
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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The news of the Metalloids' return echoed across the city like a symphony of excitement. Every news outlet wanted a piece of the action, their reporters swarming the venue where the superhero group was set to be welcomed back to Earth.

Cameras flashed, capturing the grandeur of the event. Journalists jockeyed for position, microphones at the ready. The anticipation was palpable as the Metalloids emerged, their iconic suits gleaming under the spotlight.

A press conference was promptly organized, the heroes taking their places behind a row of microphones. Lady Aura, the stoic leader, faced a barrage of questions about their space missions. She eloquently detailed their experiences, the challenges they faced, and the successes they achieved in the cosmic arena.

When Cupid was handed the microphone, the tone took a playful turn. Grinning mischievously, he fielded questions about his extraterrestrial adventures with a charismatic flair. "Well, you know," he began with a wink, "flying through the cosmos has its perks. The alien ladies can't resist this face." Laughter erupted from both the journalists and his fellow Metalloids.

Ferric and Pitch Blade maintained a more serious demeanor, their responses reflecting a sense of duty. They spoke of their commitment to protecting the galaxy, emphasizing that their brief Earthly visit was a respite before returning to their cosmic responsibilities. The weight of their words carried the gravity of interstellar duty, and the journalists nodded solemnly, respecting the heroes' sense of purpose.

As the press conference concluded, the celebration shifted into a grand party. The Metalloids, having spent months in the cold expanse of space, were now surrounded by the warmth of camaraderie and gratitude. The night buzzed with laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses.

Eventually, the revelry began to wind down, and each member of the Metalloids bid farewell to their Earthly hosts. The heroes departed, ready to rest and recharge before their intergalactic endeavors resumed.

Zede, still processing the excitement of the day, headed home. However, the jubilant atmosphere surrounding the Metalloids' return suddenly shifted as he approached his house. Sitting by the gate was Harris, his friend from Rubik's high school, looking visibly distressed.

"Harris, what happened? Why are you sitting here like this?" Zede asked, genuine concern etching his features.

Harris looked up, a mixture of relief and anxiety on his face. "Zede, I'm glad you're here. It's Dahlia, she's missing. I don't know what to do."

The news of Dahlia's disappearance instantly overshadowed the recent celebration. Zede's excitement turned into a resolve to help a friend in need. As the city quieted down after the Metalloids' welcome, a new mystery unfolded, demanding Zede's attention and collaboration with Harris to unravel the truth behind Dahlia's vanishing act.