
Scouts Academy

Class has started for Levi and his friends, but will a dazed student who seems out of her head truly be their ticket to fitting in?

Dashprincess11 · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 8

Putting the curry in a pot with some water, she starts to stir it to help it break up quicker. Soon she hears light footsteps coming down the hallway.

"That smells good." Levi says simply before sitting down at the counter, and Crystal looks back at him only to regret it. His hair was still slightly damp, droplets of water trickling off it, strands still caressing his face, "Is something on my face?"

"Oh no! I just got distracted." Crystal looks away and keeps stirring, taking note of her thermostat that said the inside was getting hot too. Her rice cooker dings and she walks over to her cabinet, pulling out two plates she puts a scoop of rice on both before putting scoops of curry on both plates. After setting them down, she grabs the teapot and refills his cup.

"Thank you for the meal." Levi says politely before taking a bite and Crystal stares at her plate. She wasn't exactly hungry but she knew she needed to eat. Picking up a spoon full, she bites down only to hum in enjoyment, it was almost like it unleashed exactly how hungry she truly was because she started to eat faster than she normally would. She looks over at Levi to spot his eyes quickly dashing away, her cheeks warmed up. 

Was she making a fool out of herself? Touching her face with a napkin, she confirmed she didn't have much around her mouth, so she relaxed a little when a knock came to the door. Getting up she walks over to peek through the peephole.

"Hange." Crystal says as she swings it open, "What's up?"

"I was just getting home and saw a car in your-" Hange peers in to where Levi was eating his dinner her face turning from concern to a smirk, "Oh I see~"

"Hange, he came and helped me clean. I'm only thanking him with a meal." Crystal says with a deadpan expression, and Hange giggles.

"Yeah his hair is wet too, must have given him the traditional Crystal thank you." Hange pats her on the head, "Glad to know you're okay. I'm gonna head back home now." Hange hugs Crystal before leaving and Crystal feels her body wanting to grab Hange.

But she couldn't stop herself, her legs moved quickly and grabbed her friend in a tight hug from behind.

"Huh? Crystal?" Hange tries to peer over her shoulder at the girl, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. I was cold." Crystal says, letting the woman go who turns to look at her.

"Heh. It's been a while since you've given me a hug like that." Hange smiles, rubbing Crystal's head like a kid. As Crystal heads back inside, she finds Levi doing the dishes, and she smiles at him.

"Thank you Levi. I truly appreciate you helping me today." Crystal says softly and he looks at her. Gods she could get lost in those stormy eyes of his.

"You're welcome." Levi goes back to work, drying off the dishes before they dried themselves, "But I must get back home." Levi walks up to her and Crystal stares slightly up at him, why was she sad that he was leaving? Why did it matter if he stayed or left?

"Alright. Drive safe." Crystal manages out and he puts his hand on her head, usually when people touch her head it was a lukewarm feeling. But he almost burned her from how hot his hand was.

"See you tomorrow in Language Arts." Levi walks on out and Crystal watches as he leaves. Her heart thumping in her chest as her eyes widen, walking over to her coffee table she picks up her phone and dials Armin's number.

He picks up within seconds, "Yes Crystal?"

"... You like Annie right?"

"W-Well… Yes." Armin admits in a mutter, "Why?"

"What did it feel like… In the beginning?" Crystal asks quietly and he hums as he thinks about it.

"I didn't really notice it to begin with, it's not like love at first sight, this is a crush." Armin pauses, "Why?"

"Because… My heart won't stop beating after someone touched me." Crystal admits, Armin was someone she could go to about anything and not fear being laughed at or screamed at. He would always listen to her and hear what she was trying to say.

"It sounds like perhaps you're getting a crush, have you never had one before?"

"I've had school girl crushes, but those didn't feel like this." Crystal says and Armin chuckles quietly.

"I think, then, it's love at first sight. So, who's the lucky guy?"

"Promise not to tell anyone? Because I'm not even sure what this is yet."

"Promise." Armin says softly and Crystal bites her lip, "I swear I won't even tell Mikasa."

"It's Levi." Crystal says quickly, "After school he stopped by to help me clean so I offered him my usual thank you, and before he left he touched me on the head, now I feel lonely and I want him to come back." Crystal realized she was rambling and stopped herself.

"Haha!" Armin laughs his usual bubbly laugh, "You sound really cute right now, Crystal. It's been a while since I've heard you talk like that." Crystal smiles slightly at that fact, "Anyways. I think you should take it slow, get to know him better, and see if the feeling ever goes away."

"Okay." Crystal says softly, "Thank you Armin. I appreciate it."

"I like Grilled Cheese." Armin says in a goofy voice and Crystal laughs.

"With Mozzerella cheese?" Crystal asks and he chuckles.

"Yeah. You remembered."

"Of course I did." Crystal says softly, "Anyways I have to take my medication. I will see you tomorrow, Armin."

"See you tomorrow, Crystal." Armin says as Crystal clicks the button to hang up, she gets up and stumbles into her bedroom, opening her medicine cabinet, grabbing her splitter. Popping open Monday she scoops out the handful of pills, grimacing at it she goes back to her kitchen and fills a mug with water.

She stares at the pills in her hand, and gets angry. Those pills did nothing for her, she almost felt worse with the pills, and as her mind got angrier, she grips them tightly before going back into her bedroom with her glass of water, placing the pills back into the container. 

In four years she had never once tried to go a day without her medicine, and she determined she'd go the whole day without it. Sitting in her bed, she curls up under the blanket and falls asleep.

—(Levi's OMNIPOV)

Levi closes the door behind him as he enters his apartment, Isabel and Farlan sat on the couch watching a movie.

"Levi Bro? Where did you go?" Isabel asks and Levi looks at her, "Oh wow you're super clean now too."

"I helped Crystal clean her house." Levi says simply as he walks over to pour himself a cup of hot water for tea, feeling slightly disappointed he had to deal with store bought black tea here at home.

"How big is her house on the inside?" Isabel asks, "Was she living with anyone?"

"Her house has 4 bedrooms. So it was pretty big." Levi says simply, "No she lives alone, but that Hange person lives across the street from her."

"It's nice that you're making a friend." Farlan says softly, "It's good for you."

"Yeah." Levi rolls his eyes as he drinks his tea, looking at the movie they were watching with curiosity.

"I bet they'll become the best of friends." Isabel says excitedly, "They're like polar opposites, but they interact with each other so nicely." Levi scoffs, he was merely being respectful to her.