
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
95 Chs


The night was shrouded in darkness as Beowulf Harley, the notorious werewolf patriarch, navigated his way towards the sprawling complex of the PEN association. The echoes of his recent escape from prison lingered in the air, a testament to the cunning and ferocity that defined him. His destination held more than just the remnants of a business empire; it was a symbol of his ambitions and the legacy he sought to reclaim.


As Beowulf approached the association, he shifted into his formidable werewolf form. His muscles rippled beneath fur-covered skin, and his predatory eyes glowed with an intensity that spoke of both power and malice. The moon cast an eerie glow on his monstrous silhouette, creating an unsettling image that would send shivers down the spines of anyone who crossed his path.


Silently, he prowled through the shadows until he reached Oliver's room. The door swung open with a forceful crash, announcing Beowulf's intrusion into the haven of his elder son. Oliver, immersed in the mundane comfort of an evening TV session with his newfound girlfriend, Elenor, was caught off guard by the abrupt entrance.


The atmosphere in the room shifted as Beowulf's towering figure loomed over the scene of domestic tranquility. Elenor, gripped by fear, retreated to the safety of the bed, her eyes wide with terror as she witnessed the unfolding confrontation between father and son.


Oliver, initially perplexed, rose to confront the intruder. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice tinged with both defiance and confusion.


Beowulf, reveling in the tension he had instigated, replied with a low growl, "It's me, son. Your Dad."


Oliver's eyes narrowed with skepticism, disbelief etching lines on his face. "My dad is dead," he retorted, a surge of anger coursing through him.


The room erupted into chaos as Oliver, unable to reconcile the monstrous form before him with the memory of his deceased father, unleashed a powerful punch at the werewolf. The clash was visceral, the sounds of the struggle reverberating through the room as the father and son engaged in a ferocious battle, their supernatural abilities amplifying the intensity of the conflict.


Elenor, caught in the crossfire, could only watch in horror as the room transformed into an arena of destruction. The werewolf's roars mixed with Oliver's defiant shouts, creating a symphony of chaos that mirrored the fractured relationship between father and son.


Amidst the tumult, Beowulf's attention turned to Elenor, who, in a desperate attempt to escape the unfolding nightmare, rushed towards the door. With swift agility, Beowulf intercepted her, his claws grazing her neck, a sinister threat hanging in the air.



"Oliver," Beowulf bellowed, his voice carrying a venomous edge, "give up the title of leader. This empire belongs to me."


Beowulf Harley, in his werewolf form, confronted his elder son Oliver in a climactic battle that would redefine the course of their fractured family. Amidst the chaos, Beowulf inquired about Harris, the younger son who had been strategically removed from the family business. Oliver, with a mix of defiance and bitterness, revealed that he had cunningly ousted Harris, denying him his rightful share of the family property.


The revelation further fueled Beowulf's anger, and in a heart-wrenching display of his transformed emotions, he mercilessly took the life of Elenor, Oliver's girlfriend. The room, once a haven of peace, became a battleground where love and hatred clashed with brutal intensity.


Witnessing the lifeless form of Elenor, Oliver was consumed by a surge of rage. The father and son, now transformed into werewolves, engaged in a supernatural showdown that echoed through the room. The clash reached its zenith as Oliver, overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, delivered a fatal blow, smashing Beowulf's head with a massive iron chest.


The aftermath of the brutal confrontation was met by the arrival of Oliver's assistant, a silent observer privy to the intricate web of family history. Oliver, burdened by the consequences of his actions, turned away from the scene, leaving the cleanup to his assistant. The room, now scarred by the echoes of familial strife, bore witness to the cost of severed bonds and the irrevocable changes that had befallen the Harley empire.


As Oliver left the room, the weight of his decisions hung heavy in the air. The legacy of the Harley family had been forever altered, leaving behind a tale of bloodshed, betrayal, and the price paid for a claim to power within the tumultuous dynamics of the family business.


(At Zede's house)

The night unfolded in Zede's house, the atmosphere filled with a mix of anticipation and concern. Zede, having learned about the distressing situation Harris found himself in, decided to gather his friends for support. As Kylan joined them in Zede's room.


Zede invited Harris to share his story, to unburden the weight he had carried alone for too long.


Seated together, Harris began to recount the unsettling narrative of his recent past. He described how his elder brother, Oliver, had orchestrated a cruel plot to strip him of his rightful share in the family's property. With a mixture of frustration and pain, Harris unveiled the details of how Oliver had employed deceitful means, fabricating documents to force him out.


Kylan, Diego, and Zede listened intently, absorbing the shock of the revelation. The camaraderie among them transformed into a circle of shared understanding and empathy. The room echoed with a collective sigh as they comprehended the depth of betrayal woven into the fabric of familial bonds.


Zede, sensing the weight on Harris's shoulders, offered a comforting gesture. He fetched a warm cup of coffee and handed it to Harris, along with a soft blanket. With a reassuring smile, Zede said, "Take your time, Harris. We're here for you. No need to worry about anything tonight. You're among friends, and we've got your back. Let's ease the burden together."


Harris, appreciating the genuine support, took a sip of the coffee and wrapped the blanket around himself. In the quiet of the room, the soothing aroma of the coffee mingled with a sense of camaraderie. Zede, Kylan, and Diego shared a calming conversation, steering away from the weighty topics to create a space of respite for Harris. The night unfolded as a sanctuary of friendship, providing solace in the face of familial turmoil.


In the warmth of friendship and shared understanding, the night continued, offering a glimmer of hope amid the shadows of betrayal.