
Chapter 1 page two

Scarlet opened their eyes. They were tired, but they knew if wouldn't be fair if they slept while everyone was slightly excited to escape their now called home. Standing up, they brushed off their clothes and looked at Dr. Harrison.

"We're ready when you are doctor." They said a smile forming on their face. Dr. Harrison smiled and stood up.

"Great, Let's get y'all wonderful items." Dr. Harrison said. "Now, would you like a bigger room to fit everyones items?"

Scarlet looked at her shocked, but nodded fast. "Please, that would be great."

Dr.Harrison smiled and opened the door leading them out. She was happy to finally take care of one go her patient as they should of been in the past. She took this case and a few other serious. She had to, no-one else would. As they walked down the hall, She smiled more. She wanted to help everyone in Venus's System. They been through more pain, and more suffering than any patient here has.

'I want to make them feel at home here since they never really had a home.' Dr. Harrison thought.

Scarlet started to play with their hands as they walked down the hall. They were scared, they haven't seen the world outside the walls of the hospital. None of them have, but they didn't know how to explain it. They were all excited, but the fear resided in their chest. Their chest began to get tight, their vision blurred.Quickly their hands went to their head, pulling tightly at the top of their hair. Tears immediately started to fall, and their knees became weak.

"Scarlet! Are you okay?" Dr. Harrison asked catching them before they hit the ground. "What happened."

"I-i'm scared. W-what if we are called c-crazy? W-what if I-i see our p-parents? T-they p-put us in here." Scarlet said shaking, tears rolling down their face.

"Oh sweetie, Don't think that. You're not crazy, You guys are just a girl with a beautiful mind. And I will handle that situation about your parents if we come across them while we are out."

Scarlet collapsed due to her legs finally giving out on her, Dr. Harrison sat down holding her close. Scarlet closed her eyes, they tried to calm themselves.

"Do I need to host for awhile Scar?" Venus asked in the headspace. Scarlett shook her head then responded. "No, I'm okay. Let's go."

They stood up, staggering trying to hold on to the wall and Dr. Harrison. "Are you going to be able to go?"

Scarlett nodded, "Please, let's just go. I promise I'll tell you if I get discomfort or scared while we are out."

Dr. Harrison held on the them as she nodded. If they said they wanted to do something it wasn't fair to keep them from it. 'I'll protect them' She thought, she felt like she not only had to since they would be with her but that she needed to. Her motherly instincts never really had any real power inside the ward but she felt like it would outside.


They been in the nearest mall which was a hour away from the hospital for a quite few hours. Scarlett made a lot of progress of being out and around groups of people. Although, Scarlet wasn't the only one to host. Dr. Harrison laughed as she remember dealing with their little Micah, who only wanted to play with all the toys at the store they visited. With permission previously from the group, Micah and Dr. Harrison had a special bond. He pulled her hand as he dragged her to the on aisle that had large boxes of lego sets. Although he couldn't have them all, he wanted one. He let go and looked at the one he wanted, he turned toward Dr.Harrison.

"Mommy, can I have it please. I promise to be a good boy the rest of the times." He asked as he fiddled with his hands.

Dr. Harrison smiled and placed a hand on their face. "Yes, as long as you promise to be a very good boy on our way home. If you are, you can build it."

His eyes went wide with glee, "Yes yes. I promise I'll be goods. I is a good boy." He said, his hands clapping. He quickly stopped as he watched her grab it off the shelf. His excitement filled his body causing him to jump up and down. Dr. Harrison finally was able to grab the box and and handed it to him. "Now be careful with it, let put it in the cart and head home okay?"

He nodded and placed it in the cart, forgetting he was in a bigger body he threw it in the cart where it sounded like is crashed and broke. He winced and closed his eyes from the loud noise. Dr.Harrison looked at the car then back at him when her head turn questioning the situation.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too." He said, tears forming in his eyes.

"It's okay honey. You just forgot about your strength." She told him.

"Mommy isn't upset with me?"

"No honey, I'm not."

He hugged her tightly, she wrapped her arms around him and gave a sigh. "Lets get going, don't want you guys to miss your new room."

He nodded and grabbed the cart, holding it tightly as they walked towards the checkout. As they did, voices and footsteps rushed behind them which made them stop.

"Venus?" It was a women's voice, "Venus, is that you?"

Micah looked at Dr. Harrison with tears in his eyes, but just as quickly as they started to cry their face gone blank. Turned numb, letting go of the cart they slightly fell backwards, Dr.Harrison having to move quickly so they didn't hit the floor. Their eyes dull and their face pale. Dr. Harrison looked at them worried, bringing them somewhere they could sit. The women following them, trying to get her attention. After a few minutes of them not speaking or talking they blinked.

"Are you alright." Dr. Harrison asked moving hair out of their face.

They looked at her, then at the women. It was their mother. "What do you want?" They asked, their voice much deeper than normal.

Dr. Harrison sighed, "Austin, please. I understand you're angry but please not here. Let's get you guys home."

"Austin? No, thats my daughter. Venus, listen to me." She started before a hand appeared in front of her face.

"We will not listen to you, we are going home. You didn't want anything to do with us before, do not try here." He said, he turned to Dr. Harrison. "Take us home."

She nodded, grabbing their hand to help them stand. The women pushed Dr. Harrison. "Do not touch my daughter." She said as she touched them.

Austin growled removing her hand off of them. "Do not touch me, or her. We do not want you here bothering us."

The women looked at them bewildered, "Is that anyway to speak to your mother?"

"You are not our mother." Austin said with such power behind his voice. He placed a hand on Dr. Harrison arm and grabbed the cart before walking away quickly.

"Austin, Austin please slow down." Dr. Harrison said out of breathe. Austin stopped, he was breathing heavy. He gripped the cart, turning his head and closing his eyes. "Let's get going, please." He begged.

She nodded, grabbing the cart and walking a little slower than they were before. After going through check-out. Once they finished they went to the car and started their hour drive back to the hospital. Austin stayed quiet, watching out the window. Dr. Harrison tried several times to start a conversation but wasn't sure how to start. Anger filled her chest though, making her clench her hands around the wheel.

"Once we get back home, I will make sure no-one else knows where we are." She said to him

"What do you mean?" He asked turning toward her.

"You are being moved to an outpatient home, my home. Since I am your primary caretaker, you will be moving in with me. But that is your choice."

"Really? Are you allowed to do that?

"I can, but you other providers will come and go when needed but I think you guys deserve your "Own" place that isn't the hospital. We are going there first, to discharge you from the wing, and grab your belongings. Sound good?"

He was in shock, he nodded so she at least had a answer. They were finally leaving the hospital, after so many years, they are finally leaving.

But was it a good idea, that question filled their mind. What if they got too attached and something happens. She was like a second mother to them, and she has helped in several ways. They looked out the window again and closed their eyes imaging their new home. They slowly drifted to sleep a smile grew on their face.