
School Almanac

The action of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hunter X Hunter, and One Piece wrapped up in a single school named Magula High. Grab a bag of popcorn for this one, things are getting real dangerous.

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10 Chs

Like A Record

Steven woke up the next day, and quickly turned on the morning announcements. "Hello, this is Clara Clark, YOUR...school news person. Today the announcement is that after-school clubs will be opening after school. Yes yes many clubs such as the Computer Club, Sports Club…" Clara looked at a person out of the camera's view, and signaled them with her finger. "Uh...Science Club, and many more. So keep your eyes out, we will be sending a file that showcases all the clubs. Be sure to...be sure to join one. That's all for today. Remember, Survive, Lie, and Cheat! Wait, that was my old school, oh sh-" The informational video started playing again. Steven walked out of his dorm, and made his way out of the building before tripping on something hard. He turned around, and saw that it was a blonde haired male student curled up on the ground with headphones on. The headphones connected to an mp3 player that was connected to a portable charger. It wasn't noticeable at first, but the student had a blue outline around him. "Oh I'm sorry," Steven apologized. Steven then asked, "What are you doing sitting in the middle of the dorm building anyway?" The student was as still as a statue, not even blinking. But then, the blue outline went away and the student started moving. He then started talking in a very heavy californian accent, "Asuh dude! Been catchin' some rad soun' while sittin' know whatta mean dude?" Steven shook his head. "No...I don't…" The student cleared his throat. "I just listen to music while sitting down, it's pretty chill man," he said in a less heavy accent. "My name is Moby Indonesia, and my signature is I Get Around. It allows me to stay still without being able to feel or get hurt by any of my surroundings. My body goes into a complete stasis mode so I don't have to eat or do any bodily functions, but I'm still conscious and can do things like see or listen to some jams. Pretty rad, right dude?" Steven replied, "Pretty rad indeed. I'm Steven Scriptum. I got some friends I need to catch up with so I guess I'll see you later." Steven walked away, and met up with his friends in the courtyard. "Hey Steven," Iris greeted him. "Hey guys," Steven replied, "Sorry I couldn't make it yesterday, it was pretty hectic." Marty eyed Steven's face. "I could tell, what's up with that cut?" Steven touched his face, and felt the cut. "Oh, well I was in a fight with this guy in my Biology class. He had gotten mad at me for getting a higher score than him in BaSqueek. His name was Cato Pulmonis. He has purple hair, you probably know him." Seven looked behind Steven, and asked him "Is he by any chance the person who's walking up behind you?" Steven turned behind him, and saw Cato standing before him. Steven began to reach in his bag, but Cato grabbed his arm and said, "Please Steven. There's no need for that. After what transpired yesterday, I thought more about my perspective on life. Everything that happens in my life has to lead towards the pinnacle point...the point where I become a figure like Tesla. As much as a part of me hates admitting this, I can't quite do it alone." Cato smiled a bit, "By the way Steven, do you notice anything different about me since the last time we met?" Steven thought. "You don't have half a bullet lodged in your skull?" Cato replied, "Well yes, but anything else? Doesn't anything...seem different about me? Don't I look different? Do I have any differences in the way I appear?" Steven looked real hard at him. "I give up, just tell me already!" Cato then revealed, "I'm not wearing glasses! When I got my wounds healed by the girl in the hole, my nearsightedness was also cured. Now I don't have to walk around with those glasses all the time. Pretty great." Cato looked towards Steven's friends, and walked up to them. "Nice to meet you three. I assume you're Steven's friends? My name is Cato Pulmonis. I hope we can become friends as well." As he shook their hands, he began to 'teach' them. "Did you all know that Tesla went to this school in his youth? That's why I'm gonna follow in the path that he's left." Iris was about to correct him, "But didn't Tesla-" But Steven signaled her to stop behind Cato. "Hey Cato," Marty began to ask him a question, "What girl in the hole do you mean?" Cato looked Marty in the eyes. "Were you not paying attention to the morning announcement on Thursday? There's a girl in a hole next to the cafeteria who can heal wounds." Cato looked at Steven. "Perhaps she can heal that cut for you, Steven." Cato checked his watch. "Well you all, it was nice talking. However, I now have to get to class. If I ever need to contact any of you, where should I meet you all after school?" Marty answered, "Oh, Mr. Noronake's room. Do you know where that is? It's in building C, on the second floor." Cato shook his head, "I'll find it though. I'll see you all at a later date, goodbye." He then walked off. Steven and his friends decided to get to class as well.

Period 4, Journalism

Mr. Noronake had some chicken nuggets in a bag. He was eating them while giving the instructions for class that day. "I uploaded a pdf. It has a text on journalism and questions that correspond with it. Have fun." He sat back down and ate more chicken nuggets, while the students did the assignment. When class ended, before Steven and his friends left the room, Mr Noronake stopped them. "Hello students. You four have been stopping by my room for quite some time now. I'm not upset, I don't really mind. But after school, I have a meeting that will take place in this room, so please don't come. Thanks!" The four students thought on the matter, "Hmm, I guess we can meet up in one of our dorms," Iris suggested. "We can meet up in mine," Steven said. The other students agreed to this.


Afterschool, the four students began heading toward Steven's dorm. Except Steven of course, who was standing in front of it. The only problem was that Steven had never told them where his dorm was, and Seven was off doing something at 'Gas For Gary!' As he began texting the dorm number to his friends, Marty had approached him with his laptop out. "Hey Steven. It took me a while but here I am. They released the club file just a few minutes ago. Look, look, look at this!" He then opened the laptop. "There's the science club, computer club, christian club...which honestly I don't even know what you do there...BUT LOOK! LOOK AT THIS!." He then scrolled the file down to a section which read "Sports club." Steven looked confused. "Uhh what does this mean though?" Marty facepalmed himself, as he closed his laptop and put it in his book bag. A student was passing by. Marty then answered, "What this means is that all the sports are collected together in a sort of hodge-podge club! In a single club, they have basketball and soccer and football and-" But before he could continue, he was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. It was the student passing by. When Marty looked back, he noticed it was Spencer Inson from Gym class. Spencer looked Marty in the eyes, and asked him "Did you just call football soccer?" Marty looked confused. "No, I called soccer soccer and football football." Spencer shook his head in disappointment. "You mean to tell me that you're unaware of the fact that your 'soccer' is called football everywhere else in the world. It's disrespectful to the football community to call it soccer." Steven looked over to Marty, "This is universally known information." Marty turned back to Steven. "Well how am I supposed to know? Besides, with two sports called football here in America it doesn't make sense to call both of them football." He turned back to Spencer. "But it's alright. Thanks for informing me." Spencer replied, "No problem," and began to walk away. "So as I was saying," Marty continued his rambling, "It doesn't make sense to have so many different sports. Like what kind of interactions can a basketball player have with a soccer player. It just doesn't ma-" But Marty was interrupted again. This time instead of a hand on the shoulder, he was interrupted by a kick to his head, which knocked him down. "Ugh, damnit." Spencer had been the one who kicked him. "Now this is the second time you've called football soccer. I've informed you, and you still disrespect football like that. Now, I'm gonna beat you up for the honor that is football." Marty got up, and took off his book bag. He then curled his hands up into fists. "Bring it, Messi!" Spencer held his hands out. "Wait, before we do. It was unfair of me to kick you from behind. You may hit me once however you'd like to make things even. However, after you do I wi-" But Spencer was cut off by Marty punching him in the face. Spencer was taken aback a bit. "Sheesh, that felt good Steven. Now stand back and watch, Imma have to show you the one two style!" Spencer got into a fighting position, and Steven sat down to text his friends the dorm number. Spencer jumped up and kicked downwards to hit Marty, but Marty dodged. Marty had a smirk on his face, but before Spencer hit the ground again his body spun and kicked Marty in the face. Marty was knocked back, but made sure this time not to fall on the ground. "The name of my signature is Like A Record," Spencer began to explain, "It allows me to spin my body at high speeds." Marty pointed at himself. "My signature is called Lose Yourself. It allows me to turn into a butterfly." Spencer thought to himself. In his head he thought, "How would someone even use that power? I mean, it sounds useless in a fight." Marty threw a punch at Spencer, but Spencer caught it with his hand and spun his body while falling. This made Marty fall to the ground. Spencer quickly got back up, and Marty sprung off the ground to Spencer's back. He was slow to do anything, but tried to punch Spencer in the back of the head. However, Spencer spun around and kicked Marty back to the ground. "Urr...Steven...remember when I told you to watch. Actually...don't do that." Steven knew the reason why. "Because he can't use his power if I'm looking at him…" He thought in his head. Since he had already texted his friends, Steven started recording on his phone, and took out his laptop to look at the different clubs. Marty jumped between Spencer's legs, and as Spencer turned back he saw that Marty wasn't there anymore. Behind Spencer was a blue butterfly, who after flying behind Spencer's head had turned back into Marty. Marty gave Spencer one hard "WHAP!" of a downward hit. Spencer turned around, and spun to hit Marty with his knee. However, as his knee attack connected, Marty used the opportunity to use Lose Yourself. Because Marty was so close to Spencer, Spencer's knee would have to be really close to his own face. Spencer's knee would have blocked Marty from Spencer's vision, because of the visual angle. Because of this, Marty was able to use Lose Yourself, and fly around Spencer. Spencer tried hitting the butterfly, but it was too small for him. He spun downwards to kick the butterfly, but ended up missing and making a dent on the floor. Marty turned into a human behind Spencer's head again, but he had learned. Spencer grabbed Marty's hand, and spun him to the wall. Spencer then dropped onto the ground, with only one hand holding him up. He then began to spin, and as he lost control of where he was spinning towards his legs began to rapidly kick Marty over and over again. Marty was able to grab Spencer by the neck, and punched him in the face. He tried to do it again, but Spencer's head somehow spun to dodge the attack, even though the rest of his body didn't. Spencer then spun the rest of his body to kick Marty away. Marty was pushed back a bit and Spencer fell to the ground. As Spencer got back up, he said "Sorry, it seems I didn't tell you everything about my signature. You see, Like A Record allows me to segment parts of my body to be spun as well." Spencer gave a small snicker. "I'd feel bad about keeping such a crucial part of my signature to myself, but you've done the exact same thing. You never told me that your signature only works when there's no one watching." Spencer then pointed towards Marty. "But now that I've figured that out on my own, there's no way you'll win. I'm sorry to say it, but the fight has concluded." Spencer ran up to Marty and jumped to land a downwards kick on him. Marty blocked the attack with his arms, and Spencer rotated his head backwards to stare at Marty and make sure that he couldn't use his ability. Marty ran around Spencer, but Spencer was quick to rotate his head to watch him as when Spencer began to fall to the ground he put his leg on Marty's back to push himself back upwards. However, as Spencer was getting higher in the air he ended up hitting the ceiling and his momentum came to a halt. As he began to fall back to the ground, Marty punched him in the face. This caused Spencer to fall to ground, and as he stood back up Marty had used Lose Yourself and turned into a butterfly. Spencer was quick to find him, and told Marty, "Well if I keep my eyes on you then you're not much of a threat." He began looking closely at Marty, not letting him get out of his field of vision. Every few seconds, Spencer would try to kick Marty. But he kept missing, and kept making a bunch of dents on the ground. Eventually, Spencer was able to kick Marty, and with the way that his leg was going downwards he was about to completely crush Marty. However, Spencer's foot landed on one of the dents, making a space between his foot and the bottom of the dent. Spencer told Marty, "Look, I said I just wanted to beat you up, not kill you. So I'm gonna restrain myself a bit in completely crushing you, but I still have to let you off with this warning my friend." Spencer then began to push his foot down into the dent, and a crushing sound accompanied this. Spencer had a sigh of relief, and lifted his foot. But what he saw was not an injured blue butterfly, but instead a crushed up piece of paper. Spencer looked confused, "W-where are you…" That question began to answer itself, when Spencer felt a tickling sensation in his shorts. However, before Spencer could even react, the sensation went up to his shirt and it quickly turned from a tickling to a weight. Spencer's shirt was ripped open by Marty, who burst out of it in human form. Using the momentum he gained from flying up there as a butterfly, and his muscles, he gave Spencer a hard punch straight to the chin! Spencer was knocked back by about 4 feet, and he didn't seem to be able to get back up. Marty had gone up Spencer's shorts when Spencer's leg was heading towards the ground. Marty smirked, "Heh, I guess I've won. Hey Steven, what do they call this in so- wait I can't use that word anymore. What do they call this in football?" Steven finally turned around since the battle was over. "I'm pretty sure they just call it a victory." Marty sighed, "That's pretty lame. Lemme come up with a word...uhh...foot neuter, yeah." Steven looked bewildered, and asked "Why would that be a victory?" Marty replied, "Because why would anyone want foot balls?" It took a bit of time to register with Steven, but when it did he laughed a bit. "That's a good one." The two heard a voice behind them. "Why is there a guy with a ripped shirt in front of your dorm, Steven?" When they turned around, they saw Seven standing there and Iris checking out Spencer. "Isn't this that Spencer guy who got like 10 years ahead of us in the race," Iris asked. "Yeah," Marty answered, "It's...it's a long story." Seven laughed a bit, "Well I've got a long story for you too. Well, not me but Iris."