

Cryptic_werelord · Andere
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2 Chs

Ch2 The Jungle

When Stan stood at the exit of the caves he was in a tropical rainforest. The cave lead deeper into the ground where he awoke. With the light coming in from the canopy above, Stan could see what he actually looked like. He stood approximately six and a half feet tall, and was lean but extremely muscular. His scales were forest green, and covered the front,back, and sides of his legs. His feet had 4 black deadly claws with a smaller claw on the back of the heel. The top of his foot and front of his legs had thick plated scales that were a darker green.

The arms and shoulder had these thick plates as well.the rest was covered in lighter green scales. He also had a set of dark green wings with curved talons on the bend of the wing. The inner and back parts of the calf and thigh were aqua green leather like skin. His chest,underarms, and abdomen were the green leather like skin, as well as the lower half of his jaw and front half of his neck. His face was good looking he had a sleek strong straw, and his nose was slim and straight. With his almond shaped eyes. That were a light green with a cat like iris, and forest green hair that went down to his shoulders. With two horns that curved like a rams. He was pretty much a man with dragon like features.

After checking out how amazing he looked Stan felt quite hungry. He continued to walk forward listening to his environment. He could here several noises. With his supernatural hearing he could hear things at least a mile, and a half away from him clearly. Even the heartbeats of the animals or other creatures. Stan focused in on a group of three in particular. They made several interactions with each other in a strange language. Almost instinctively he got down on all fours. He then activated his infrared vision and followed the source of noise till he saw some heat signatures. He was about 300 yards away but he could make out the shapes of people with weapons.

One had a spherical cylinder another had a makeshift long bow and another had a spear like arrow with a hand held throwing device. Stan stalked the people for another mile or so before they finally found a brocket deer. The brocket deer was small, and was all brown. With two long spikes for antlers. The man with the long bow notched his arrow ready to fire. Just as he pulled the string back to full draw. A bloody arm covered in armor like scales appeared through his back holding his heart. Causing him to release the arrow which hit the ground just a few meters away from the deer.

'Damn I'm fast' thought Stan as he had dashed 100 yards in seconds, puncturing the mans body. Grabbing his heart, with his fist passing through. Stan immediately pulled his arm back through with the heart still in hand. He decided to eat it raw right in front of the others. The men immediately screamed, and ran, Dropping their weapons. But Stan wouldn't allow himself to be revealed to society just yet. Stan immediately hunted down the other two men killing them, and eating their hearts in a similar fashion. After he was done he felt completely refreshed. In fact he felt invigorated, and wanted more.

Stan left the men's body's. As they didn't interest him any. Stan walked for miles after killing them men. He managed to find a decent sized stream. It was three feet wide, and a foot deep. The water running through it was crystal clear. Stan used the stream to wash the blood off of himself. Then kept walking straight into the distance. Stan didn't care which direction he headed as there was really nowhere for him to head at the moment.

Stan used to be a normal man with a normal labor job. So there was no real understanding of what he should be doing at the moment besides getting familiar with his new body and powers. As Stan continued walking he thought about his elemental control. And how to use it besides the breath attack. As he thought he remembered more about his past life were he watched anime and other shows about dragons.

How they could imbue elements into their body's to make them stronger and attacks more effective when used properly. Stan wanted to try this himself but he didn't know which element, or elements he could use most effectively. He never had anything like this in his previous life so it was unnatural to him. He didn't even know what to start with. He decided to start with the basic elements because that's all he really knew about, starting with air. Stan tried to make a slash in the air with his hand flat like a blade. While he thought about the attack but nothing happened.

'It's a feeling not a thought process. The world doesn't just function at your thoughts it's a process of the mind and body.' Khahrahk said in his menacing tone as he appeared in Stans mind again. 'Okay so how do I feel it then' Stan said to Khahrahk in his mind. 'You have to feel mana or ki as your previous race would have called it, there's many forms of casting and the best is thought casting' Khahrahk said indifferently. After that Khahrahk disappeared from Stans vision.

Stan then sat down to meditate but this time he didn't just think about magic. He relaxed his body, and focused. It was then that he felt it within him. There was a large amount of mana stored in his body. After Stan felt his mana he immediately jumped up with a sinister smile on his face.Stan blasted of the ground, with his strength he jumped just above the canopy of the jungle. 'What a beautiful sunset' Stan thought as he gazed at the reddish orange sunset. He then unfurled his wings to slow his descent, as he landed on a decent sized tree branch.

'Hmm more people, but their not normal.' Stan thought as he felt their presence about a hundred feet away from him. Stan immediately used his camouflage skill to blend in with the tree, and wait for the strange people to come. Soon around twenty-six armored people arrived. They were in some futuristic armor that was camouflage colored. To match the environment. Making them damn near invisible when standing still. All of their suits had the same emblem on their arm. The head of a black dragon head placed in a pentagram .

"The signals close men keep An eye out for the anomaly." A man in a distinctly different suit said looking at a scanner built into his suit. The suit the man wore was gold with a helmet shaped like a wyverns head. The suit also had bio-mechanical wings on the back with a bio-mechanical tail. Upon closer inspection it looked as though the suit had come from the future. The suit had a three orbs embedded in the armor. One in the center of the chest, and one on either shoulder. The orbs were rose gold in color, and emit a rose gold light.

After evaluating the men Stan decided not to move a muscle. Because the man in the special armor gave him a foreboding feeling. That he would die in an instant if they fought. "Okay men set up camp here, then spread out and look for the anomalous object!" The man in special armor directed. The man then walked just under the tree Stan was in. Once he was right under the tree he stopped. He seemed to be waiting for something because the man leaned against the tree, and watched his men set up camp.

Soon a group of men carrying a metal pads about ten by ten feet arrived. They then kept approaching closer to Stan's location. 'Fuck their gonna surround me' Stan angrily thought. Stan knew if he moved he'd alert the commander in the golden armor. It didn't take long and the men placed one of the pads down. Then one pressed a button on the pad. The pad then started to expand and inflate into a tent. The pad expanded its length by 5 feet, and had legs that rose it up off the ground by 5 feet. As soon as the tent was done lights turned on inside the tent. The tent could hold up to 5 people at once. So they only needed 5 of these tents.

Eventually the camp was all set up. They even had a tent specifically dedicated to storage, and cooking. It was then that the commander in bio-dragon armor suit moved from the tree. "You five patrol the perimeter!" the commander ordered. Then he took a small round disk out of nowhere, then pressing a button on it. It to turned into a tent. But it stayed on the ground and looked normal compared to the other soldiers. But just by looking at it Stan could tell it was better than the ones the basic soldiers had. The commander then went inside, and sat at a desk that had an old fashioned telephone with the circular dial that you had to spin to punch in the numbers. 'Okay, need to get out of here!' Stan thought, but before he could leave a notification appeared.

[new mission: join or rebel against group of interest. REWARD:500;xp, specialized weapon.]

'Oooh, that's great!!' Stan thought with excitement. Causing him to forget about his camouflage ability. Making it deactivate just as one of the soldiers on patrol was looking towards him. "ANOMALY FOUND. ITS IN THE TREES!!!" The man shouted while raising his firearm. The man then began to fire his automatic laser rifle at Stan. But it didn't matter Stan already disappeared from the mans vision. Appearing behind him, and snapped his neck while ripping the mans basic armor off. His chest, just to rip the mans heart out to eat. When Stan was about to eat the heart. a golden figure appeared beside him trying to slash him in half with a golden great sword…