
Scarlet Rose: A Psychopath Among the Elites

Kirisaki Kyouka appears to be an ordinary student of ANHS. However, beneath her captivating beauty and poised demeanor, she conceals a chilling secret. Delve deep into the complex psyche of Kyouka as she navigates the treacherous ANHS. Her carefully crafted facade allows her to blend seamlessly among the elites, observing their desires, weaknesses, and darkest secrets with an unsettling detachment. Yet, with each secret she uncovers, the line between predator and prey begins to blur. As Kiyotaka himself relishes his so-called ordinary life his fate is drawn into Kyouka's twisted mind, witnessing her meticulous planning, manipulative tactics, and the cold-blooded acts she commits in the shadows.

NEET_Alter · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

1st Rose: Rose of Scarlet - Already Revealed?

"To understand the mind of a psychopath is to embrace the darkness within."

Kyouka's POV

"What is equality?"

It was a question that seemed simple enough on the surface, yet its intricacies ran deep within the fabric of society.

Equality was the elusive concept that promised fairness and justice for all. It spoke of a world where every individual had an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background, gender, or social status. But delving deeper into the meaning, I couldn't help but wonder if it was nothing more than an idealistic illusion.

Opening my eyes, I looked at nothing in particular. "To those reading this right now, do you believe in equality?"

I, for one, find it hard to believe in the existence of true equality. Throughout history, we've seen countless examples of inequality, both blatant and subtle, recounting stories of discrimination, prejudice, and systemic barriers that had plagued society for centuries. From the gender pay gap to racial profiling, the world is rife with disparities. How can we claim that equality exists when such injustices persist?

But nevermind that. Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Today, I would strive to leave behind the haunting memories of the past, embracing a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose.

Or so I would like to exaggerate! After all, even in the face of adversity, a little optimism goes a long way! I'm just a normal person like everyone else. I may like to ponder philosophical concepts and pretend to be wise, but deep down, I'm still prone to moments of stupidity and confusion. Nonetheless, today marks a significant milestone in my life.

Today, I embark on a new journey at the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School. ANHS is a school established by the Japanese government to nurture young graduates that will support the country. It boasts a 100% employment and college entry rate, and with thorough, state-directed teaching methods, it spares no effort in pursuing the nation's desired future. And let me tell you, this place is huge! I heard that the campus spans about 600,000 square meters. Can you imagine? That's like trying to fit a thousand sumo wrestlers on a single sheet of paper! Okay, maybe not the best analogy, but you get the idea.

As I sit in the bus on my way to ANHS, I glance at the person beside me, who happens to be wearing the same uniform as me. He's fast asleep, with his brown hair falling gently across his face. I can't help but think he looks kinda handsome, he seems to be the type to be popular immediately. Oh no, did I just think that? Ranking people based on their looks? That's not right, Kyouka! I quickly become flustered, feeling guilty for even considering such thoughts. I mean, who am I to judge someone's popularity based on their appearance? Looks aren't everything, right?

I shift uncomfortably in my seat, trying to distract myself from these silly and judgmental thoughts. I mean, I'm here to focus on my studies and make the most of this opportunity at ANHS, not to get caught up in appearances or popularity contests. I take a deep breath, reminding myself to treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their looks or any preconceived notions I may have.

I suddenly heard a female voice nearby. She politely asks a high school student who was sitting in the priority seating section if he would be willing to give his spot to an old woman standing nearby. I glance in their direction, my curiosity piqued.

To my surprise, the blonde student pompously rejects the request, his voice laced with arrogance. I felt a tinge of disappointment at his behavior. It's disheartening to witness such selfishness, especially when there's someone in need.

I listen intently, realizing that the woman is advocating for the old woman, trying to explain the importance of empathy and consideration. Her voice is firm but composed, and I admire her courage to speak up in the face of arrogance. It's refreshing to see someone standing up for what's right.

A sense of responsibility washes over me. I can't just sit idly by and watch this unfold! I gathered my courage and stood up, getting the attention of the student and the businesswoman. With a polite smile, I hoped for the situation to not escalate any further.

"Excuse me," I say, my voice steady and determined. "I noticed there's an old woman who could really use a seat. Would you mind if I took your place?"

The blonde student looks taken aback, his arrogance momentarily replaced by surprise. The businesswoman smiles warmly, appreciating the gesture. The student hesitates for a moment, seemingly caught off guard by my unexpected intervention. However, it doesn't take long for the blonde student to regain his composure and revert to his arrogant self. He looks at me with a smirk and says, "Fine, I don't mind. Consider yourself blessed to be basked in my presence, Witch of Scarlet."

I did my best not to show that his comment affected me. Goddamn, I wonder what I did to deserve being called that. I've always tried to be kind and considerate, yet here I am, being insulted by a stranger! Hmph! I took a deep breath and reminded myself not to let his words get to me.

In my mind, I mentally label him as nothing more than a blonde braggart. Instead of retaliating with an insult of my own, I decide to maintain my composure. After all, sinking to his level would only give him satisfaction.

I glanced at the old lady and urged her to take my seat, saying, "Please, have a seat. It's no trouble at all." She looked surprised but grateful, thanking me with a smile. I simply nodded in response, feeling a sense of satisfaction that I could help someone in need. Sometimes, it's the small acts of kindness that can make a difference in someone's day.

As I stood inside the bus, I noticed that the boy who had been sleeping beside me had awakened. He had an apathetic expression on his face as he observed the situation. I couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, even more so now that he was awake. My thoughts wandered for a moment, but I quickly shook myself out of them, realizing that it was not the time or place for such distractions.

The boy tilted his head, clearly confused by my actions. If this were an anime, there would probably be floating question marks around him, adding to his cuteness. I chuckled softly to myself, finding his confusion endearing.

Just as I was refocusing my attention, a blonde female student approached me with a warm smile on her face. "Excuse me," she said, "I wanted to thank you for giving up your seat to the old lady earlier. It was really kind of you."

I was taken aback by her words but quickly composed myself. "Oh, it's nothing," I replied, feeling a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. "I'm just happy to help."

The blonde girl extended her hand towards me. "Oh, nice to meet you! I'm Kushida Kikyo," she introduced herself. "I'm placed in Class D."

I couldn't hide my excitement as I realized the coincidence. "What a small world!" I exclaimed. "I'm also from Class D! My name is Kirisaki Kyouka, nice to meet you, Kushida Kikyo-chan!"

Kushida smiled and replied, "You can just call me Kikyo, let's get along!"

I returned her smile, grateful for her friendly gesture. "Alright then, Kikyo, you can call me Kyouka in return. It's nice to meet you too!"

As the bus continued its journey, Kikyo and I started chatting, discovering common interests and sharing stories about our experiences. It was refreshing to meet someone so warm and friendly, especially amidst the bus ride's commotion from earlier.

The bus finally arrived at our new school, I suddenly had a feeling of excitement and nervousness. Kikyo and I gathered our belongings and made our way off the bus, eager to begin this new chapter of our lives. The boy from earlier, with his striking brown hair, caught my attention once again as I noticed the black-haired girl who sat across us on the bus approaching him. Hmm... I wonder what their connection could be, oh well. His silent rizz must have bagged such a beautiful girl.

Turning my focus back to Kikyo, we walked side by side, discussing a topic that fascinated us both. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and I found myself enjoying her company more and more. It was refreshing to have someone so genuine and friendly by my side, especially after the chaotic bus ride earlier.

However, just as we were about to enter the school building, our path was obstructed by a stern-looking guard. He seemed to recognize me and asked, "Are you Kirisaki Kyouka?"

"Yes, I'm Kirisaki Kyouka, what's the problem?" I replied, slightly taken aback by the guard's stern demeanor. Kikyo looked at me with concern, sensing that something might be amiss.

The guard, still maintaining his serious expression says, "A teacher is looking for you. Follow me."

A mix of worry and relief washed over me. I was relieved that it wasn't anything more serious, but I wonder why a teacher was seeking me out.

Suppressing my growing curiosity, I turned to Kikyo and explained, "It's just a relative who works as a teacher here. They probably need something from me. Don't worry, it shouldn't take long."

Kikyo nodded, her expression softening with understanding. "Alright, take care, Kyouka-chan. Let's see each other later in the classroom."

I bid her a farewell with a smile, hoping to reassure her, and then turned my attention back to the guard. Following his lead, I followed him through the school building.

As I walked alongside the guard, I let my eyes wander, taking in the sights and sounds of the school. I noticed a convenience store in one corner, bustling with staff preparing snacks and supplies for the upcoming students. The school seemed to offer a myriad of facilities, catering to the diverse needs of its students.

I made sure to scan everything, my eyes darting from one detail to another. I didn't want to miss a single aspect of this remarkable place. The architecture, the bulletin boards filled with announcements and achievements, the intricate artwork on the walls—it was all a testament to the dedication and creativity of the students and staff.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn to something that sparked an idea within me. It was a realization that could potentially benefit me in the future. With a swift mischievous smirk that I promptly erased from my face, I thought to myself, "Oh, that would certainly work, fufu..."

Our journey through the school eventually led us to a specific room. The guard stopped and gestured for me to enter. I stepped inside, my eyes immediately scanning the room's contents. To my surprise, it was an empty room, devoid of any significant objects or decorations. But then, in the corner, I spotted a figure sitting in a chair.

My blood boiled as I recognized the familiar man. He was in his early thirties, his features twisted into a smile that made my skin crawl. "It's been a while, Kyouka-kun." he greeted me, his voice dripping with false charm.

I clenched my fists, forcing myself to maintain the cheerful facade I had perfected over the years. Inside, my anger surged like a tempest, but I couldn't let him see it. Behind that man's smile, I knew the truth of what a snake he was. His face itself invoked hatred within me.

With a forced smile of my own, I replied, "I must admit, I wasn't expecting to see your misshapen face for the third time, Ruuzaa-sensei." My words were laced with a subtle hint of contempt, though I knew he wouldn't catch it. He was far too self-absorbed to notice the true depth of my animosity.

Ruuzaa-sensei leaned back in his chair, seemingly unfazed by my response. His eyes gleamed with a twisted amusement, as if he relished the power he held over me. "Oh, Kyouka-kun, you always did have a way with words," he chuckled. "But let's not dwell on the past. I'm here to offer you an opportunity, one that could change your life forever."

I scoffed at his audacity. Change my life? He had already done that once, in the most despicable way possible. He had taken advantage of my vulnerability, manipulated me into doing his bidding. I had learned from that experience, and I wasn't about to fall into his trap again.

Keeping my voice steady, I replied, "I'm not interested in any opportunities you have to offer, Ruuzaa-sensei. I've moved on from the darkness you brought into my life."

His smile faltered for a split second, revealing a flicker of annoyance. But just as quickly, he regained his composure. "Kyouka-kun, you've always been the stubborn one," he remarked, his tone dripping with condescension. "But it doesn't change the fact that I'm your owner. I'll be bringing you back to that place."

I clenched my fists, feeling the anger rise within me at his audacity. How dare he underestimate me? How dare he think he still held power over me? With a cheerful gaze, I met his eyes and let a twisted smile creep onto my face, my facade of brightness masking the darkness that simmered within.

"Ruuzaa-sensei, it's cute that you believe you have any control left over me," I retorted, my voice laced with a chilling confidence. "But let me make one thing clear: no matter what you do, you can't bring me back. In fact, it'll be me who sends your sorry ass back to hell where you rightfully belong."

His eyebrows twitched, a mixture of surprise and anger crossing his features. It pleased me to see his composed facade crack, even if just for a moment. I savored the power I held in that instant, revelling in the fear that I could sense lurking behind his eyes.

His confident facade wavered for a moment, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before he regained his composure. He scoffed, a sinister smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Oh, Kyouka, my dear, no matter how you act or how many friends you make, in the end, you'll drive them away. Because deep down, you're nothing more than a mindless monster. And monsters... they deserve to be alone."

"You're right, Ruuzaa," I sneered, emphasizing his name with disdain. "I am a monster. But I'm a monster who'll tear her self-proclaimed master to pieces, and your inevitable downfall will be at my hands."

The air crackled with tension as our gazes locked, both of us locked in a battle of wills. The tension in the air was thick, each moment ticking by like a bomb waiting to explode. Just as the silence between us became almost unbearable, a resounding bell echoed through the room, signaling the end of the entrance ceremony. Ruuzaa's lips curled into a cold smile, his eyes narrowing as he broke our intense gaze.

"Well then, Kyouka," he said, his voice dripping with false cheerfulness, "it's time to head back to class. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day, right?"

I made a psychotic grin at his attempt to regain control of the situation. My fingers clenched around the metal water flask in my bag, my mind filled with the venomous words he had just thrown at me. Without a moment's hesitation, I abruptly cut him off and lunged toward him, my rage fueling every movement.

The flask became a weapon in my hand as I swung it relentlessly at Ruuzaa's face. The metallic thuds rang out, each strike driven by a blast of pent-up fury and years of enduring his bullshit. His confident facade shattered, replaced by a mask of shock and helplessness.

Ruuzaa, caught off guard by my sudden attack, stumbled backward, unable to defend himself against the onslaught. Blood began to trickle from the cuts on his face, but he remained silent, refusing to give me the satisfaction of a reaction.

As I continued my assault, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins ignited a maniacal laughter that bubbled up from deep within me.

"AHA... AHAHAHAHA!!!" I cackled uncontrollably, each strike against Ruuzaa's face fueling the twisted joy that consumed me. The metal water flask I wielded bent and dented under the ferocity of my blows.

Finally, the overflowing fury subsided, and I calmed down, panting heavily. Ruuzaa, his face now beaten beyond recognition, slowly rose to his feet, his voice trembling with a mixture of pain and amusement. Chuckling, he commented, "You're still as ferocious as ever, Kyouka-kun."

In that moment, while others might have been bewildered by Ruuzaa's endurance, I knew the truth behind this phenomenon. Over the years, I had discovered his secret—a secret that allowed him to withstand immense physical punishment.

Ruuzaa utilized a specially designed disposable mask that absorbs 90% of physical trauma. This innovative creation not only protected him from injuries but also concealed his true appearance. The mask was crafted to resemble his original face flawlessly, masking any suspicions that he wore an armor on his entire fucking head. It was a precautionary measure against potential assassinations and ensured his safety in perilous situations. Remarkably, he had even found a way to produce these masks in small quantities for his personal use.

Even to this day I wondered, how had he managed to develop such an advanced piece of technology? And what other secrets did Ruuzaa hold? However, now was not the time for questions.

I watched as Ruuzaa staggered toward a nearby table, his movements labored. With great effort, he reached for his battered mask and removed it, revealing the bruised and bloodied features beneath. The sight was both gruesome and fascinating.

As he replaced his damaged mask with a new one, I felt a rush of satisfaction. Leaning against a wall, I smirked and said, "That's just the down payment. Next time, I'll make sure to pay you in full."

Ruuzaa chuckled, a wheezing sound escaping his lips. "Heh, you always know how to make things interesting. I look forward to our next showdown." he replied, his voice staggered with pain and anticipation.

Turning my attention to a metal water flask on the nearby desk, I reached out and took it, examining it briefly. Ruuzaa's confusion was evident on his battered face. With a mischievous look on my face, I explained, "My own flask got bent and became unusable after smashing it against your face. So, I'll be taking yours as a replacement."

Ruuzaa let out a resigned sigh, his body slumping slightly. "Fine, take it." he muttered, his frustration evident.

With a triumphant smile, I tucked the flask into my bag and gestured towards the exit. "Come on. We're done here, class is starting soon." I said, the tone of finality evident in my voice.

Together, we left the room, the heavy atmosphere of the confrontation dissipating as we moved through the corridors. Though our paths would cross again, for now, the confrontation had reached a temporary resolution. Walking side by side with Ruuzaa, who was actually a second-year class teacher, I made sure to swing my hands cheerfully with a cute and friendly expression. Unbeknownst to anyone else, each swing of my arm caused the metal water flask in my hand to "accidentally" hit Ruuzaa in the face.

As we strolled down the hallway, I noticed the confusion on the faces of the other students witnessing my antics. Their baffled expressions mirrored my satisfaction, knowing that I was getting under Ruuzaa's skin without anyone suspecting a thing. It was my secret way of retaliating against him and to rub more salt from the beating he had received from me earlier.

Despite his high pain tolerance, I could tell that Ruuzaa was more than annoyed by my constant barrage of "accidental" hits. His attempts to hide his frustration only fueled my delight. With each accidental blow, he clenched his jaw, refusing to give me the satisfaction of a reaction. It was clear that he didn't want to escalate our ongoing hatred for each other any further, at least not in front of the other students.

Finally reaching the Class D classroom, I slowed down my pace, but not before giving one final swing of my arm, ensuring that the flask grazed Ruuzaa's cheek. He shot me a glare, his eyes burning with suppressed anger, but he quickly regained his composure and grinned at me as he left without uttering a word.

I stood in front of the classroom door, a surge of curiosity washing over me. Just as I was about to open it and join my fellow classmates, my acute hearing caught snippets of an intriguing conversation from within. My ears perked up, and I discreetly leaned closer to eavesdrop.

A gasp escaped from someone's lips, followed by a hushed silence. The words echoed in my mind, and a sinister grin formed on my lips. "Hoh? Now isn't that interesting..." I muttered to myself, my voice barely audible.


Kiyotaka's POV

I sat in my seat, my gaze fixed on the front of the classroom where Chabashira-sensei stood. Her voice echoed through the room as she explained the rules and workings of our school. The point system, the guidelines—it was all information I became familiar with. But it seemed my classmates were quite excited about the large sum of money they received as their allowance from the school.

My eyes briefly shifted towards Horikita, my seatmate, who was attentively listening to Chabashira-sensei. I couldn't help but observe her, but she noticed my gaze and shot me a look, as if silently asking, no, commanding me to stop staring at her. I sighed inwardly, knowing it was best to avert my attention elsewhere.

That's when I noticed the only vacant seat in the classroom, situated beside Kushida. I had seen her earlier on the bus, chatting with a scarlet-haired girl who had introduced herself as Kirisaki Kyouka. It piqued my curiosity. Where could she be as of this crucuial moment?

With a barely audible mutter, I pondered, "What happened to that girl?" My words were a quiet reflection of my interest in the scarlet-haired girl, well more like curiosity instead of genuine interest.

That's when Chabashira-sensei's voice cut through the air, interrupting my thoughts. "Before we end today's homeroom, I have an important announcement to make." she declared, capturing the attention of the entire class. Her stern expression hinted at the seriousness of her words.

"As you all know, our school takes pride in providing a safe and inclusive environment for all students," Chabashira-sensei began, her voice carrying a tone of gravity. "However, due to unique circumstances, we have accepted a student with a rather peculiar background."

"The student in question is a psychopath." Chabashira-sensei drops the bomb.

The classroom fell into a stunned silence, as everyone processed the unexpected news. Whispers began to spread, and anxious glances were exchanged among the students. Chabashira-sensei's stern expression remained unwavering as she continued.

"Let me address your concerns," she said firmly. "I understand that this announcement may come as a shock, and I want to assure you all that the school has taken extensive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of our students."

Ike, known for his outspoken nature, voiced the concerns that were likely shared by many. "What the hell is the school doing, Sensei!?" he cried out. "Are you telling us that we have to deal with a psychopath among us? This is insane!"

The tension in the classroom heightened, and Yamauchi chimed in. "This is reecdickolous! Is the school willing to be held responsible if something happens!?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

"It's "ridiculous" you porn addicted freak." A student spoke up and Yamauchi lowers his head in shame after some of his classmates laughed at him.

Chabashira-sensei raised her hand, signaling for everyone to quiet down. "I understand your fears and concerns," she replied, her voice firm but measured. "Let me make it clear that the decision to admit this student was not taken lightly. The school administration, along with professionals in the field, have conducted thorough evaluations and risk assessments."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "The student in question will be observed closely. We have implemented additional security measures to ensure the safety of all students. Rest assured, the utmost care will be taken to prevent any harm. I implore each and every one of you to treat this student with respect and understanding. While their actions may differ from societal norms, it is our responsibility to provide them with an environment that fosters growth and rehabilitation."

Hirata, feeling the need to satiate his classmates' curiosity, raised his hand. Chabashira-sensei nodded in acknowledgment and said, "Yes, Hirata, you may ask your question."

Hirata cleared his throat and asked, "Sensei, if it's not too much to ask, could we at least know the identity of our unique schoolmate?"

Chabashira-sensei sighed lightly. "I believe you all have the right to know. The student in question is none other than your classmate, Kirisaki Kyouka."

The revelation struck the classroom like a bolt of lightning. The shock on everyone's faces was not because they knew Kirisaki personally but rather because they had no idea that the psychopath was their classmate all along. In that moment, a series of thoughts raced through my mind, making everything fall into place. It made sense why Kirisaki was never seen in the classroom. I silently speculated on the reasons behind her absence.

As I glanced around the room, my eyes met Kushida's, and I noticed a look of pure astonishment on her face. Clearly, she hadn't expected her newly made friend to turn out to be someone with such a dark reputation. It was a startling realization, one that left Kushida feeling vulnerable and betrayed.

Hirata, in a desperate need to understand the truth, mustered up the courage to ask again. With a tremor in his voice, he asked, "Sensei, how severe is Kirisaki-san's condition? What has she done?"

Chabashira-sensei's stern gaze softened momentarily as she looked at Hirata. She sighed and replied, "I have gathered some evidence that should speak for itself." With a serious expression, she reached into her bag and pulled out a folder, placing it on her desk.

She continued, her voice low, "However, I must caution you all that the contents of this folder are sensitive. They depict the extent of Kirisaki's actions and the harm she has caused." Chabashira-sensei opened the folder slowly, revealing a series of disturbing photographs.

The images displayed Kirisaki covered in blood, her face twisted into a sinister smile. In each picture, she held different weapons, ranging from knives to blunt objects, as if relishing the pain she had inflicted. The following photographs showed the victims of Kirisaki's horrifying actions, their fate left in the hands of the mentally ill individual.

Gasps of shock rippled through the classroom as the true extent of Kirisaki's darkness was laid bare. Students exchanged horrified glances, some turning away unable to stomach the gruesome scenes. Hirata's mind raced, struggling to reconcile the wonderful classmate he thought he could have with the monster depicted in the photographs.

"Oh, that sure is scary, huh?" Amidst the tense atmosphere, a soothing voice suddenly cut through the air.

Everyone was shocked, their eyes falling on the source of the voice. Sitting beside Kushida was the missing scarlet-haired girl I noticed earlier. My eyes widened by a small fraction from genuine suprise as I didn't see her enter the classroom nor even notice her presence, but my expression quickly became neutral.

It was at that split second that I noticed Kirisaki's eyes suddenly looking at me, darkness present in them and a wide, psychotic grin spread across her face. Before I could process it fully, her expression reverted back to a nonchalant innocent smile as she gazed at my horrified classmates.

In that brief moment, my thoughts raced. "Huh? Did she just... there's no way, right?" I couldn't shake the eerie feeling that something was off about Kirisaki other than her being mentally ill.

The fear and shock on Kushida's face were palpable as she remained speechless. In a trembling voice, Kushida managed to utter, "K-K-Kirisaki-san?"

The room fell silent, a heavy weight of fear gripping everyone present. The psychopath in question had somehow made her way inside the classroom, sending shivers down the spines of those nearby. Some girls squealed in fear, while the students who were situated close to Kirisaki hurriedly stood up, scrambling to put as much distance between themselves and her as possible.

Kirisaki, seemingly unaffected by the chaos she had just caused, wore an innocent smile on her face. Her gaze swept across the classroom, taking in the terrified expressions of her classmates. Then, with mock surprise, she asked, "Huh? What's wrong, everyone?"

Word Count: 4760 (A/N Not included)

Hallo, this is my first COTE fanfic, but not the first book I've ever written. What do you guys think?

Trivia regarding my OC:

Her name's meanings are:

Kirisaki (切り裂き) - Literally means "slasher"

Kyouka (狂歌) - Evokes a sense of madness or obsession with poetry.

As for her appearance, she's literally Baobhan Sith from Fate/Grand Order lmao.

As for when I'll upload the next chapter, idk tbh my schedule is fucked, but here's the summary

Scarlet Rose Ch. 1 - Complete

Yugioh! Zexal The Supreme King Dragon's Advent Ch. 7 (Final Chapter of 1st ARC) - ongoing

R18 Neet's Lemon Collection (diff characters) 1st Ch. - not yet started

And I'm preparing for my academy's results (I'll be staying there and I heard they don't allow phones in there.) I'll be back by September 1 or so, but no promises wether I'll write anything by that time.

Anyways, that's about it. Ya Local Neet out.