched her face. "What's with your expressions?"

The man who brought the takeout cleared his throat and politely extended his hand. "Hi, I'm George Hayes."

Jane was taken aback for a moment, realizing that he was actually George Hayes. "And him?" she asked, referring to the man next to him.

"Oh, that's Awu. It's a strange name," George Hayes replied as he placed the takeout in front of Awu, who immediately buried his head and started devouring the food.

Jane sat down in a chair, and George Hayes leisurely sat behind his desk. He politely gestured to the takeout and asked, "Do you want to eat together?"

Jane shook her head, feeling a bit nauseous and completely devoid of appetite.

While eating, George Hayes said, "We thought all the pictures online were filtered and airbrushed, but you are even more beautiful in person..." Both of them were stunned by her appearance just now.

Jane rested her chin on her hand. She never had a good sense of her own appearance, but she remembered her mother often praised her beauty when she was young. Later on, she never heard those words again.

John, the straight guy, never said she was pretty either.

George Hayes and Awu finished their meal quickly, like a whirlwind, and after they were done, they cleaned up the food containers. Awu was sent out to throw them away, while George Hayes handed Jane a stack of documents, which she took and started flipping through.

"These are all doctors and nurses who worked at Saint Maria Hospital four years ago and then resigned. There were eight of them in total, and I checked each one of them. Take a look at this photo," George Hayes said as he took out a group photo from the documents. He pointed to two people in the photo and asked, "Is this Charlotte?"

Jane carefully examined it and recognized Dr. Garcia.

Standing next to Charlotte was a woman who looked familiar to her, and George Hayes pointed to her. "She was the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department at Saint Maria Hospital four years ago. She graduated from Harbin Medical University with Charlotte and was Charlotte's senior sister."

Jane suddenly remembered and blurted out, "She was the doctor who was in charge of my prenatal checkups. I think her last name was Mitchell."